RA ICLlOVlS Bahai Faith Fireside discussion groups of the Bahai Faith. a religious be lief which originated In Periiia 100 years ago, will be held every Wednesday at 7:30 p.rn. at 1458 Alder. Organizer of the group la Gordon Jackson, freshman In architecture. Canterbury Club A guided tour of St. Mary's Episcopal church, 18th and Pearl Sti eels, will 1m? led by the Rev. Robert Ellis following supper and a service of evening prayer at 6 p rn. A service of Holy Communion ir. held at 7 a.m. every Wednes day morning. Breakfast is served after the service so that students may get to 8 a.m. classes on time. Wednesday evenings, an infor mal Bible study group Is held at the home of Father Elfts, 1009 East 17lh. Canterbury Club meets at the College Hide from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Discussions on ques tions of Episcopal thought, back ground, practice or conviction arc led by Father Ellis. Confirmation classes are held from 8 to 10 p.m. every Thurs day in the Student Union. The classes are open to candidates for confirmation and to any per son already a member of the Episcopal church. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Inter-Varsity will hold its first social event of fait term at 7:30 p.m. Haturday in Ger linger hail. The informal party, following the theme of "Fali Fiesta." will include games, de votional#, and refreshments. A missionary emphasis meet ing will be held at 7 p.m. Tues day in Gerlinger hall. Luther House Theme of the party at 8 p.m. tonight at Luther House, 1378 Alder,' Is “Aw-Topsy." The eve Campus Briefs 0 A semi-formal dance will be given by the faculty dance club today from 9 p.m. to mid night in the Student Union Dad's lounge. • Today la the deadline for faculty members to submit names of outstanding students for consideration of the Phi Beta Kappa Senior Si*. Names should be submitted to H. E. Dean, as sistant professor of political sci ence, or E. C. Robbins,' instruc tor in economics. • Infirmary patient* Thurs day, according to hospital rec ord, were: Shirley Firtell, Nita Hamilton, Agnes Thompson, Vyrl Hogan and Sally MacIntyre. • Persons wanting rides to Portland Friday after 3 p.m. should contact the YMCA office, according to Dick Allen, chair man of the “YM” rider's pool. • Themes for Homecoming signs must bo turned in to Cyn thia Vincent at Kappa Alpha Theta or A1 Herman at Chi Pai by 5 p.m. today. Friday, Nov. 5 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Guest Star 7:30 Radio Workshop Players 8:00 Chuck Stauffacher 9: OQ^C wax works 11:00 Sign Off. Sunday, Nov. 7 2:00Comcdie Francaise 2:30 BBC Theatre 5:00 Sign Off Head Emerald Classifieds nings entertainment will include organized games, Ringing and rklts. Refreshments will be served. The Rev. ICd Svenaen will talk on "The Unfiniahed Reformation” at 8 p.m. Sunday. Refreshments will !><• nerved and entertainment will follow the program. Christian Science Member* of the Christian Sci ence student organization will I meet ut 7 p.m. Tuesday on the first finer of Oerllnger hall. Newman Club Sunday evening activities at Newman Club will begin with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament In the Sacred Heart hospital chapel. A short business meeting will he held with a talk on “Censor ship?" by W. J. Keeney, instruc tor In Kngllsh. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the meeting. Christian House A theater party will he held ; by Christ ian House tonight. Stu j dents who wish to see "A Star i Ih Bfiin” will meet. in front of ; the McDonald theater at 6:30 ! p.m. arul ait together as a group. After-the-show refreshments at Christian House, 736 Kaat 16th 'are being planned by Sonia Lan der, freshman in pre-nursing and | general chairman of the party. After the Sunday morning Do nut Hour at 9:15, two Bible •study groups will be held. Lead era are Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business, and | the Ilev. John Racsmger, faculty member at Northwest Christian college, A new Sunday evening series of discussions on “Implications of Freedom” will be opened at 5:30 p.m. this Sunday by Eernd Hans K. Volckart, political science ma jor from Germany. Refreshments will he served following the wor 'hip and discussion periods Th< fireside from fi to 10 pro. will hx* an informal sing. Wesley Schultz of Philadelphia House has been appointed chair man of the Christian House serv ice project for Christmas. A pot luck dinner will be held at 5:3C p.rn. Thursday with Max ine Molkie, special student, in charge. Wesley Foundation Wesleyans will leave for a weekend at Camp Mag ruder this afternoon. Several Oregon col leges are participating in the meeting of the Oregon Method ist Student Movement. The Rev. Rector Johnson, of the Eugene First Methodist church, will be the speaker on the theme "De sign for Life." Sunday activities, including the Koinonia Klass, supper and the University of Life series, will be cancelled because of the retreat. A movie, entitled "The Hidden ■ Heart” will fjc gtoown Tuesday i following the usual pcthick sup 1 per at 5:30 p ro. Chapel wervir.es will begin at [0:30 pm. Thursday. Westminster | Foundation Activities at Westminster House, 1414 Kincaid, will begin I this week with a "Surprise Par j ty" at 7 SO tonight. Refrenh 1 ments will be served. The executive council will meet [Tuesday noon. The chapel service Werines ; day noon will fie led by Martin i Oosterkamp. Guest speaker for the usual [ fellowship supper at 5:30 p.m. : Wednesday will be Paid Gofdon, | minister of the Seventh Day Ad ! ventist church. He will speak on 1 "Seventh Day Adventism and Current. Issues/’ Westminster House is always open for students to st'jdy, visit or relax. Student Church Directory First Congregational Church 490 East 13th Avenue Phone — 5-8741 9:30 a m. University Class — Dr. James C. Perkins, Acting Department Head of Religion, will begin discussion on "GREAT PERSONALITIES IN CHRISTIANITY" 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship Dr. Wesley G. Nicholson will preach SUNDAY SERVICES—8:45 a m. & 11 a.m. Sermon: "THE CHRISTIAN AND THE CHURCH" (By Vicar Kenneth Streufert) Bible Class: 10 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader Gamma Delfans meet at 6 p. m. at 1343 Mill Street Welcome! Grace Lutheran Church Eleventh and Ferry Streets W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant First Christian Church 1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425 Dr. Caroll Roberts, Minister 10:50 a.m.. Morning Worship "FAITH THAT CONQUERS FEAR" Visit Christian House—Our Student Center 736 E. 16th Avenue. 9:30 a.m. Donut Hour & Sunday School Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher 5:30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 166 13th East Phone:5-7452 SUNDAY SERVICES: 8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00 Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall WEDNESDAY The Holy Communion, 7:00 a.m. Gerlinger Hall Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis Emerald Baptist Church (American Baptist Affiliate) Rev. Charles W. Moore . 1992 Potter Street Tel. 3-3198 Sunday School — 9:45 A. M. (University Class for Students) Morning Worship — 11 -.00 A. M. Evening Worship — 7:30 P. M. Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School 24th and Hilyard Streets 11 A.M. — "WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE?" Broadcast Over KASH UNIVERSITY CLASS-9:45 A M. Sunday School Goal — 1600 7:30 P.M.- "WHO CARES IF YOU GO TO HRl?" 9:00 p.m. — Youth Sinaspiratron First Baptist Church Broadway at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor First Methodist Church 1185 Willamette — Phone 5-8764 Worship Services—9:30 anp 71 00 a m. MAN IS A SPIRIT" by Dr. S. Raynor Smith Wesley Foundation - Student Center — 7236 Kincaid Eugene's First Assembly of God West 13th and Madison In Eugene 9:45 — Sunday School 11:00—Divine Worship Service 6:30 — C. A.'s. (Youth Service) 7:45 P.M. — Evangelistic Service Always a good crowd — there's a reason Central Presbyterian Church 1 Oth and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724 Ministers: Paul S. Mellish Donald S. Ryder SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School —9:30 and 11 00 Morning Worship — 9:30 and 11.00 Westminster Foundation Student Center 1414 Kincaid First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger