Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school ye. except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univc •ity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter fet the post office, Eugene. Oregon. Su script ion rates: (5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do not pretend t represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are writtt by the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. JOE GARDNER. Editor JEAN SAN DINE, Business Matujjjp _ DICK LEWIS, JACKIE WARDELL, Associate Editors PAl 1 KEEI E, Managing Editor P(5X \ A K\ \ I*! K»>. \ - M JERRY HARRELL, New, Editor_ GORDON RlCExports Edito t hief Desk Editor: Sally Kvan Chief Makeup Editor: Sam Vahey Feature Editor: Dorothy Her Ass|t. Managing Editor: Anne Ritchey Ass’t. News Editors: Mary Alice Allen, Anne^ Hill, Bob Robinson Chief Night Editor: Valerie Hersh Ass’t. Sports Editor: Buzz Nelson Office Manager: Bill Mainwaring Nat’l. Adv. Mgr.: Mary Salazar Circulation Mar.: Kick Hayden Asa*t. Office Mgr.: Mar^e Harmon Layout Manager: Dick Koe Classified Adv.: Helen R. Tohnson Morgue Editor: Kathleen Morrison Woman’s Page Co-editors: Sally Jo Greig Marcia Mauney All These Traditions A favorite pastime on campus is devising new traditions Every year since we were freshmen somebody lias come uj with one or two new traditions to enforce. Now this, we suppose, is fine. Every campus should hav< traditions—they add spirit to celebrations such as Homecom ing and Junior Weekend. But we’ve always wondered about these new traditions that spring up. Webster defines tradition as "Something handed down from the past; an inherited culture, attitude, etc.” So how can you make up traditions each year? Some how it just doesn’t make too much sense. However, it is fun and we won’t complain too strenuously There's something else about these traditions that alway> puzzles us. That's their enforcement. The Order of the C declares each year at Junior Weekend and Homecoming that they will enforce traditions. Sometimes they have. But more often either the whole thinj; is ignored or ^lse everybody gets tossed in Fenton pool. It doesn’t make a bit of difference, once an inquisition gets going, if a freshman girl has worn her green ribbon every day. said hello on hello walk and kept off the senior bench—if she’s cute, in she goes. (We’re still not too sure where the senior bench is; and if anyone ever sits on it.) We wonder what the procedure will be this year. Will traditions be printed and then cheerfully ignored? The total number has grown so that it’s getting difficult to remember them all—maybe just forgetting the whole thing . would be best. Or will they all be rigidly enforced with violators—and most everybody ‘else—being dunked or paddled or given whatever the punishment is this year.—(J.W.) Hello, Mr. Casanova msr “Well, well, if It ain't oar coach!” Eugene Jaycees Sponsor Tourney The Eugene junior chamber of commerce will revive their an nual table tennis tournament Nov. 21 after an eight year lapse Since their last city-wide tour ney. Scheduled for the main floor of the Eugene armory, the one day match is opened to boys, juniors, men and veterans, singles and doubles. Women are eligible to play singles or doubles. All entries must be in to the JCC in the Eugene hotel by No vember 19. Entry fees are 25 cents for each event of the women’s and junior events and one dollar for men. Further information may be obtained from the JCC office, Eugene hotel or Phil Gilbertson, 950 Park avenue. 'Moonlight Girl' Title Goes to Rosalie Todd NAMED 1954 MOONLIGHT Girl of I'hi Sigma Kappa Saturday night was Rosalie Todd, Kappa Kappa Gamma's candidate. Announcement was made at the fraternity's annual Carnation Ball. Other finalists In the contest acre: Charlotte Schmidt, Hendricks; Judy Duffy, Susan Campbell; Jo Ann Cowart, Chi Omega, and Barbara Hogard, Alpha I'hl. Rosalie Todd, sophomore in, liberal arts, was named Moon-1 light Girl of Phi Sigma Kappa j Saturday night. Miss Todd was the candidate of Kappa Kappa Gamma. She was chosen from a field of five finalists. Other finalists were Charlotte Schmidt, Hendricks; Judy Duffy, Susan Campbell; Jo Ann Cowart, Chi Omega, and Barbara Hogard, Alpha Phi. Miss Todd was the guest of honor at the fraternity's annual Carnation Ball Saturday night. This is the eighth year that Phi Sigma Kappa has chosen a Moonlight Girl on campus. Kvery two years, one of the two most recent winners is entered by the chapter in the nationwide Moon light Girl contest. Last year's Moonlight Girl was Joyce Bearden, Alpha Phi. Campus Briefs • 0 The University Insurance society will meet today at 8 p.m. in the Student Union. 0 YWCA Cabinet will meet at noon today in Gerlinger. All freshman commission presidents are urged to attend. 0 The Hillel foundation bi weekly meeting will be held in the Student Union tonight at 7. Campus Calendar 9:00 Oregana Picture Sales Checkrm SU Homecoming Button Sales Terrace 1st FI 12:00 Mortar Bd 110 SU French Tbl 111 SU 4:00 SU Bd 337 SU 6:30 SU ASUO Scrng 315 SU 7:00 Hillel 112 SU 7:30 Phi Eps Kap , 110 SU Brs Rm Lect 201 SU Rally Sqd 334 SU Folk & Sq Dance East Gym PE 8:00 APO 213 SU YM Mbrshp 215 SU U of O Ins Soc 315 SU Read Emerald Classifieds Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 E. S. Pomeroy. acting head of the history department, will be guest speaker at the meeting. • Movie Committee will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. in room 302 of the SU. Chairman JoAnn Rogers ref|uest.s all members to be present. • The regular meeting of the student traffic court, originally scheduled for Wednesday mght at 7 p.m. has been postponed un til next Wednesday at the same time. Beverly O'Connor Sig Ep Swamp Girl Beverly O’Connor, uponnorod by Delta Gemma, wan announced an the Sigma Phi ICpmlon "Swamp Girl" of 1W>4 Saturday night at the fraternity’* necond annual "Swamp Stomp." Other < nndidateN were Sally Hoy, Gamma Phi Beta; Marlene Harper, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Lorraine Hay, Chi Omega, mid Hue Jewett, Carnon 4. Each of the five finallatK wan presented with a gold neeklare and the "Swamp Girl" received a trophy which wa« awarded by laat year’* "Hwamp Girl," Shar on Snyder, Pi Beta Phi. FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS XumtMTf tin* candidate* hc« fording »«, ,nJr preference fr*»m I toward* .14 lot a* many An you wieh t, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, ?, K. *#, , h ( ) liooth, lliun, I l‘rrmlfn|) ( ) I Cyder, iJHck, (Crroiilrnt) ( ) Ijnddioticr, Chiilff, (hr»u|ri)| ( ) Lynch, Jim. (President) ( ) Morrell, P *le»i II , (President) ( ) Porter, Pick. President) ( ) Pruitt. Hick, (President) ( ) Mira. J«>ltM, f President) ( ) Sl|Ulir«, Ski;*, t Pfr*,der»l ) ( ) Speer. TIvhiu* M , (President) ( ) St*l>le*, |ltc*k, PrrwUlenU ( ) $|«ti«rd. Ilitl. f President I ( ) A Urn, 1 (Krpre*eut»tivr) ( ) Hajema. lak, (Representative) ( ) Mine, le»i» S, ( Krprnnitiii.vr I ( ) t arter. Jmir*. (Knaneuuihr) ( ) ( luiliuii. John, dUyirwaUitire) ( ) Cowrn. < Kafir* K . < Representative ) ( ) Fafk, CrnwHl, < Representative f ( ) Kritiiiiin, Hetty, (Krtitntnutiu) ( ) |ltL*nd>, Jim. ( Representative) ( ) Hir*ch, Jerry, (RftaMfnUiier) ( ) Mogrrti'ti, Nancy, dtrymenativt) | ) juhnmn, Myrtle. I Representative j ( ) Kennedy, Connie, Rtyratniitivo ( ) KtAiH, J««*n. iRrfffrieriUtiiri j ) Mifitwi, Nancy, (RtfmmtM^t) t ) Vtedk/tdi. Wayne, (Rryie»ft>t*ilrtr) ( ) Peek. I)un, ( Representative ) ( ) Rimritk, Joan J Hn>!f>rnii!iK) < ) RfrtiHi yal. Ilian*. < Rcptnctiaiivc) I ) Roy, lid*, i krplcMlilalitn ( ) SHaw, Nancy. (krptneWiilivr) ( ) Walcott, Sunn, Repirwatiln'l GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE & umber ihe «inlnUi« •cctadmE to r preference from I toward* 4. for a* ma y ! a* you wt«h I, 2, 3, 4 ( ) Klkinlot), Virgil R ( ) Rnlirttwin, Jnr»ic» H ( ) Whitty. Jf Hn WiHani YOUR PIN INCLUDES DiMHwmbling, Adjusting Cleaning, New ink Sac Hn*. A £ Skeie's s&n Stampi . * Je welry?7 Store SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. —ta . P. DAILV & SUNDAYS. TILL 11:00 M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 I GIANT WATER SLIDE FREE CAMPFIRE NIGHTS WED. & THURS. Winter S\A/IAA Schedule Mon. & Tues. - Private Parties - Phone for Reservations Wed. & Thur. - 7 to 10 - Campfire Nights w!TnC *r“U"? ou* 8'f’’ *'**n«l fireplace in our spacious lounge. Bring your own er» & trimming.. We furnish fire t .ticks. We .ell nothing but swimming. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 7 io A 7 ♦«. 11 $un> _ i to 6