PARADE STARTS AT 6:30 Noise Procession Route Announced The Homecoming noise parade will form on University street and 19th Friday, Nov. 12, ac cording to Dick Van Alien, pa rade chairman. The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. The parade will move on 19th to Alder, turn right on Alder to 13th, up 13th to University, up University with each float passing past the judges review ing stand at the Student Union, left on 15th to Onyx and north on Onyx to the parking lot on Onyx and 13th streets, where the floats will be parked. Students will proceed to the bonfire and rally by the physical plant across the Franklin boule vard. Judges for the parade will be Campus Calendar Noon Italian Tbl 11 SU 1:00 UIS Org Com 112 SU 3:00 Fulbright Inter 315 SU 3:30 AW3 Auction Fishbowl SU 7:00 Kiddie Karnival Mens PE 9:00 Fishbowl Mixer Fishb SU Faculty Dance Gerl Aim | Bill Bowerman. assistant direc tor of ahtletics; VV. A. Dahlberg, associate professor of speech, and William Laughlin, associate professor of anthropology. Trophies will be presented at ■ the var iety show to the living organisations sponsoring the winning noise parade float. Win 1 ners of second and third place in the parade also will be an nounced. Communist Art Is Topic of Meeting Channlng club will resume its discussion series this Sunday with B. E. Jessup, professor of philosophy, as guest speaker. Jessup will speak on "The Place of the Arts in the Com munist State." A discussion and refreshments will follow. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Unitarian church, and Ferry. Read Emerald Classified* Indian Authority Speaks Tuesday Stella Kramisch. a leading au i thority on Indian art. will lec j ture on “Cave Sculpture of the | Deccan ’ Tuesday at 8 in the Student Union ballroom. The lecture is sponsored by the Uni versity lecture committee. Educated in Vienna, London, and Calcutta, she has written two standard works as well as numerous shorter articles. She has been editor of The Emerald Prints Ballot ASUO Ballot for FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Number the candidates according to your preference hem 1 towards 34 £or as cuay as you wish —I, 2, 3. 4t 5, 6. 7^8, 9, . . .34. ( ) Booth, iirima, ( President j ( ) Hyticr, lUck, (President) ( ) Landskroner, Charles, (President ( ) Lynch, Jim, (President) ( ) Morrell, Robert H., (President) ( ) Porter, Dick, President) ( ) Pruitt, Dick, (President ) * ( J Shea, John, (President) ( ) Squires, Skip, (Preside**) ( ) Speer, Thomas M , (President) ( ) Stables, Dick, Presidenti ( ) Stanard, Bill, (President) ( ) Allen. Deris, (Representative) ( ) Bajema* Dale, (Representative) ( ') Blue,-Lewis S. (Representative) ( ) Carter, dames, (Representative; ( ) Charlton, John, (Representative) ( ) Co wen, Charles E.., (Representative) ( ) Fogle, Cornelia. (Representative) ( ) Herrman, Betty(Representative) ( ) Hilands, Jim, (Representative) 6 ( ) Hirscb, Jerry, (Representative) ( ) Hogertou, Nancy, (Representative) ( ) Johnson, Myrtle, (Representative) ( ) Kennedy, Connie, Representative) ( ) Kraus, Joan, (Representative) ( ) Marston, Nancy, (Representative) ( ) Medtord, Wayne, (Representative) ( ) Peck, Don, (Representative) ( -) RainviHe, Joan, (Representative) ( ) Kaoul-D yal, Diane, (Representative)' ( ) Roy, Bob, (Representative) (~ ) Shaw, Nancy, (Representative) ( ) .Walcott, Susan, Representative) W»Hamette at Tenth SAVE ON HOSIERY Roman Stripe Stockings NOTHING ■FINER 1.95 pt a«.5.65 ASUO Ballot for GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Number the candidates according xg your preference from 1 towards 4. lor as many as you wish — 1, 2, 3, 4. ( ) j£!kinton, Virgil R. f ) Henderson, Felicia I^ee ( ) Robertson. James B ( ) Whitty, John William Journal -of the Indian Society of Oriental Art. Calcutta, professor of Indian art, University of Cal cutta; lecturer in Indian art. University of London, and visit ing professor of South Asian art. Univreaity of Pennsylvania, and vice-president of the Indian Society of Oriental Art; an hon orary member of the Ecole Fran caise d'Extreme Orient, and an honorary member of the Asiatic society, Berlin. Miss Kramrisch is noted as an authority on Indian art and thought. She reads Sanskrit and is familiar with classic literature, art and buildings known to few others. She has a small collection of Indian art and a large slide collection. At present, she is compiling key themes of Indian art and thought. Miss Kramrisch has delivered lectures at the universities and museums of Oxford, London, Berlin, Vienna. Madras, Ceyion, Bombay, Allehebad, New York. Delhi, Calcutta. Bangoon, Yale, Cleveland. Smith, Wellesley, Phil adelphia. Piluso's Now Featuring jCcincerS ” OF "SWEET MAMA TREE TOP TALL" FAME • THRU SUNDAY NITE JAM SESSION SUNDAY NITE Together with “ttSaLr's JUf-2) 99 157 East Broadway ozen Phone 5-9133 for your Every Mood • JAZZ • POPULAR PLUS • Eugene s Largest Collection Of Classical Selections At Your Friendly Record Store MUSIC ART w/ waves 1235 Willamette Street Phone 4-9252 French Residents Pictures To be Taken for Oregana Realdcnta of French are .sched uled to have Oregana pictures taken today, according to John Shaffer, photography editor. Men will wear white shirts, dark tie.s and dark blue suits for the pictures. Pin-striped suits are not acceptable. Oregana representatives will tontinue to visit the men's liv ing organizations at the evening meal the day before pictures are scheduled. They will answer ques tions and remind the men of their appointments. Next w'eek's picture schedule is as follows: Monday, Cherney; Tuesday, Lambda Chi Alpha and Nestor; Wednesday, Phi Delta Theta and Phi Gamma Delta, and Thursday, Yeomen and Ome ga hull. Today's Staff Make-up Editor: Sam Valley Copy desk: Hally Ryan. Marcia Mauney, Murna Gehrman Newa deak: Jerry Harrell Night staff: Molly Monroe, Valerie Ilerah See The World Famous OLYMPIA PORTABLE TYPEWRITER AT EUGENE'S EXCLUSIVE DEALER Stevens Typewriter Co. 112 East Broadway Phon«4*9115 surround yourself with an air of '■ excitement Til wear , JliLECTRIQUE an unforgettable new fragrance introduced to Amencd for the first time by Max Factor $ From the fashion capitals of the world comes Electrique ... a thrilling new essence whose clinging fragrance will make the very air around you glow with enchantment. Parfum cologne, large size $2.50 not shown: dusting powder $1.50 *«U prieti plu$ tap AS SEEN IN LIFE