SU Board Celebrates Fifth Birthday By Marcia Mauney Emerald Reporter Formed during the fall term of 1949, a year before comple tion of the Krb Memorial Union building, the Student Union board is observing the fifth an niversary of its founding this week. According to the rules of the perpetuation plan originating with the first SU board, the gov erning group of the SU organiza tion is composed of representa tives from the professional schools and the college of lib eral arts, members-at-large from the junior and senior classes, faculty members and ex-officio members. Chairmanship of the board is held this year by Bob Pollock, senior in economics. Other of ficers include Andy Berwick, as sistant chairman; Donna Scha fer. directorate chairman; Phyl lis Pearson, secretary, and Sonia Edwards, treasurer. Members are Hollis Ransom, Sally Ryan, Bob Summers, Herman Cohen, Doh ald DuShane, Si Ellingson, and George Hopkins. There are six vacancies on the board. Working under the Student Union board, the ten standing committees represent the pro grams centered in the four-year old building. The chairmen of each of the committees comprise the directorate, which carries out the policies and programs as established by the board. Bringing the University a fuller appreciation of classic and ' contemporary art through its j year-long series of displays, the BOB POLLOCK SU* Board Chairman art gallery committee is headed by Bob Koutek. graduate stu dent in architecture. The work of both student and professional artists are included in the ex hibits, w-hich include painting, SU Currents j Lancers- to Appear On Friday at Four The Lancers, a well-known vo cal quartet now appearing at a local night club, will perform at today's Friday at I^our in the fishbowl immediately following the AWS auction. The Lancers wrote and intro duced to the public “Sweet Ma ma, Tree Top Tall” and have recorded such songs as "Mr. Sandman.” They have made rec ords for Decca and are current CLASSIFIEDS Lost: Valuable Weimaraner: Pointer pup from 1855 Oak. I 3 Mo. Male; Gray coat, amber eyes, white spot on chest. Six inch docked tail. Reward. Ph. i 4-7105. 11-51 Lost: Brown pigskin wallet in library laboratory Wed. noon. Liberal reward. Call Don Zdray at 4-0711. 11-8 Room and Board: Board alone. See Mrs. Kyle, 874 E. 13th. Phone 4-0422. 11-4 For Saie: '49 Ford Convertible, R and H, Overdrive, and other extras. Ph. 3-4278. 11-10 Tutoring in English — Phone 3-3509. 11-9 ly recording for Coral. They have been singing together for four years as nightclub entertainers and recording artists. The Sigma Nu’s have been in troducing the quartet to the Ore gon campus. Jerry Meacham, leader of the group, is a mem ber of Sigma Nu. All are former college men; one attended San Jose State; another. University of California, and the third, Uni versity of California at Los An geles. * * * Birthday Cake Centers SU Mixer Decorations The theme and decorations of the special fishbowl mixer to be held Friday will be centered around the birthday cake. The dance, to be held from 9 to 12, will be in honor of the fourth anniversary of the SU. * * * Sunday Movie Stars Mason, Miss Darrieux This Sunday’s movie, which is being shown in the Student Union ballroom at 2:30 and 5 p.m., is ‘‘Five Fingers,” starring Dannielle Darrieux, James Ma son and Michael Rennie. Admis sion to the movie is 30 cents. HEILIGStart* Sun* ALL THE THUNDERING EXCITEMENT 01 KHIEKTHOOD’S EPIC AGE! starring va Tony CURTIS-Janet LEIGH” David FARRAR • Barbara RUSH • Herbert MARSHALI Cinemascope OF FALWORTH JL ALSO - RANDOLPH SCOTT - "GUNFIGHTERS" metal work, ceramics, photog raphy and sculpture. The current display In the mez zanine gallery of the SU is a photographic exhibition prepared by the editors of Life maga zine entitled the "Age of Kx ploratlon.” Assembled under the direction of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. the display will be in the gallery until Nov. 20. Browsing Boom Presents Lecture Presenting regular browsing room lectures by various pro fessors is the purpose of the browsing room committee. Through these programs stu dents and faculty may meet on an informal basis to discuss the lecture topics. Tonight's lecture by Quirinus Breen, professor of history, is entitled “St. Augustine: One Foot in Platonism,” and will be gin at 7:30 p.m. uarry aicMurry, cnatrman or the coffee hour forum, brings guest speakers and visiting pub lic personalities on the campus to the students for informal dis cussion groups. John Dos Passos, noted Amer ican author, will be presented at a coffee hour forum scheduled for Tuesd&l at 4 p.m. in the Dad’s lounge of the £U. Committee Plans .Mixers Informal, no-date mixers in the fishbowl are presented each Friday night by the dance com mittee. Don Peck is chairman of the committee. Special dances in tlie ballroom are also the work of this committee. Among thcs* are the Hello dance, Lemon-Or ange Squeeze and the Duck Pre view dance. Tonight's mixer, decorated in connection with the SU birthday theme, will be held at the regu lar 9 to 12 time. Movies Brought to Campus Sunday feature movies, Wed nesday evening educational films and football movies are brought to the campus by the movie com mittee, chairmaned this year by JoAnne Rogers. "Five Fingers,” "Viva Zapata." “All the King's Men," and "White Tower" are the Sunday movies scheduled for the remainder of the term. The weekly Friday at Four en tertainment in the fishbowl is the main job of the music committee, with Lucia Knepper as chairman. Today's program featuring the Lancers, well-known singing group, is a special event in con nection with birthday week. Other programs arranged by this committee are the barber shop quartet contest of Dad's weekend, and concerts through out the year. Publicity chairman of the SU is Dick Gray. He and his commit tee are responsible for inform ing the campus of SU affairs through the Emerald, KWAX, fliers and posters. Keeping a permanent record of all SU activities in scrapbook : form is another of the duties of , this group. •SrZFSMMIHn* m I)ONNA KIIAPFKK SU Directorate Chairman Interviewing petitioners for the various committees creates the bulk of the work for Jack Soco lofsky's personnel committee. Breen to Lecture In Browsing Room "St. Augustine: One Foot tr Platonism.” will be the title of a lecture by Quirinus Breen, pro fessor of history, in the Student Union browsing room tonight at 7:30. Breen will present the historv of Christian thought before St Augustine, and then Illustrate St. Augustine's concern with Platonism. He will explain how St. Augustine was converted from skepticism to Christianity and the development of his mine' afterwards. This is referred to as the philosophical aspect of theology. Breen received the Fulbright research scholarship In 1953 to study Italian humanism. MAYFLOWER . STARTS SUH. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES LRUREIUE OLIVIER \ Of JHAMLET *tmivu&u muMATKMu hua« » ) »»IKU« >«JIK o»oni/tlia«i AT REGULAR PRICES ,d-k *We’re proud to say it's here. '* We know you'll say it's more { than everything you hoped for. THE MANAGEMENT Warner Bros. Judy Garland "James Maso iHl m imaScqi also 5tarrino COL« -Technicolor ano Stereophonic Sound JACK CARSON -CHARLES BICKFORD™ noo“ MAT — 80c EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS — $1.00 Basing their select ions on I hcse Interviews mid record* of tin* applicants’ past work, this committee acta ms un "employ ment bureau" with a complete record of nil 8U personnel. Acting as the official IionIh for the SU board and assisting at many campus functions are the hospitality glrla of the public relations committee. Lolly QuacUcnbuah Is chairman of the group, which also pub lishes a monthly news sheet, "The Union Crier.’' for distribu tion to the dorms and houses. Both the Peter Howard listen ing room anil the record-lending library of the HU are handled by Shirley Hardy and her rec orded music committee, A regu lar series of listening programs as well as several special lec ture-concerts are presented each term by this group. Teams Await Clashes (Continufd from pa fit fil e) Saturday on KVAL-TV at 11.45 a.m. In other Big Ten contests. Wis consin's B a d g •• r s encounter Northwestern as a rotid favorite and Michigan is picked to whip Illinois. mm «i«at DioaAMOBEWS fciiiiiifrr k*Mrms -TeCMMCVuO* Patricia ROC -MGTCUICUH WARDBUD 2nd TOP HIT! i mmt* ■jgo oiftSflNj TWO TOP HITS SUNDAY King Richard theCRUSADERS mot* 5m* Waltmh Scott* ' Tut Taliamah' £alNBlM!AScOf*£ WuMEtCoioi m SrwfoPHotuc Sound . pmscNTKD by Warner Bros. »M VIRI.INU I.KOMiK LAt BKNI* HARH1S0N-MAYO • SAWDERS ■ HARHT 2nd TOP HIT! D/ETR/CH tevS*$«ilCKS ""THl I - - WAYNE' ttisEiVf DRIVE-IN THEATR