Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Physical Plant
The Physical Plant team of the
faculty bowling league took top
honors tor the night from the
Flying Saucers by nine pine an
they captured three points from
the Grenadiers, a team from the
Army ROTC department. The
Flying Saucers alMo took three
point* from their opponent*, the
VltfirnlriH, in Jeagne action.
The Fight Bulla took the to
tal pin honors for the night with
a series total of 2612 pina. The
Markera team took aecond spot
In the total pina with a aeries
total of 2.MJ9 pina.
Monday's results:
Vilniiiiim pia-MO 776 240'*
I lyiim s.uurr. . 73* ■'»,i H«,o 4JS4
le ague Standing*: Won Loat
Fithi hull*
M iifkrr*
K22-H51 VVi 2612
007 ft69-*»2t J.ypt
M20H11.64H 2499
K12MH2H JO- 2524
756**17.1 8ft 7 2510
ii»4 k-.<u
J’hvnra) J*Unt
I'liNhiral l*l»t»|
Hot Ktali
M itrltri a
Flying Saucrf
\ ilAftmik
Still Unbeaten
NEW YORK - (AP| - Thirty
eight college football tvairni are
atlll undefeated and untied, ac
cording to Information released
by the NCAA this week. Seven
of them are major schools.
UCLA, Cincinnati and Mon
tana State top the unbeaten hat
with seven victories each. Ohio
State, Miami, Fla., Arkansan
and Oklahoma have won six
each. Whitworth of Spokane also
is in this class.
Major teams dropped from the :
unbeaten and untied rankings :
over the weekend were West Vir-1
gima, Boston college and Vir- ;
ginia Tech.
IM Schedule
3:50 Theta Chi A vs. Tau Kappa
F.psdon A, court 40.
4.35 Hale Kane A va. Philadel
phia House A. court 40.
5:15 Nestor Hal! A vs. French
Hall A, court 40.
Duckling Braves Rook Interference
John Kaventos, Oregon Frnsh left tackle, head*, for a tackle on fHck Kd wards (48)' Oregon
State Kook right half, as Jack Hogan, (87) Kook left guard, anil Ted SeHrle (26) OHC fullback
run interference, ....
_ _ r.meraM photo Ky Sur.fjfrfan 4
Light Workouts
Held by Varsity
Concentration on play timing,
with home work on scrimmages
keynoted Monday afternoon
workouts, as Oregon's varsity
and freshman grid squads point
ed toward out-of-state games
this weekend.
Coach Len Casanova’s sweat
clothes-clad varsity held light,
running workouts in preparation
for Saturday's big test against
UCLA in Los Angeles. The Web
foot backs and ends ran pass
patterns, while linemen concen
trated on unit charging and finer
blocking points.
A dummy punt workout feat
uring the whole squad and an
offensive scrimmage with light
blocking bags constituted the
■’meat" of the session. The Ducks
concluded the short practice with
wind sprints.
End Phil McHugh with a hip
S/g Fps, Betas
See IM Action
Sterna Phi Epsilon had an easy
afternoon M o n d a y as they
downed Phi Gamma Delta in vol
leyball by a score of 15-3 and
The Sir Ep team, in winning
two games straight, showed a
fine offense and defense. The
Fijis never threatened to over
come the early leads of the Sig
Phi Psi Wins
Phi Knppa Psi took two
straight games Monday after
noon to down Sigma Nu in vol
The first game was nip and
tuck all the way with the Phi
Psi's team finally winning 15-13.
The other game was very one
sided with Phi Psi showing su
perior skill in winning 15-6.
ATO's Victors
Alpha Tau Omega took two
straight volleyball games from
Phi Kappa Sigma in their match
The first game started fast,
but soon slowed down as the ATO
team started to move out ahead.
The score was 15-4. Phi Kappa
Sigma, after getting off to a
poor start, came back in a final
effort to win the second game,
but failed as the ATO team held
them off and went on to win
Phi Kap's Lose
Beta Theta Pi downed the Phi
Sigma Knppa volleyball team in
two straight sets Monday in their
A class game. Both of the scores
were onesided as the Betas
.showed fine power and good
placements on their shots. The
final scores of the sets were 15-3
and 15-5 respectively.
Sigs Down Dll's
Delta Tau Delta upped their
place in IM standings as they
beat Sigma Alpha Epsilon in
two straight sets Monday. The
Delta, paced by Ron Rickets and
Bud Anderson, took the games
by scores of 15-9 and 15-4. In the
first game, the Delta were given
a little trouble by the SAE team,
but came through to beat them
Delts Victors
Delta Upsilon proved to be a
tough foe for the Sigma Chi
team, but the Sigs pulled
through to take their match in
straight sets, 15-11 and 15-4.
Sigma Chi had trouble pulling
past the DU's in the first game,
but after winning it, they made
quick work of the second.
Shaw Article
On Sale Now
A full-length feature 'story
titled, “Let George Do It," about
Oregon's All-American candi
date, George Shaw, will appear in
the December issue of Sport
The story is written by A1
Stump and gives the highlights
of Shaw’s brilliant athletic ca
reer at the University.
The magazine is due at all
news stands starting today.
injury and Halfback Lloyd Pow
ell, who hurt his ankle, were the
only injured from the Washing
ton game, but both saw full
action in the Monday rehear
sals, Walt Gaffney, senior back
who missed the Husky tilt tie
cause of injuries, took full part
and may play against the Lkes.
Coach Bill Hammer's Krosh
took time to pose for Orcgana
photographers, then moved into
individual backfield and line
groups for work on handoffs and
blocking. The Duckling practice i
closed with the first and sec-!
nnd teams in a pass scrimmage
and the third and fourth units
in a full tilt rushing conflict. The
freshmen meet Grays Harbor'
junior college at Grays Harbor,
Wash., this Friday.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Bruce Tennant.
Reporters: Jerry Harrell, Neil
Cellers, Chuck Mitchelmore.
Oregon State Pros
Down Loco! SDX
In Friday Meeting
Oregon'* chapter of Sigma
Do Ha Chi, professional journal
ism fraternity, won and lost a
touch football game Saturday on
the Intramural field.
Only one member of the Ore
gon State chapter showed up for
the game, and technically, the
game was forfeited to Oregon.
However, the Oregon chapter
played the replacements who
showed up. and lost 45-0.
The smaller, slower Oregon
journalists battled on even terms
with Aggies during most of the
first quarter, and the score
stood at 7-0 at the end of the
The Oregon srn-bes nearly
scored in the second quarter,
when "sleeper'’ Bob Robinson
dashed out from behind some
blocking dummies on the side
lines to carry a pass from Jerry
Claussen 60 yards.
The drive ran out of gas on the
Aggie 15-yard line, however, and
the local SDX’ers never serious
ly threatened again. The Oregon
tram completed only three passes
all morning.
The two teams had scheduled a
game, for Corvallis the morning
of the Oregon-Oregon State foot
ball game. Nov. 2£». but members
of the. Oregon chapter have
agreed that they won't play un
less they play against Sigma
Delta Chi instead of "profession
als” lecruited from intramural
Hendricks Hdfl .
Los Artgeles
Phi Gommo Delta
Los Angeles ,
xnu\tH\ i\ evaKVK