Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1954, Page Six, Image 6

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    Graduate Study
Awards Offered
Senior students planning to
undertake graduate study in the
sciences during the 1955-1956
academic year may apply for one
of several hundred graduate fel
lowship awards sponsored by the
National Science foundation.
These 700 graduate and 130
post-doctoral fellowships are
available to any citizen of the
United States who has produced
evidence of training in one of
the science fields and who has
demonstrated superior ability for
creative research.
These fellowships will be
awarded in the mathematical,
physical, medical, biological and
' engineering sciences, including
anthropology, psychology, geog
raphy, and certain inteddisciplin
ary fields.
certain interdisciplinary fields.
Varied Stipends Available
Annual allowances for gradu
ate fellowships for first year
fellows will be $1400; intermedi
ate fellows. $1600; and terminal
fellaws, $1800. The annual sti
pend for postdoctoral feilows is
National Science foundation
fellowships are awarded for
either a full year of study, or
for a full academic year at the
option of the applicant.
Annual stipends are available'
to those who elect 12 months of :
study whereas those who elect
9 months will receive three- j
fourths of the annual stipend.,
Married fellows will have an ad
ditional allowance of $350 plus'
$350 for each dependent child.
Tuition and fees will also be paid
by the foundation.
Awards Made for Grad Work
Graduate fellowship awards
are given to individuals studying
for either a masters or doctoral
degree. Postdoctoral fellowship
awards are given to individuals
who have earned a doctoral de-■
gree in one of the fields of sci- |
ence and have had research and
training equivalent* to that rep
resented by such a degree.
Individuals receiving a fellow-,
ship will be required to devote j
full time to advanced scientific
study or research during the pe
riod of the fellowship.
Selection of fellows will be
based on adaeedic records and
recommendations regarding each
candidate's abilities. All appli
cants for the predoctorai awards
must submit their application to
the fellowship office of the Na
tional research council by Jan. 3,
science Kxam Kequireu
These applicants will be re
quired to take an examination
Jan. 27 designed to test scientific
aptitude and achievement. Appli
cations for postdoctoral fellow
ships must be received by the
council by Dec. 20.
Evaluation of each, candidate’s
qualifications will be made by
panels of scientists chosen by the
National Research council of the
National Academy of Sciences.,
Successful candidates will bel
notified of their fellowship
awards on March 15, 1955.
Applicants must submit com
plete copies of transcripts of ,
their college and university rec
ords and a plan of study for ad
vanced training. The affidavit
and loyalty oath required by sec
tion 15 of the National Science
foundation act will constitute
part of the application.
Lost: Sigma Chi pin with initials
C.A.N. BI *56 on hack. Finder
please call Sigma Chi house
5-9267. 10-29
Lost r Glasses in brown, yellow
case Thursday between library
and the ‘311.* Call Jo Widress
4-8742. 11-2
Room and Board: Board alone,
i See Mrs. Kyle, 874 E. 13th.
Phone 4-0422. 11-4
| For Sale: Leiea Camera. See top
of page. 10-29'
Tutoring in English — Phone
3-3509. 11-9
For Rent clean warm room. 735
E. 14th. 4-9196. 10-29
Graduate applicants planning
to undertake research during the
coming year and all post-doc
toral applicants must also sub
mit an outline of any research
contemplated. A fellow may
choose to pursue his fellowships
at any accredited non-profit in
stitution of higher education in
the U.S. or any similar institu
tion abroad approved by the Na
tional Science foundation;
Students at Oregon may ac- j
quire application materials
throrugh the Office of the presi
dent or department heads. Ap
plication materials also may be
requested from the Fellowship
Office, National Research Coun
cil, 2101 Constitution avenue, N.
W , Washington .^25, D.C.
SI! Currents
^ Mrs. Edna Landros profes
sor of classical languages, the
speaker for the Friday evening
browsing room lecture, has can
celled her speech, according to
Ann Ogle, chairman.
0 A sea adventure story,
“Down to the Sea in Ships," star
ring Richard Widmark, will be
shown Sunday in the SU ball
room at 2:30 and 5 p.m., accord
ing to Joanne Jolley, member of
the movie committee. Admission
for the Sunday show is SO cents.
^ A work party for all mem
bers of the recorded music com
mittee of the SU will be held
Saturday, at 1 p.m. in the rec
ord-lending library. The pur
pose of the party is to repair
record jackets and clean records,
according to Shirley Hardy,
% A fishbowl mixer will be
held Friday night from 9 to mid
night with recorded music pro
vided for dancing, according to
Don Peck, music chairman It is
a no date affair.
Campus Calendar
Noon Italian Tbl 112 SU
4:00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU
9:00 Fishbowl Mixer -
Newman Club Dance
Gerl 3rd FI
(Continued from pntje two)
stpated by u generous sprinkl
ing of One Mud Night.
Then Art. who had just written
a dignified page-one story about
the editor's underwear, added an
editorial postscript nbout the
standards of the letter-writer.
And then they pushed the pa
per through the press, sprinkled
it, and stacked it neatly around
the quad.
That evening, the editor and i
Chirp and Arf sat doing what
ever they were wont to do be- J
hind their desks and into their!
typewriters. There was, sudden
ly, a loud knocking at the door.
Editor and Chirp and Arf sum
inised that (1) it was not the
high school press conference, be
cause that was last week: (2i it
was not the committee for the
announcement of the Nobel Prise
for literature, because it wasn’t!
the season: (3) that it was not
Santa Claus, because his namet
was not in the Pigger's Guide.
Who it was was a Whole
angry rabhly mob of mun- I
geeses who threw the editor
and Chirp and Arf down the
copy chute, poured them into
the press, printed them with
an editorial about sprinklers
and heat in the library, and
Night. It is to be noterf, with
considerable relief, that the
Zoo person was away at the
time and was completely un
Moral (subsidiary one): this
truth is still fairly self-evident:
mungeeses who live in glass me
morial journalism buildings
Campus Briefs
0 Canterbury Club will hear
Wesley Bellaine, professor of
Business Administration, speak
on “Christian Economics." Sun
day. Preceding the speech will
be a service of Evening Prayer
in St. Mary s Episcopal church
at 6 p m. and a supper.
0 According to the infirmary
record pluck, putients who re
ceived medical atention Thurs
day were: Grover C. Willis, Vyrl
Jo Hogan, Meldra Ackerman,
Sally Jean McIntyre and Betty
Gay Herrman.
0 Men interested In attending
the two-day study conference be
tween Oregon and Oregon State
college YMCA's and YWCA’s
Friday and Saturday at the Ore
gon coast are asked to contact
the YM office in the Student
Union, according to Dave Rob
erts, president. Cost of the trip
will be approximately $4.
That You Can Decorate For
Your House Dance at Less Cost
Than Ever Before!
Here's the reason-Now you
Can Get Such Essentia! Supplies
As Paints and Brushes at
Special Student Rates
All the Point Supplies You
Need to Make That Special Dance
should never throw too many
stones at the same time, unless
they are named Bob Funk, in
which case It is probably all
right; and Moral (main one):
if you huve to throw stones be
cause of something innate with
in you, SIGN them.
The spelling, grammar, and
standards used in this column
are copyrighted by the column
((editor's note; Kt Tu, Funk.)
For Sale Never Used
1954 LEICA lll-F
Summi^ron Lens 1-2, with
case and guarantee.
Sells New $350,
For Only $225
Phone 4-1032 or drop in
at 2336 Onyx Street
this weekend.
416 Main St.—Open Sundays
C. B. Stevens
Drop into o«r itoro todoy ... thumb through « Co//epe']J
Ovtlii* covering any of your covrtei ... not# M» mooty
compoctneu ... if* telling parogrophi... H» newtpoper- l \
like efficiency in highlighting euontMt and petting the \
*tory over. Yoe’ll be amaaed that fO mvtk coo be got into j
•o /itt/e ipace. Co/ieoe Ovt/ine* are the bait Mah-mark, *
to frttfe (pace. Coi/ege Oirf/ine* are the bert kigk^otk*
ini or once obtainable. Prepare with thorn for mm no*/
Black Is Back
' FOR DRESS.It's Black
FOR CAMPUS WEAR - - It's Black
This sturdy Roblce
just arrived—
Come in and take
your choice of
many other
% fil>e Black
Willamette at 10th