Physical Plant Five Leads With 19-9 The Physical Plant keglers, currently leuding the faculty league with an 18 win, nix Iohm record, dropped three points to the second place team, the Right Hulls, In Monday night action. Despite the loss, they still hold a Mllm lead In th« league. Monday rt»ult» : Camca Won I'hymal I'laiil 852-874-KO.i2529 I Kight Hall* 78 ).9)5.852 2570 .1 Flying Saucer* 887 8.... i P Exclusive Jj m I?' . new Paper-Mate tLf , s: Silvertd-Tip Refill means smoother, faster j writing! Just 10 seconds to f insert... never blots... dries j §p instantly. Get Paper- | Mate Refills wherever pens are sold. 1 HSUi