Oteacw Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school year except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univer sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Sub scription rates: $5 per school year; $2 a term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor; initiated editorials by the associate editors. A Good Idea A proposal to make some sort of an award for outstanding service on the ASUO senate will be presented to that body at tonight’s meeting. We think it’s a good idea. The award, as we understand it, would be made after spring term elections to that senator who had contributed the most to the senate during the year. He would be selected by a committee composed of the two faculty members of the senate, Donald DuShane, sen ate adviser, and the ASUO president and vice-president. The president and vice-president would, under the present plan, be ineligible for the award. The committee, headed by Germaine LaMarche, senator at large, presenting the plan feels that this would give in centive for more active work on the senate as well as giving recognition for that work. We don’t feel that any such incentive should be necessary. Any person elected to the senate should have a sense of the responsibilities that go with his election. He shouldn't need a “prize” for doing good w'ork. However, we realize that not all senators in the past have realized these responsibilties. And we realize that not all senators in the future will enter the senate with an eager ness to work hard. So we agree with President Bob Sum mers and Miss La Marche that this award for outstanding work would be a good thing. Also we feel that outstanding work in any field should be recognized. The senate is no exception. The award w-ould go to that senator who attends meetings, accepts committee re sponsibilities and carries them out, who stays informed about campus issues and doesn’t feel his duties end with election. -(J.W.) How to Stop Smoking The Emerald is not campaigning to remove the smoking habit from the University of Oregon campus. However, in the interest of public service and for whom it may concern we submit the following suggestions on how to cleanse your self of the “feelthy” habit. First a few short, quick, never-miss techniques: 1. Take up something worse. 2. Keep your head continually doused in a bucket of water. 3. Kill yourself. 4. Establish a hermitage at (a.) the North Pole, (b.) an Uninhabited South Sea island, (c.) the South Pole, (d) the Belgian Congo, or (d.) Willamette university. 5. Put a sack over your head and keep it there (pos-ibly this would be a good idea even if you don’t smoke). “These ideas are fine,” you say, “but I want to continue going to the University and still stop smoking.” For you we have some slower, but equally successful suggestions. The instant you stop smoking begin telling everybody you see that, “I HAVE STOPPED SMOKING!” Insist’on ex plaining to them how much more superior you are; what great will power you have; how much better you feel; how your wind has improved, and in general just what a good guy you are. In short become so obnoxious and so vociferous on the subject that you won’t dare break down for fear of being razzed out of town. Another sure fire method of quitting is to bet someone a large sum of money that you will quit. The sum need not be any larger that will be necessary to bankrupt you, your family and your fraternity house! We at the Emerald volunteer to hold all stakes in these wagers. Of course, if you give up one vice, you are supposed to engage vigorously in two or three others immediately so as to keep your mind off the original sin. Any vice of your choos ing will do, well almost any. We know of one young fellow who took his mind completely off smoking by alternately eating fire, inhaling Bensedrine and shooting out street lights with his beebee gun. This isn’t our idea of vice, but do as you please.—(D.L.) State Awards Presented 22 State fee scholarships have been awarded to 22 Oregon stu dents since the beginning of fall term. The scholarships are those which were awarded last spring hut which are not being used this fall by their original recip ients. Awarded scholarships were Richard Beckman, Bonnie Brack en, Robert Campbell, Dennis Da vis, Anthony Federici, Pat Mc Cormick, Mama Gehrman, Mar garet Hoehn, Janet Kneeland, Shirley Knox, James Larpenteur, Richard Lyon, Barbara Nyberg, John Oliver, Glenna Pearl, Mari lyn Pearson, Leona Pumala, Karen Rice, Jean Sandine, Cora Standley, Lorraine Tautfest and Shirley Tobey. Campus Briefs 9 Living organisation repre sentatives for the Homecoming sign contest will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Student Union, ac cording to A1 Herman, sign con test co-chairman. 0 Homecoming noise puradr float representatives will moot at 2 p.m. today in the Student Union, according to Dick Van Allen, noise parade chairmnn. 0 There will be a meeting of the NAACP tonight at 7:30 in the Student Union. Two movies will be shown. 0 Carol Jean Kdminster and Grover Willis were confined to the infirmary Wednesday for medical attention, according to hospital records. 0 Members of the I*i Lambda Theta are invited to a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. today in Education 326. Plans for the year’s program will be discussed. 0 The first meeting of the House Chaplain’s association will be held this evening at 6:30 in the Student Union. 0 Midterm progress report cards are ready to be picked up by all freshmen not living in the ! dorms. Freshmen should pick up the cards by Friday if they have not already done so. The cards may be obtained from the receptionist in the office of Stu dent Affairs. 0 Four girls have pledged dur ing open rush according to the Office of Student Affairs. Those pledged were: Marianne Shep herd, Delta Zeta; Joan Kraus, Delta Zeta; Julie Sorensen, Del ta Zeta, and Ann Barkhurst, Del ta Zeta. 0 Sigma Chi will have Ore gana pictures taken today at Kennell-Ellis at 9 a.m. on. Mem bers should wear white shirts, dark ties and dark blue coats. 0 All members of the art gal lery committee are requested to meet today at 12:20 p.m. in SU 313. The next exhibit will bt discussed. Young Republicans To See Film Strip Students interested in assist ing the GOP with elections next Tuesday are invited to attend a meeting of the Young Republican club Thursday evening at 7:3C in the Student Union. A film Btrip entitled "The Rec ord of the 83rd Congress,” will be shown. Plans will also be made for the state college league convention of the Young Repub licans that will be held here November 5. Campus Calendar Noon Speech Staff 110 SC Deseret Club 111 SC Phi Theta Ups 112 SC Soc Dept 113 SC R E Wk 319 SC 1:00 Morse Asbly Ballrm SC 2:00 Noise Par Pairings 334 SC 4:00 Homecg Sign Rep 110 SC IVCF 111 SC Morse Coffee Hr Dadsrm SC 6:30 Stu Chap Assn 214 SC Homecg Queen Sel 213 SC ASUO Senate 334 SC Phi Beta Gerl 2nd FI 7:30 NAACP Movies Dadsrm SC Yng Repubs 110 SC Phi Delta Phi Gerl Is FI PAD Gerl 3rd FI 8:00 Phi Eps Kap 112 SU Episcopal Inq 319 SC Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 e. m. Weekends, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 Recorded Music Group To Meet on Saturday Members of the Student Union recorded music committee will meet Saturday at 1 p.m. in the SU’s record lending library to repair record Jackets and clean records, according to Shirley Hardy, chairman of the com mittee. Patronize Kmeruld Advertisers Susan Campbell Pictures Snapped Oregano. pictured of Kiihhii Campbell will be taken today from t) a. m. to 5 p. in. The women will wear white blouaea anil dark blue blazeta. The blazers will Ihi provided by the Oregana photographers. I’hl Kappa Pal la .sc heduled to have pictures taken Friday. Men are to wear white shirts, dark ties and dnrk blue suit jackets. : AT THE HOME BAKERY You'll find delicious black cat and pumpkin faced cookies for your Halloween party. They'll make your guests happy and keepp the Trick-or-Treaters honest. With your hot spiced cider try some of Home Bakery's famous donuts. 86 E. Broadway—Call 4-5143 Piluso's “&>U Matt-a 77 ozen TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JAM SESSION SUNDAY 8:C0-11:00 OPENING MONDAY: “ZJL X ancerS 99 May we collar you soon... in a smart ARROW Radnor1 With 90% of a shirt’s style up in the collar, the man who wears an Arrow Radnor is smarter than a wet whip. Choose a Radnor Button-Down (above), a regular Radnor, or Radnor “E”—with eyelets, shown at right. The Radnor “E” is also available with French Cuffs. They’re all Arrow ... all easy on the eyes and on the budget. Arrow Radnors ... smart-looking and perfect-fitting ... in broadcloth prices start at 14.50; in oxford cloth, $5.00 white or colored. ARROW SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • CASUAL WEAR Your Arrow Dealer Phone 5-1363 850 East 13th Ave