Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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Thin weekend all campus eyas
will turn to the first. men's house
dances of the year, and next
weekend to Homecoming's Diary
of Dreams and Roger Middleton's
Upperclassmen ... who the cam
pus agrees can hold their own
with many big name bands the
Homecoming committee ^might
have chosen.
The campus whirl of house
dances began last week with the
Tri Delt a presenting their first
annual Cinderella Ball and Car
son hall's Autumn Sorcery.
Each room of the Trl Delt
house depicted a different scene
from the fairy tale ... Cinderel
la's home, the forest and the
Prince's palace, complete with a
garden. Dancers passed from the
forest to the palace through life
size pumpkin coach.
Cleverly-designed masks were
Worn by the dancers at Carson's
semi-formal... each girl made
for her date and herself masks
which were worn until unmask
ing at 10. Autumn colors of rusts,
browns and golds carried out the
theme combining the season with
Also of Interest are recent
pinmngs, engagements and wed
dings ..,
At Gamma Phi Beta
Four Gamma Phi's became
pinned during the summer and
early fall. Gloria Stolk is pinned
to Wally Carson, Phi Dell at
Stanford; Pat Leonard to Rex
Davis, BAE; Norma Crowley to
Dan Reynolds, Delta Upsilon,
and Jo Hodler to Norm Forbes,
Beta. Those engaged are Joyce
Armstrong and Bob Wilkins, Phi
Kappa P»; Corky Horton and
A1 Oppllger, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Mile Announces
College Contest
Mademoiselle magazine ill now
accepting applications from un
dergraduate women for mem
beiship on its 1954-55 College
Girls who are accepted on the
College Board do three assign
ments during the college year
Assignments give College Board
members a chance to write fea
tures about life on their cam
pus and to submit art work,
fashion or promotion ideas for
possible use in Mademoiselle.
College Board members who
come out among the top twenty
c<n the assignments will win a
Mademoiselle guest editorship,
will be taken to New York next
June to help write, edit and il
lustrate the August college is
sue. They will be paid a regular
salary for their month's work,
plus round-trip transportation to
New York city.
While in New York, each guest
editor will take part in a full
calendar of activities designed
to give her a head start In her
career. She will interview a cele
brity in her chosen field, visit
fashion workrooms, newspaper
offices, stores and advertising
Nov, 30 is the deadline for
applying for the College Board.
The application should be in the
form of a criticism of Madem
oiselle's August 1954 college is
sue. Successful candidates will
be notified of acceptance on the
College Board early in Decem
ber. The first College Board as
signment will appear in Madem
oiselle’s August issue.
Further information may be
obtained by writing to: College
Board Editor, Mademoiselle, 575
Madison Avenue, New York 22,
New York.
Cosmopolitan Club
Japanese students will present
the program at this Friday’s
meeting of Cosmopolitan club,
campus social group. The group
will meet at 8 p.m. at Plymouth
house 13th and Ferry.
Exhibitions of judo, Japanese
fencing and dances with native
costume will be included on the
and Joan Applebanm and Carl
Irwin, also a Slg Ep. This sum- !
mcr Included the marriage* of'
Nancy Marrow to John Greulich,
Phi Delta Theta; Jean Hender
son to Jim Pinninger; ATO; Pat!
Haggerty to Don .Sump, from j
Oregon State; Gail Seidel to
Chuck Wilholt, Sigma Chi, and ,
Norma Stewart to Bob Hazel,
Phi Psi.
At University House
Those recently pinned at Uni- ■
versity house are Helen Wise to j
Jack Ritchey, Campbell club, and
Barbara Eades to Emsley Rodg
ers, also of Campbell club.
'Sitting' Pay Used
For Scholarships
Delta Delta Delta will carry
on a baby sitting project this
year, according to Alyce Ather
ton, Trl Delt service projects
Proceeds of this project will
be used for scholarships for one
incoming junior aud one incom
ing senior woman.
Scholarships were awarded
last year to Carol Wood, senior
in psychology, and Dorothy Iler,
Junior in Journalism.
3 Pledge Classes
To Be Auctioned
Three Hororlty pledge classen
will be Hold to the highest bid
ding men'* living organization at
the annual AWH Auction Friday
at 3:30 p m. in the Student Union
fishbowl. The regular Friday at
Four program will follow the
Choice bits of rummage col
lected in the campiiH drive last
.spring will also be sold by Auc
tioneer Bill Swcnsen, Junior in
political Hcience.
Auditions of the pledge class
skits will be completed this aft
ernoon, according to Judy Carl
son, general chairman of the
event. Announcement of the
three groups to be auctioned will
be printed in Friday’s Emerald,
with pledge classes to be noti
fied tonight.
Judges for the tryouts are
Virginia Kempston, counselor for
women. Si Ellingson, SU direc
tor; Darrel Brittsan. sophomore
class president; Dick Gray, SU
publicity chairman, and Doug
Basham, Skull and Dagger presi
Night Staff
Night Staff: Proofreaders,
Mary McCroskey, Sanford Milkes
and Claudia Wurtz.
on the
Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Gretff ami Marcia Mauney,
Cm utlitor*
Kiddie Karnival
Held Next Friday
The YWCA will sponsor a
"Kiddie Karnival" for Eugene
children. The karnival will he
held in the Men's P.E. building
from 7 to 9 p.m. next Friday.
The co-chairmen are Mary Ger
linger and Adrienne McCrae. •
Some of the games and booths
will be the penny pitch, a dart
throw, and two fishponds.
Homecoming Court
TV Interview Set
The 1954 Homecoming court
will be interviewed over KOIN
TV Friday evening from 6:15 to
6:30, according to John L. Car
penter of that station.
Dick Beckman and Betti
Faekler, co-chairmen of the
Homecoming weekend, will ac
company the group and assist
in the interview.
Top off your meal with a delicious Loaf
Angelfood Cake. A grand treat for
only 35c.
86 E. Broadway—Call 4-5143
Order Your Personalized ,
25 imprinted cards
You'll be proud tc send any of
tnese lovely Halfmark or Nor
cross cards. Choose from our wide
select»on tomorrow!
Additional imprinted cards:
50 cards, $3.40
75 cards, $4.70
100 cards, $5.90
Order early to avoid delay — if you can't
come rn, call 5-0111.
Christmas Cards, Second Floor