Madrigal Group Appears at Tea A madrigal group selected from the University Singers will make its first appearance Wed nesday at the annual Mu Phi Ep silon silver tea. The 13-voice group will sing folk songs and English madri gals. Members of the madrigal sing ers are Ann Sterne, Mary Lou Teague, Tamson Woodman, Rosa lie Blickenstaff, Jo Ann Rogers, Jaqueline Densmore, Audrey Mis- , tretta, John Mosley, Thomas Ho gan, Robert Kelly, Richard Bar bour. Raymond Hill and William Veatch. SU Currents Michelangelo Film Shown in Theater “The Titan," a special feature in connection with the Student Union birthday week, is being presented by the Wednesday eve ning educational theater today at 7 p.m. in Commonwealth 138. The movie, narrated by Fred ric March, tells the story of Michelangelo’s life, together with examples of his outstanding paintings and sculptures. Admis sion to the film is free. * * * Evening Meeting Plans Made by Movie Group A movie committee meeting Will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in Student Union 302. Members in charge of attendance at the Wed nesday evening educational thea ter will be excused from the meeting, according to JoAnne Rogers, chairman. * * * SU Publicity Committee To Meet This Afternoon Members of the general Stu dent Union publicity committee meet today at 4 p.m. in SU 313, announced Dick Gray, chairman of the committee. Wednesday 6:00 Fingerprints 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Radio Nederland 7:30 Campus Recital 8:30 Chicago Roundtable 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off Campus Briefs 0 A host of seven women and three men increased the number j of infirmary patients by four, j Tuesday, according to hospital records. These students are: Juenttn Steele, Patricia Herman, Nita Hamilton, Agnes Thompson, Vyrl Hogan, Sally MacIntyre, Shirley Firtell, Alfred O'Reilly. Paul Vanden Biesen and Robert Ruchman. 0 The Kmerald advertising staff will meet at 4 p.m. Wed nesday in the business office. 0 T h i s week's educational movie, “The Titan,” will be shown at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 138 Commonwealth. 0 Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in the Student Union, according to Travis Ca vens, president. 0 Deadline for Religious Notes news is 5 p.m. today. All news of campus religious organiza tions should be turned in at the Emerald office, 301 Allen hall. Social Calendar Wednesday—Desserts Lambda Chi Alpha—Pi Beta Phi. Alpha Hall—Orides. Yeomen—Alpha Xi Delta. Sigma Nu—Alpha Omicron Pi. Phi Gamma Delta — Delta Gamma. Sigma Alpha Epsilon—Alpha Chi Omega. Sederstrom—Carson 3. Omega and Hunter — Susan Campbell. Cherney and French — Hend ricks. Nestor—Carson 4. Wednesday—Dinners * Cherney—Carson 3. Firesides—November 5 Sigma Nu. Firesides—November 6 Phi Delta Theta. House Dances—November 6 Beta Theta Pi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Hale Kane. Sigma Chi. Tau Kappa Epsilon. AH-Co-op dance. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Phi Sigma Kappa. Theta Chi. Sunday Preference Dinner Delta Tau Delta. Starts Today "LAW VS. BILLY THE KID" with Scott Brady—Bella St. John — Also — "BLACK EAGLE" with William Bishop—Virginia Patton HEIL1G "BENGAL BRIGADE" with Rock Hudson—Arlene Dahl MAYFLOWER *We're proud to say it's here. ►* We know you'll say it's more i than everything you hoped for. * THE MANAGEMENT ALSO S^ABRIWG colo. .vTechnicolor .no Stereophonic Sound JACK CARSON-CHARLESBICKFORD TOM NOONAN MAT — 80c EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS — $1.00 Campus, Personnel Celebrate Birthday The campus will join Student Union personnel in the celebra tion of the fourth birthday of the Erb Memorial building this after noon in the fishbowl. Birthday cake and coffee will be served with Bob Pollock. SU board chairman and Donna Scha- j fer, directorate chairman, pre- , siding at the birthday ceremonies. Each standing committee of the ; S.U. is presenting a special fea- j ture of its regular program in conjunction with the birthday week. McCloskey to Talk On Recent Novels John C. McCloskey, associate professor of English, will discuss utopian romance in three Amer ican novels tonight at 7:30 in the Student Union browsing room. McCloskey will review Edward Bellamy’s "Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887,” "A Traveler From Altruria" and “Through the Eye of a Needle," both by William Dean Howells. McCloskey will examine the utopian ideal of so ciety presented in these books. Campus Calendar Noon French *Tbl 110 SU i White Caps 112 SU 1:30 Mu Phi Pat Tea Gerl 2nd FI 4:00 SU Birthday t Party Fishbowl SU SU Bd 337 SU 6:00 Frosh Dessert 213 SU 6:15 AWS Auction And 334 SU 6:30 Orides Dessert Gerl 3rd FI 7:00 APO 112 SU Educ Movie 138 CW 7:30 Newcomers Bridge 110 SU Noise Parade Com 313 SU McCloskey Lect 210 SU PAD Lect Dadsrm SU Folk and Sq Dance East Gym PE Today's Staff Makeup editor—Paul Keefe. News Office—Bob Robinson and Anne Hill. Night Editor—Janet Kneeland. Copy Desk Sally Ryan and Dorothy Griffeths. Election Results Compilor — Bob Funk. Special Events Compilor—Ed Beeler. dearest of L_'IIII!llllllllllttllttlli!illllllllllllilIlllilliillllil!llllflIliiiliilllltltinitJiIIH!!IU[|IIIIIIIIIIIIil!llltll!!lililllllUiillllHlllillli!lllll{tiimiilllllUINIItllll!llillllllllll The Portrait % Only You Can Give This portrait must be a very special one—because it’s the gift that you alone can give! Because it will mean so much, be sure of its lasting quality—make your appointment with us now. Please Phone 4-3432 For an Early Appointment THE FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid On the Campus Parking Fines at Rally Cause ASUO Action University students who re ceived parking tickets at last week's rally should take them to the ASUO office in the Student Union not later than Thursday afternoon, ASUO President Hob Summers announced Tuesday. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekend*, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 Further action on the ticket® will be taken later this week. Patronize Emerald Advertiser* aZ)(W(nr/ DAILY & SUNDAYS I ILL ll.UU M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 GIANT WATER SLIDE CAMPFIRE NIGHTS WED. A THURS. Winter SWIAA Schedule Mon. A Tues. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations Wed. A Thur. — 7 to 10 — Campfire Nights Picnic around our B-ft. island fireplace in our spacious loung* Bring your own wionars I trimmings. Wo furnish fir# A sticks. W# soil nothing but swimming. Fri. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 2 to 6, 7 to 11 Sun. — 1 to 6 Benton Lane Pool Hiwty 99 Watt, 4 Milat North of Junction City Phona 4 3834 FRESHMEN/ make BARNES & NOBLE ■aVli ■■ C0UI6I Oul|!M \\frfr w HftST-TiAtt COt CHEMlSTf >H»H 6 »Q History of —EXAMS., How to Writ# Bottor _ —PRENCH GRAMMAR_ —GEOLOGY, Principles of M -GEOMETRY. Analytic 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 .50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 -GEOMETRY, Plano, Problems in,_ —GERMAN GRAMMAR_| 25 —GOVERNMENT, American_1.25 —GRAMMAR, English, Principles of 1 25 -!£),TERNAT|ONAL RELATIONS_1.50 —.JOURNALISM. Survev of i it —LABOR PROBLEMS A - TRADE UNIONISM_t 50 —.LATIN AMERICA, History of 1.85 —LATIN AMERICA In Mops_ 1.50 -LITERATURE, American_1.50 —LITERATURE, Eng., Dictionary of_ 1.50 —LITERATURE. Eng., Hittary (I)_ 1.75 -LITERATURE. Eng., Hiilory |ll|_ 1.75 -IITERATURE, Cvrmon _ 1.50 -IITERATURE, World (Vol. I)_ 1.50 -IITERATURE. WorM (V.l. II)_ ».50 -LOGARITHMIC A Trig. Toblot_ .75 —MARKET I NO _ |.50 —MIDOLE AGE*, Hlitory of_ 1.25 -MONET ANO RANKING_ 1.25 -MUSIC, Hillary al __ 1.25 -— RMIIOSORMY, Handbooh la Milt, of 1.50 —PHILOSOPHY) An Introduction_ 1.50 *—PHILOSOPHY, Reading! In_1.50 — PHYSICS, Pint Year Collage_ 1.00 -PHYSICS without Math.mot.<.1_ 1.25 -PlAY PRODUCTION_1.50 -POLITICAL SCIENCE_1.00 -POLITICS, Dictionary of Anar_1.75 -PRONUNCIATION, Manual al_ 1.7S -PSYCHOLOGY. Child _ 1.50 -PSYCHOLOGY, Educotianal —_ 1.00 —PSYCHOLOGY, Genarol_ 1.25 — PSYCHOLOGY, Raodlngi _ 1.75 -PUNCTUATION_ .75 —RESEARCH 1 REPORT WRITING_ 1.25 — RUSSIA, Hiltory of 1.50 -SHAKESPEAREAN Naarat. Diet_1.25 ■—SHAKESPEARE'S Ploy. lOullInoo)- 1.00 — SLIDE RULE. Proclicol Ut* of_1.00 -—SOCIOLOGY, Principle! of . 1.50 -SOCIOLOGY, Roodingi In 1.75 -SPANISH GRAMMAR___1.25 — SPEECH -1.50 -STATISTICAL METHODS _ 1.50 -STATISTICIANS, Tablai for_1.00 -STUDY, Boil Method! of_1.00 -TRIO., Plano A Spherical_1.25 -TUDOR 5 STUART Ploy. (Outllno.).- 1.85 .—U. 5., Economic Hint. _ __1.50 -U. S. to 1865, Hlitory of_1.00 -U. S. linen 1865, Hiilory of_1.25 -WORLD ilnco 1914, Hiilory of_ 1.75 —ZOOLOGY. Gonorol_ . . 1.25 rriccs Subject fo Chang* e UNIVERSITY CO-OP . "THE STUDENTS OWN STORE"_J)