Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1954, Page Five, Image 5

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    Ducks, Frosh Travel Today
Aberdeen Clash
Set by Ducklings
Oregon's Frosh football team
left by bus for Aberdeen, Wash.,
at 9 a m. today for their second
game of the season to tangle
with the Gray* Harbor Junior
college team tonight at ft p.m.
Coach Bill Hammer's team has
been drilling hard thin week in
an effort to polish up their of
fense for the battle with the
strong Washington club. Grays
Harbor has won three games,
lost two and tied one so far this
season while the Ducklings have
a 13-8 win over the OSC Rooks
in their only previous outing.
Henkel to Lewi Fresh
Former Kugene star Jack
Henkel Is expected to lead the
Fresh team which last week
played sluggishly for three quar
ters before scoring two fourth
pet lod touchdowns to win over
th< Ranks. Henkel surprised
Duckling supporters at the game
with his fine running while sel
dom throwing passes from his
quarterback post. He was picked
as an all-star in high Bfhool
mainly on his passing ability.
Hammer has been working the
3ft-man squad on correcting the
many mistakes which came in
their Initial contest. Fumbles
caused a big headache to the
Frosh offense and emphasis has
been put on holding on to the
Gray* Harbor Team Tough
Grhya Harbor la reported to
be a big team with linemen
weighing well abpve the 200
pound mark. With^ a grid cam
paign of aix gamea already under
their belta, the Aberdeen team
will offer a big challenge to the
relatively inexperienced Frosh
Kxpeoted to atart for the Duck
li&g*..on offense are Ken Klauer
and John Robinson at enda. Hal
Duffy and Jerry Kerahner at
tacklea. Bill Alvarado and Jerry
Collina at guarda, Bob Reiter at
center. Henkel at quarterback.
LeRoy Phelps and Jim Shanley
at halfbacka and Chuck Withers
at fullback.
Teams Await
Grid Clashes
The top three of national foot
ball UCLA, Ohio State and Ok
lahoma will enter the week
end's action in the favorite roles,
according to a majority of the
gridiron "experta."
The Bruin-Oregon clash in Los
Angeles has been tabbed as a
three-touchdown Uclan win. Ohio
State's powerful Big Ten lead
ers meet independent Pittsburgh
at Columbus and are accorded a
14-point edge. Oklahoma, rated
number three, engages Towa
State in a Big Seven conference
battle picked for a 28-point win.
Two toss-up battles between
other top teams are on tap for
Little Rock and Iowa City. Rice,
twtce-bcaten but ranked 13th,
is pitted against fourth-ranked
Arkansas in a vital Southwest
loop game. Purdue tangles with
Forrest Kvashevski's Iowa club
in a Big Ten affair.
Television fans will be greeted
to another Southwest battle from
Waco between Baylor's Bears
and the Texas Longhorns. The
game will be .viewable locally
(Continual on pai/e eight)
IM Schedule
3:50 Phi Kappa Pai vs. Chi Psi,
court 40.
Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Kappa
Sigma, court 43.
4:35 Legal Eagles ' vs. Campbell
club, court 40.
Hunter Hall vs. Cherney
Hall, court 43.
5:15 Sederstrom Hall vs. Straub
Frosh, court 40.
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Alpha
Tau Omega, court 43.
f.eorge Shaw, Oregon’s All-American candidate at quarterback,
will probably throw a lot of passes at the L'C'LA Bruins in I,os
Angeles when the I>ucks seek to post an upset over Ked Sanders’
league-leading team.
Oregon Team Sef
For Hockey Meet
Oregon's Field Hockey club will
go to OSC this week end to parti
cipate in the annual Pacific
Northwest Field Hockey confer
A combined team of 15 girls,
taken from members of the two
field hockey club teams, the Cas
cades and the Elvergreens. will
represent Oregon in the confer
ence, according to Miss Janet
Woodruff, field hockey coach.
Girls in the baekfield include
Robbie Mulkey, center half: Nina
Edwards, center half; Naomi
Loren, right half; Nan YVilcox, left
half: Lee Ann Bessonette, left
half and goalie: Doris Liljeberg,
left half and goalie; Marge
Shreeve left and right half; and
Jo Widness, half back. In the for
ward line will be Charlotte Martin,
Carol Harrison. Margaret Mac
Culloch, Barbara Olsen, Jeanne
Nickel, and Margaret Holmne.
The Oregon team will see ac
tion against three other teams in
the Pacific Northwest conference.
The three games will be Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon,
and Sunday morning Oregon's
opponents have not yet been an
Other teams participating in
the conference are OSC. Univer
sity of Washington, Washington
State College, University of Ida
ho, University of Vancouver, and
University of British Columbia.
The Pacific Northwest Field
Hockey association is affiliated
with the United States Field
Hockey association. Last year the
conference was held at the Uni
versity of Washington, and the
year before, at the University of
Sports Staff!
Desk Editor: Jerry Claussen.
Staff: Jack Nance, Allen John
son, Don Lovett, and Kathy
Read Emerald Classifieds
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Coliseum Game
With UCLA Set
By Gordon Rice
Emerald Sports Editor
The Oregon Ducks, free from
injuries for the first time this
year, face their toughest test of
the season Saturday afternoon
when they meet the UCLA Bruins
in the Los Angeles Coliseum.
The Bruins, who have been
shooting for the No. 1 ranking in
the country ever since the season
started, finally made it two
weeks ago on the Untied Press
poll, and last week on the Asso
ciated Press survey.
The Uclans, who have no in
tention of giving up their rank
ing this week are ineligible for
the Rose Bowl because they made
the trip last year, but that has
n’t hurt their spirit any.
Bruins Unbeaten
Paced by Tailback Primo Villa
nueva, who took over for the
graduated All-American Paul
Cameron, UCLA has roared
through San Diego Navy, Kan
sas. Maryland, Washington, Stan
ford, Oregon State and Califor
nia without a defeat.
They scored 61 points against
OSC, 67 against San Diego Navy
and 72 against Stanford. The only
close call they’ve had all year was
a 21-20 scare thrown into them
in the last quarter by Washing
ton. In seven games they've
scored 292 points while holding
their opponents to 40.
Ducks Try Defense
Needless to say, Oregon Coach !
Len Casanova has had his club ;
working on defense much of the
week, in the hope of at least i
slowing down the powerful Bruin
single wing attack.
FTosh Coach Bill Hammer, who
I scouted the Bruins, came away
impressed with the power of the
team as a whole, including their
large all-veteran line. Jack El
lena. who is being pushed for All
American, and Hardiman Cure
ton drew special mention.
In Los Angeles, Coach Red
Sanders of the Bruins isn't tak
ing anything for granted. The
Uclans also have been working
on defense in an attempt to bot
tle up Oregon’s own All-America
candidate, Quarterback George
Sanders, somewhat worried af
ter Cal’s Paul Larson completed
25 out of 38 passes against UCLA
last week, drilled his squad on
pass defense often during the
week. However the Bruins lead
the conference in pass intercep
tions this year with 22. and in
spite of Larson’s field day Cali
fornia did not score a single
touchdown on his passes.
UCLA also spent one day on
the ground—working on both of
fense and defense—in an attempt
to get their own going and stop
the Oregon attack which ground
out 223 yards rushing last week
against Washington.
The game will start at 2 p.m.
and will be broadcast locally over
radio station KASH in Eugene.
Aussie Miler
Picks Oregon
(Continued from page four)
half-mile is 1:52.4 and 4:12 for
the mile. He hopes to do bet
ter than 1:52 and 4:10 for both
races this coming season. He is
not training yet because of his
foot injury'.
Bailey is eyeing the 1956 Olym
pics as a participant for Aus
tralia. He also thinks that Aus
tralia will have a good chance
to gain international fame at the
world meet.
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