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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1954)
Vets Carry Swim Hooes Oregon's vn i Hit y swimming chances thin year an* pinned on the hope* of four returning let termen and mix talented but un tried sophomores. The nucleus of the squad is composed of Benlors Harry Ful ler and Phil Lewie, both three year let ter men, and Juniors Jer ry Froe he and Yojl Matsushima, one-year men. Veteran* I’laee Tn the Northern Division ehnm plonshlp laat year, Fuller, a dis tance man, placed in the 1000 meter, 220 and 440 yard free style*, as did le wis in the 100 end 400 yard freestyle. Frocbe placed in the 440 and 400 yard tree-style and Matsushima took a sixth In the 220 yard free style. Coach John Borehardt is rely ing on his untried sophomores to fill in and add depth to the squad. Boh liays, Jean Bowies, and I’hil Richter are fighting for top spots In the 100 und 200 yard breast stroke. Dave Earle has oeen concentrating on the 100 and 400 yard frec-styie, and Jim England has been working on the backstroke. Transfer .May Help Another good prospect is How- ■ ard Hcdlnger, a transfer from M<nlo J.C. Hcdlnger holds the 40 yard free-style national prep record. i One of the biggest problems,! according to Borchardt, Is the la<Qt of a capable diver. Am a whole, the team lacks depth, an ever-present problem for Oregon swimming squads. Four Fraternities Record Pin Wins In bowling action Tuesday Del ta Upsilon, 'I'au Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma and Theta Chi rolled to easy wins. The DU’s won handily from Pi Kappa Alpha by a 4-0 score. Tau Kappa Epsilon rolled over Sigma Chi by a 3-1 margin. Pat Eaton led the winners with a high single of ISO and a high triple of 476. Phi Kappa Sigma won 4-0 at the expense of Alpha Tau Ome ga, as Sam Sorenson paced the winners with a high triple of 544. Art Weatherford led Theta Chi to another victory, this time by 3-1 over lambda Chi Alpiha. Borcher Resumes Basketball Drills Oregon » basketball squad went Into its second week of practice Monday and Tuesday as drills continued for the season's open er with Santa Clara Dec. 3. The team split Into two groups Tuesday to allow Coach BdJ Borcher to give better attention to individual players. The after noon session was attended most ly by veterans on the team while the night practice was devoted to the sophomores out for this year's Duck five. Scrimmage Kun Borcher ran the team through its first scrimmage of the sea son last Friday to practice plays learned during the first week's lessons. Tuesday* he began work ing the two groups on fast breaks from jump balls and free throw rebounds, while continu ing to emphasize tip-ins to the big men and control of the boards In general. A prospective all-veteran first team is beginning to shape up as a result of drills held so #far, in which Borcher has continually tested his sophomores in hopes of finding outstanding first-year men to round out the varsity. Varsity Works A team composed of Jim Los cutoff, Max Anderson, Ray Bell, Howard Page and Jerry Ross, all former Duck lettermen, has worked together conaistently. Meanwhile, Freshman Coach Don Kirsch has also been work ing his squad of more than 20 ex-high school cagers to get them acquainted with the Ore gon fast-break and screen sys tem. Since the Frosh are lim ited to a season of 10 games by Coast conference rules, their sea rj£)htincti l aircu llin 9 Vun9 U We'll Give You a Just-Right for the campus look GOLDEN'S for Beauty 29 W. 11th ' , Phone 4-4243 Open Evenings by appt. non will not begin until January j 10. when they play the prelimin ary game to the Oregon-WSC1 game here. IM Schedule Wednesday 3:50 Sigma Nu A vs. Sigma Chi i A, court 40. Delta Upsllon A vs. Chi Psi A, court 43. 4:35 Alpha Tati Omega A vs. ; Tail Kappa Epsilon, court 40. Theta Chi A vs. Kappa Sigma A. court 43. 5:15 Hale Kane A vs. Campbell Club A, court 40. Nestor Hall A vs. Cherney Hall A, court 43. Order of O Meets The Order of the O will meet at noon today at Phi Delta The ta. Final Homecoming arrange ments will be the main topic on the agenda. Casanova Voted To Shrine Game Coaching Staff Oregon Football Coach Len Casanova will be one of the as sistant coaches of the West team in thin year's East-West Shrine game in San Francisco. Casanova's selection was an nounced Monday by the Northern California Football Writers as w<ciulion. The writer* also se lected Lynn O. (Pappy) Waldorf of California as head coach of the West squad, and Eddie Price of Texas as the other a-sistant. coach. Waldorf will also he assisted In an advisory capacity by Chuck Taylor of Stanford, who was head coach of the victorious West squad last year. Waldorf was named to replace Jess Hill of USC. whose team will he playing in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day. East coaches for the Shrine classic will be Eddie Anderson of Holy Cross, Benny Ooster ban of Michigan and Bobby Dodds of Georgia Tech. Varsity, Frosh Hold Practice Both varsity and freshman football tr-ams kept at the prac tice grifid Tuesday afternoon in preparation for their respective weekend games with Washing ton State and the Oregbn State Rooks. Assistant Coaches Vem Sterl ing and Jack Roche put the Ducks through a session involv ing the "cup’’ type of pass pro tection and also regular line and backfield maneuvers. The entire team participated in a dummy scrimmage and later a fullnjJress scrimmage with George Shaw directing the activ ity against the reserves. Bill Hammer sent his Duck lings through similar drills, and ran his kickoff men and field goal experts in their specialties, with offensive patterns occupy ing the remainder of the work out. CLASSIFIEDS Omega hall freshites in plight! Wanted: Any man who has voice talents. No. we don't want singers -we u»ant some one who can imitate Donald Duck in a loud, clear voice. Willing to pay for services ren dered. Anyone interested please call Dean Hedlund, Ext. 496. 11-9-tf For Sale: '49 Ford Convertible, R and H, Overdrive, and other extras. Ph. 3-4278. 11-10 Sig Eps Record Volleyball Win Kigma Phi Epsilon took an other volleyball victory Tuesday afternoon as they defeated Sig ma Alpha Epsilon. 15-5 and 15-8. The first, game wan all Sig Ep, an they ran up ten points before SAE even threatened to score. The second game was a tight affair, with the Stg Bps i leading only 8-7 until they put on their final game clinching i ally. Holt* Triumph Delta Tan Delta continued its winning ways in intramural vol leyball action yesterday with easy J5-© and 15-3 wins over Pi Kappa Phi. The Dell* were never pressed as they used good teamwork to defeat the Pi Kaps Betas Take Forfeit Pi Kappa Alpha again failed to show up for thetr volleyball game as they forfeited to Beta Theta Pi. Read Kmeraid ( la^sifieds WHY Pay a Penalty for Being Under 25? If you are married, you can now have public Irability and property damage autor-msurance with one of the finest com panies in the West for $15.20 per 6 months. You can also save up to 33% on collision and comprehen sive. Don't throw your money away. Get the facts. Jerry Brown Agent Ret. Pf>. ♦-W57 '/ttcHjf/ower HOME OFFICE IN SEATTtE 962 OAK, EUGENE PH. 4-9444 Let Us CHAM Your Clothes for Homecoming 821 E. 13th Ph. 5 6321 : I Homecoming SIGNS George (Class of '37), and Bilf (Class of '43), have com plete stocks of the necessary materials tc buiid those attractive signs — Let us grads serve you! • LUMBER • KRAFT PAPER • PLYWOOD • BEAYER BOARD • WIRE NETTING • NAILS AND SCREWS • PAINTS “Sh-Boont-Hello, Hello Again" ScLr/j Twin Oaks Builders Supply Co. “For All Your Building Needs” 669 High Street Phene 4-3248 CLOSED - NOVEMBER 11th - ARMISTICE DAY