Theta Chi, Phils Win IM Games Theta Chi won their first A league volleyball game Wednes day with ease an they defeated I'hl Kappa Kigmu In two atraight sets. The scores were 15-7 anti 15-4. The fli nt «et w.-iM harder fought than the score would Indleate iin Theta Chi had to work hartl for their point*. In the second set. Theta Chi had little trouble keeping the advantage. _ Law Boys Forfeit A forfeit gave Philadelphia House their second win in A league play. The forfeit win t ame ovt-i the la-gal Eagles who failed to «how tip for the second time In league action. Counselors Triumph The Dorm Court he lorn, led by Captain Cameron Thom, declsive Jy rolled over Sederstrom hall In other A league action as they won by scores of 15-1 and 15-9. The Counselors played with only three men during most of the first set, but these three far outplayed the contingent of five from Setlerstrom. The second set saw the Setlerstrom men put up a at niggle, but they couldn't match the Counselors. The Coun selora added two mpmbpm near the end of the first set. which strengthened their forces for the remaining period. Koppa Sig's Victors Kappa Sigma held off two strong Tan Kappa K pet Ion come backs and dumped the Tekes in straight sets, 15-10, 15-10. Behind 12-5 at one point in the first game, the Tekes nearly closed the gap at 12-9 before the Kappa Slgs pulled away. Tekc was ahead 7-4 in the second fray when five quick points gave Kap pa Sig a lead which they main tained to the finish. Hunter Over French In one of the closest battles of the day a five-man Hunter hall squad knocked off French hall, 15-12, 13-15, and 15-5. Hunter came from a 12-9 de ficit to grab the first tilt, and French overcame a 13-10 margin to win the second. Phi Kop's Notch Win The only elasa ‘ B” game sched uled for the day waa forfeited to Phi Kappa Sigma when Pi Kappa Alpha failed to field a team. Ducks Plan Defense; Huskies Rated Tough Defense was the key word Wed nesday an the Oregon coaching staff directed the gridders on way* and means of stopping the University of Washington attack. With an offensive unit running Washington plays, the defensive units worked on making life miserable for the Huskies in the Saturday clash at Seattle. •lame* to Play Barring injuries, the Oregon team will be near top strength for the contest. Dick James, who saw no action against San Jose State, will be available but on a limited basis. Halfback Walt Gaffney, eap tain-elect for the Washington game, U a doubtful starter, however. Gaffney, with a sprained hack, and End Hal Reeve, with a eharlcy horse, are the only players likely to be sidelined for mueh of the game. Freshman Coach Bill Hammer, who scouted the Huskies in their 13-7 loss to Stanford Saturday, reported that Johnny Cherberg has molded an aggressive, hard fighting team. V Young Team He cited the Huskies as a young team and somewhat in experienced but developing fast. Hammer said that Bob Cox, CLASSIFIEDS Like to Return: Green Shaffer pencil loaned during Rush Week at Gerltnger Hall. Call at Hendricks Hall. Mary* Lou Qualls. 10-28 For Rent: Modern 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modern heat. Lease. Ph. 5-1297. tf Lost: Sigma Chi pin with initials C A N. BI '56 on back. Finder please call Sigma Chi house 5-9267. 10-29 Tutoring in English — Phone 3-3509. 11-9 For Rent clean warm room. 735 E. 14th. 4-9196. 10-29 sophomore quarterback from Walla Walla, Is a topflight run ner and passer and has good re ceivers to throw to. '"They have good runners too in Bob Dunn, Bob MoNamee, and Bill Albrecht,” Hammer con tinued. "And they're tough on de fense, especially at the guards,” Sea Adventures Film To Be Shown Sunday Sunday's movie. "Down to the Sea in Ships,” will be shown at 2:30 and 5 p.m. in the Student Union ballroom. The story' of aea adventure stars Richard Wid mark, Dean Stockwell and Lion el Barrymore. Admission is 30 cents. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson. Staff: Jim Scarth, Jack Wil son and Don Lovett. Serve Better Meals LESS COST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman’s FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 Tonight and every Thursday! "Duck Feats" A TV Show Featuring Our Oregon U. Coaches and Players! Thursday at 6:45—KVAL Sponsored by Fennell's Men's Wear On the Campus Hale Kane Tops Dorm Bowling Hale Kane took over first place I in the dormitory bowling league j as a result of Wednesday night! action. Although managing but an even 2-2 split with the Local Yokels, the Hale Kane team has a 6-2 season's record. All Even All other dorm matches were evenly divided. Nestor hall and Yeomen split 2-2, and Seder strom hall and French hall were 2-2. Highest net game was a 245 bowled by Doug Hunt of Yeo men. Top series score was a 528 by Bob Boyle of Local Yokels. Records Supply Music For Fishbowl Mixer A fishbowl mixer will be held Friday night in the Student Un ion with records supplying the music, announced Don Peck. for that trim look STUDENT UNION BARBER SHOP three barbers to serve you hours—8 s.m. — 5:30 p.m. INTRAMURAL SCHEDULE 3:50 Chi P?i B vs. Fhi Kappy Psi B, court 40. Delta Tau Delta B vs. Ste rna Phi Epsilon B c ourt 43. 4:35 Phi Sigma Kappa B vs. Delta Upsilon B, court. 40. Gamma hal] E vs. Philadel phia house B, court 43. 5.15 Chorney ball B vs. Straub front) court 4b. Phi Delta Theta A vs. Lambda Chi Alpha A, court 43. YOU’LL NEVER HAVE TO FISH AROUND again for a correctly fitted girdle when you own the fashion wise Fishnet. Two-way stretch nyTon fastex woven like fishnet gives you "reel" control with "no limit" on your freedom of action. COLORS; BLACK, WHITE. Pantie and Girdle SIZES: Small, Medium, la’ge and Extra Urge Foundations, Second Floor