STUDENT ACTIVITIES LISTED Freshmen Seek Presidency On First Separated Ballot Twelve freshmen are seeking their class presidency in the first year of the split ballot since the present ASUO constitution was adopted. Following is a list of the candidates, their campus and high school activities.: Brian Booth Brian Booth is a graduate of Roseburg high school. He was student body president, editor of the high school paper and a member of the National Honor Society. At the University, Booth holds office as president of French Hall and is on the Inter-dormitory council. Charles Landskroner Charles Landskroner graduat ed from Eugene high school. He played baseball and football for Eugene. Landskroner attended EHS only one year, but worked actively on various high school committees. Jim Lynch A graduate of Lakeview high school, Jim Lynch was student body vice-president his junior year and president his * senior year. He was a member of the National Honor society. At the University, Lynch holds the of fice of vice-president of Nestor hall. John Shea John Shea is from Palo Alto. Calif. In high school he was pres ident of the student council and a member of the student court. Shea is on the SU publicity com mittee. Bob Morrell Bob Morrell graduated from high school at Lewiston, Idaho. He was a member of the stu ASUO Ballot for FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Number the candidates according to your preference from 1 towards 34 for as many as you wish—1. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,. . .34. ( ) Booth, Brian', (President) ( ) Hyder. Dick, (President) ( ) Landskroner, Charles, (President ( ) Lynch, Jim, (President) ( ) Morrell. Robert H., (President) ( ) Porter, Dick, President) ( ) Pruitt, Dick, (President) ( ) Shea, John, (President) ( ) Squires, Skip, (President) ( ) Speer, Thomas M., (President) ( ) Stables. Dick, President) ( ) Stanard. Bill, (President) ( ) Allen, Doris, (Representative) ( ) Bajema, Dale, (Representative) ( ) Blue, Lewis S. (Representative) ( ) Carter, James, (Representative) ( ) Charlton, John, (Representative) ( ) Cowen, Charles E., (Representative) ( ) Fogle, Cornelia, (Representative) ( ) Herrman, Betty, (Representative) ( ) Hilands, Jim, (Representative) ( ) Hirsch, Jerry, (Representative) ( ) Hogerton, Nancy, (Representative) ( ) Johnson, Myrtle, (Representative) ( ) Kennedy, Connie, Representative) ( ) Kraus, Joan, (Representative) ( ) Marston, Nancy, (Representative) ( ) Medford, Wayne, (Representative) ( ) Peck, Don, (Representative) ( ) Rainville, Joan, (Representative) ( ) Raoul-D-yal, Diane, (Representative) ( ) Roy, Bob, (Representative) ^ ( ) Shaw, Nancy, (^Representatiyfc) ( ) Walcott, Susan, Representative) ASUO Ballot for GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Number the candidates according to your preference from 1 towards 4, for as many as you wish — 1, 2, 3, 4. ( ) Elkinton, Virgil R. ( ) Robertson, James B ( ) Whitty, John William Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 dent council and sang in the Northwest Choir. He is dormi tory president at Sederstrom hall and a member of the SU dance committee. Homecoming noise committee and blood bank com mittee. Dick Porter Dick Porter is from Spring ' field. In high school, he was stu j dent body president, business : manager of the student newspa per and a member of the Na tional Honor society. Porter played on the basketball and baseball teams in high school. Dick Pruitt Dick Pruitt graduated from Reedsport high school where he held the office of junior class president and was a member of the high school senate. He plays frosh football at the University and is chairman of the intramur al committee on sports at Hunter hall. Skip Squires A graduate of Springfield high school, Skip Squires was junior ■ class president, Lettemien's club president and a member of the I National Honor society. He also ! served on the student council at Springfield. Bill Stanard Bill Stanard graduated from Redmond high school where he j was yell king, sophomore class i president and senior class repre sentative. At the University, he is on the Sederstrom intra mural sports committee, a mem ber of the Air Force drill team and Alpha Phi Omega, men’s service honorary. Tom Speer Tom Speer_ is- a graduate of Central Catholic high school in Portland. At Central Catholic he was president of the Service club, secretary-treasurer of the Let termen’s club and chairman of the decorating committee. Speer is now serving as chairman of the bonfire committee at the University. Dick Stables Dick Stables attended Roose velt high school in Portland. Stables was a member of the rally squad and Hi-Y. He organ ized and was vice-president of “Kings,” a social club. Dick Hyder After attending high school in El Paso, Tex., Dick Hyder grad uated from high school at Al bany, Ore. Hyder was president of the distributive education pro gram for two years at El Paso and a delegate to the state and national conventions. Hyder is serving now as chairman of the freshman social council. Campus Calendar 8:00 9:00 Ore Moms - 334 SU Oregana Piet Sales Coat Check Rm SU Homecg Button Sales Terrace 1st FI Homecg Queen Vote Terrace 1st FI SI' Noon Theatre Exec Psi Chi Phi Beta Kramrisch Lunch Carnegie Lunch Homecg Hosp Panhe! Coun Scholarship Ch Homecg Fin Newman Cl Exec Dos Passos Coffee Hr Forum Dadsrm SU Pi Lamb Theta 110 SU 3:30 4.00 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 114 SU 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 213 SU 315 SU 5:30 6:30 Kwama 7:00 7:30 Gerl 1st FI Ore-UCLA Football movie 138 CW Gerl 3rd FI 111 SU 112 SU 315 SU 337 SU IVCF Prop Cl Yeomen YM Adv Bd Stu Pub Bd 8:00 Kramrisch Lect Ballrm SU 3n Ci uaene Just Arrived New Jantzen Knit Jumpers Black Oxford Burnt Orange Turquoise Blue $15.95 it's 20 East Broadway Phone 3-2144 c Social Calendar Wednruday Uwwrt* Chi P«i Delta Gamma Alpha Hall PI phl Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Ghl Omega Campbell Club Chi Omega Kappa Kappa Gamma A TO Yeomen Ann Juriaon VOTE NO. 1 Chuck Cowen Freshman Representative Prouty's S/, oe Service * Invisible Resoling * Rofinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B PtOUTY *70 Ook St lug»n., Or*. Kriwl KllMTltld ( lUHHlfl, ,|H Homecoming j A a C omituj LIT US HELP YOU PLAN WITH • Crepe Paper • Paper Napkins • Paper Cups, Plates • Roll Paper • Tackers • Showcard Paint • Streamers • Staplers Homecoming SIGNS George (Class of '37), and Bill (Class of ’43), have com plete stocks of the necessary materials to build those attractive signs — Let us grads serve you! • LUMBER • KRAFT PAPER • PLYWOOD • BEAVER BOARD • WIRE NETTING • NAILS AND SCREWS • PAINTS “Sh-Boom-Hello, Hello Again” ScUpfs Twin Oaks Builders Supply Co. “for All Your Build inf* Needs" 669 High Street Phone 4-3248 CLOSED - NOVEMBER 11th - ARMISTICE DAY ^fARLfcSS^OSDICK by AL CAPP THAT'S NO > CELLO, FELLOW -THAT'S AHWxkrr \ ARE VOL) INSANE, FCftDlCK?-THft ft A REAL, RESPECTABLE CELLO.r I i ? a ft BUX CHIEF"— NO RESPECTABLE CELLO WOULD HAVE,DRV MES5V HAIR.':''- ' |— CORSES" SHOULD'VE USED WILDROOT CREAM-OIL,TO KEEP IT NEAX BUT NOT —