6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Special Events Show 7:30 Musical Memoirs 8:00 University Hour (Forum) 8:30 University Hour (Mark Tabscott Show) 9:00 Kwaxwarks 11:00 Sign Off Quick Hands Grab China Pheasant Gamma hall has a man who can catch live pheasants with out salting their tails. Wednesday evening about din nertime, Hal Williams, sopho more in pre-law, saw a pheasant fly in low over the Student Union from the southwest, then veer toward the shrubbery near Car son hall. Williams raced across the mall in chase, and found the bird in a bush just outside the Carson dining room. “It was simple,” Williams said. “I just grabbed and had a young male Chinese pheasant in my hand. It wasn’t wounded, or crippled or anything like that.” He estimated the bird, only partly grown, weighed about two pounds. Williams kept the pheas ant for about twenty minutes, showed it to friends, then re leased it in the cemetery across the street from McArthur court. Campus Calendar 8:30 Med Apt. Tests 213 SU Noon Fest of Art 110 SU Spanish Tbl 111 SU German Tbl 112 SU URC 113 SU 3:00 Fulbright Inter views 315 SU 4:00 Homecg Ch 111 SU Oregana Clubs & Hon • H2 SU Coffee Hr Forum Com 312 STT Stevenson Lect Dadsrm SU 6:30 Frosh Nomination Asbly Ballrm SU 7:00 Orides Gerl 3rd FI 7:30 CoEd Hsing Inc 111 SU Block & Tackle 315 SU CLASSIFIEDS Lost: Black leather pouch bag with French coin purse, driv ers license in S.U. ballroom Thurs. afternoon at assembly. Call 4-058. Mrs. E. S. Wengert. 11-2 Lost: Glasses in brown, yellow case Thursday between library and the ‘SU.’ Call Jo Widress 4-8742. 11-2 Room and Board: Board alone. See Mrs. Kyle, 874 E. 13th. Phone 4-0422. 11-4 Tutoring in English — Phone 3-3509. 11-9 Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 The U.S. Olympic Teams need your support WE MUST BE THERE TO WIN Send a contribution to U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND S40 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Illinois Exam Application Due for Teachers Applications for the national teacher examinations must be sent to the Educational Testing service, Princeton, N.J., before Jan. 14, 1955. The annual tests will be given at 200 testing cen ters throughout the United States. At the one-day session, a can didate may take the common examinations, which include tests in professional information, gen eral culture, English expression, and non-verbal reasoning, and one or two of nine optional examinations designed to demon strate mastery of the Subject to be taught. The college which a candidate is attending, or the school sys tem in which he is seeking em ployment, will advise him wheth er he needs to take the tests. Read Emerald Classifieds SU Currents UO-UW Game Films Shown Tuesday Night Movies of the Oregon-Washing ton football game will be shown in Commonwealth 138 Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., according to Jody Rogers, chairman of the Sudent Union movie committee. Assistant Football Coach Vern Sterling will narrate the film. There is no admission charge. Patronize Kmerald Advertisers Prouty's Shoe Se eruice * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B. PROUTY 970 Oak Si. EugtM, Ora. It Pays to Look Well! PERSONALIZED SERVICE Eric's Barber Shop Across from KAPPA SIGMA 792 EAST 11TH AVENUE WHY Pay a Penalty for Being Under 25? If you are married, you can now have public liability and property damage auto insurance with one of the finest com panies in the West for $15.20 per 6 months. You can also save up to 33% on collision and comprehen sive. Don't throw your money away. Get the facts. Jerry Brown Agent Ret. Ph. 4-JM7 ?t(cuff/mer HOME OFFICE IN SEATTLE 962 OAK, EUGENE PH. 4-9444 Chevrolet and General Motors took a whole new look at the low-cost car —and just look what happened! NOW BEING SHOWN! The Bel Air Sport Coupe—one of 14 new Fisher Bod/ beauties in three new series. The valve-in-head \ 8 as only the valve-in head leader can build it! Now Chevrolet introduces the "Turho-Fire V8”! High horsepower (162), high-compression (8 to 1), high performance and surprisingly high gas mileage! Available with standard transmission, or with the extra-cost options of Overdrive or Powerglide. You can choose from two new sixes, too! The last word in six-cylinder performance! New "Blue-Flame 136” teamed with Bower glide and a new "Blue-Flame 123” with standard transmission or Overdrive. Now (.hpvrolft anil Ceneral \fotors have rontf up with a completely new idea: to huilil a ear that offers the very newest styling, the most modern features, and the finest performance. It’s something that took a lot of doing and that only the world’s leading ear builders could do. Everything a new in this Motoramic (Jhev rolet from its lower top right down to its tubeless tires. Come see it! Tlic motoramic Chevrolet More than a new car-a new concept of low-cost motoring! See the Motoramic Chevrolet at Your Chevrolet Dealer’s