Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Upperclassmen' Play
At Homecoming Dance
Music for the Homecoming
dance will be furnished by Roger
Middleton and "The Upperclass
men.” The 16-piece group, main
ly students, will have Katie Tay
lor, senior in music, as vocalist.
Middleton’s band was formed
this fall and has played at the
Whiskerino and at the Oregon
State college Homecoming. The
group is composed of four trum
pets, four trombones, five saxo
phones, and a three man rhythm j
Arrangements for the group
are from the libraries of Stan
Kenton and Ray Anthony. Others
have been done by Middleton, a
junior in pre-law, and by Larry
Myer, featured trumpetist with
the band. Several new arrange
ments will be presented at the
SU to Celebrate
Fourth Birthday
Birthday cake and coffee will
be served in the fishbowl Wed
nesday at 4 p.m. to celebrate the
fourth birthday of the Univer
sity’s Student Union.
Presiding at the birthday cere
monies will be Bob Pollock, SU
board chairman, and Donna
Schafer, directorate chairman.
The program will also include
Friday-at-Four - style entertain
This week each SU standing
committee is presenting some
phase of its program. Friday
night’s fishbowl mixer will fea
ture the birthday theme.
Service Stations
Cease Price War
Eugene’s gas price war is al
most over and prices should be
back up to their normal level
before the day is over, according
to local service station owners
and managers.
A number of stations have al
ready gone back to their usual
price of 31.5 cents a gallon. Most
of the stations still cutting have
gone up to 29 3 cents a gallon.
A few stations are still selling
gas at 22.7 cents, but the station
owners predict that all the price
cutting will end before Tuesday
Oregana Takes Pictures
Of Alpha Hall, ATO's
Oregana pictures of Alpha hall
and Alpha Tau Omega will be
taken today. Members of Delta
Tau Delta and Delta Upsilon
will have their pictures taken
Pictures will be taken from 9
a.m to 5 p.m.
Residents of Gamma hall and
Hunter will have their pictures
taken Thursday. Photos of mem
bers of French will be taken
Lost: Black leather pouch bag
with French coin purse, driv
ers license in S.U. ballroom
Thurs. afternoon at assembly.
Call 4-058. Mrs. E. S. Wengert.
Lost: Glasses in brown, yellow
case Thursday between library
and the ‘SU.’ Call Jo Widress
4-8742. 11-2
Room and Board: Board alone.
See Mrs. Kyle, 874 E. 13th.
Phone 4-0422. 11-4
Tutoring in English — Phone
3-3509. 11-9
round the clock
Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m.
Weekends, 3 a. m.
West 6th, Near Blair
Phone 5-9001
Homecoming dance, Saturday,
Nov. 13, including a vocal ar
rangement of "Hey There."
Middleton was a member of an
Air Force dance band. “Airmen
of Note," while stationed in
Washington, D.C. He appeared
in several scenes in the movie,
“The Glenn Miller Story."
Theme for the Homecoming
dance will be “Diary of Dreams."
Tickets will go on sale at the
Co-op and Stuctent Union next
Reporters to Meet,
Receive New Beats
The first general reporters
meeting of the year, for all stu
dents now working on the Emer
ald news staff and those who
want to work on the news side,
will be held Wednesday at 6:30
p.m. in Allen hall.
The meeting will be held in
the Emerald office, Allen 301,
and will be conducted by Jerry
Harrell, news editor. New beats
will be assigned and students will
have an opportunity to sign up
for Homecoming stories and
other special assignments.
Anyone interested in writing
for the Emerald is urged to come,
Harrell said, even if they have
not previously signed up for
work on the campus daily.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Names 5 Finalists
Sigma Phi Epsilon reduced
their "Swamp Girl" candidates to
five at a dessert Monday night.
Remaining in the running for
the honor after the final cut
are: Marlene Harper, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Loraine Ray, Chi
Omega; Sut^ Jewett, Carson 4;
Sally Hoy, Gamma Phi Beta, and
Beverly O'Connor, Delta Gamma.
The five finalists will be hon
ored at a snecial dinner at Sig
ma Phi Epsilon Wednesday night.
The winner of the contest will
be announced at the annual i
"Swamp Stomp,” a costume
dance, Saturday night.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor Sally Ryan.
Copy Desk—Sally Jo Greig,
Dorothy Griffith, Marcia Mauney
News Office—Anne Hill, Jerry
Harrell, Bob Robinson.
Night Staff—Anne Burling
Shoe Sc
* Invisible Resoling
* Refinishing
* Repairing
* Dyeing
970 0«k Si.
Eugtn*, On.
New York School of Law
Offers $6600 Scholarships
Outstanding college seniors,
throughout the country are in
vited to apply for the $6(100 Hoot - I
Tilden scholarships given by the
New York university school of
These scholarships, designed to
help develop potential leaders in
public affairs, are awarded on j
the basis of superior academic |
record, potential capacity for un- ;
selfish public leadership and ac- !
live participation in extra-curri- j
cular college life.
Under the terms of the grant,
20 scholarships are awarded an
nually on a competitive regional
basis. with two scholarships
given to each of the 10 federal
Judicial circuits. Kirch candidate
must bo at least 20 years old,
but not more than 28, when his
law training begins, and he must
be an unmarried male citizen of
the United States.
Although the award Is made
initially for one year, It is re
newed for the second and third
years when the student main
tains a high standard in legal
and general scholarship.
Applications for 1955 must be
completed by Keb. 15.
For Your Outings, Retreats,
Meetings, And Good Times.
For Lower Rates Bring Your Own Bedding and Food—
Or We'll Furnish It All.
PHONE 2-3192 Jfc WRITE
Appearing in "Tracli of the Cal", a Warner Broi. Production
in CinemaScope and Color
BEST FOR ) OU. .. no cigarette can satisfy you like
a Chesterfield, because Chesterfield has the right combination
of the world’s best tobaccos. Only the tobaccos that are highest
in quality, low in nicotine, and the most pleasure to smoke.
Change to Chesterfields now. Smoke them regular or
king size. You’ll understand why Chesterfield is the largest
cigarette in America’s Colleges^ ’
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no cigarette sat is (ms like a
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