CAMPUS.... .mErry-Go-RounD At Alpha Omicron Pi Seven AOPi’s were married this summer and early fall. They were Mary Louise Johnson to Joseph Young from the Univer sity of Washington; Mary Pat Lamoreaux to Robert Brittain. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Mary Ivie to Robert Foster of Roseburg; Nancy Galbreath to Bud John son, UO Dental school; Shirley Ryan to Robert Nelson, USN, and Patty Hunter to Bob Blais dell. Theta Xi at the University of California, Those recently pinned are Verla Thompson and Ron Lowell, ATO and now at the UO Medical school in Portland, and Donna Donahue and Fred Gent, Sigma Nu. At Alpha Phi A recent engagement at the Alpha Phi house was that of Joyce Comer to Dick Cunning ham, SAE. A pinning and five weddings took place during the summer. Nancy Mackle is now wearing the pin of Jim Silver-' thorne. Phi Kappa Psi. Sue Shaw was married to Harold Mull; Janet Hargis to Tom Taylor, Sig ma Phi Epsilon; Jean Owens to Bud Diller, Phi Gamma Delta at Oregon Stater Barbara West to Mick Coen, SAE at Willam ette, and Sharon Scherlie to Paul Hales, Beta. At Delta Delta Delta Tri Delt weddings during the summer months include Virginia Owen and Jack Eberhardt. Phi Kappa Tau at OSC; Virginia Dailey and Ben Hilliker, USN; Jean Peterson and Dick Peters, SAE, and Nicki Trump and Lloyd Powell, Sigma Chi. En gaged recently were Sarah Smith and John Weaver, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jean Millhollen and George Hemphill, Beta; Adrienne McRae and Herb West, Theta Chi, and Karen Waters and Vic Stephens, also a Theta Chi. Betty Frey and Pam Rabens are now wealing the ATO pins of Blake Boggess and Bob Norquist, re spectively. At Sigma Kappa During the summer, wedding bells rang for five Sigma Kap pas. Those married were Pat Ad 6:00 Dinner hour serenade 7:00 News till now 7 :15 Sport shorts 7:30 Musical memoirs 8:00 Student Union show 8:30 Highlights of Wayne Morse speech 9:00 Fingerprints 9:30 The works of DeBussy 11:00 Sign off • Read Emerald Classifieds r i The Smartest, Loveliest Stoles By The Churchill Weavers of Kentucky Many Patterns — All Colors 'And New Combinations $5.95 to $19.95 WILLAMETTE AT 10TH kisson to A1 Arthur, UO student; Peggy Miller to Bill Dodd, now studying in Long Beach; June Stone to Vern Gates. Phi Kap; Mary Ann Foster to Dick Hollen beck, Lambda Chi, and Julie Klink to Bill Harris, who is now working for a Ph.D. at Berkeley. Bernice Gartrell, former house; president, announced her en gagement to Allan Linn, from Washington State. They will be married Nov. 14. Betty Waters recently became pinned to John Lindlan, Psi Omega at the Uni versity of Minnesota. At Ann Judson House Seniors Marjorie Travillion and Rosalee Blickenstaff became engaged this summer to Bill Rouse and Mancel Patterson re spectively. Patterson is attend ing the UO Medical school. Square Dancers Offer Instruction Beginning; square dancers are urged to attend meetings of the Wednesday night folk and square danee club, according to Mar garet McCulloch, graduate as sistant in physical education. Meetings of the group are on no-date basis, Miss McCulloch said, and campus clothes are in i order. They meet in the east gym of the men's building, and i sessions last from 7:30 to 9 i p.m. Friday Browsing Room Lecture in SU Cancelled Edna Landros, professor of classical languages, has can- ! celled her speech which was to be given as the Friday evening i browsing room lecture, accord ing to Ann Ogle, chairman of the Student Union browsing room committee. I POSITIVELY MUST END SATURDAY I The Amazing KARAMOJA Must Leave Saturday Night for Los Angeles! SEE IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! m omen on the £ am Emerald Women's Page ipuA Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney, Co-editort * Women to Make Publicity Posters Any woman wishing to work on posters and decorations for the Kiddle Kamival is Invited to come to Gerlinger hall Friday afternoon, according to Adrienne McRae, co-chairman of the Kar nival. Posters for publicity purposes will be made. Today's Staff Makeup Editor Dorothy Her. Copy Desk Sally Ryan, Kathy Morrison, Carole Beech, Marna Gehrmnn. News Desk Bob Robinson, Jerry Harrell. NiKht Staff Claudia Wurtz and Sanford Mllkes. I’atronl/e Kinerald Advertiser* Visit Westgate's “Short Silk Salon” on the balcony DRESSY DRESSES for your HOUSE DANCE or less X Westgate's . . University Fashion Center WESTGATE SHOPPE 895 East 13th Ave. — Eugene "Fire Chief" pajamas ... a four-alarm sleep fashion « authentic firemen double-breasted top . . . can be worn separately, tucked into your skirts, or over your levis. start a Toasty-warm sanforized flannelette. Red only. EUGENE'S FASHION CENTER