Campus Briefs 0 Deadline for Religious Notes news is 5 p.m. today. All news about activities of campus re ligious organizations should be turned in to the Emerald office, 301 Allen. 0 Phi Theta Upsllon will meet Thursday noon in the Student Union. 0 Alpha Lambda Delta, fresh man women's scholastic honor ary. will meet at 4:30 p.m. today to discuss the group's Oregana picture, according to Jean Fay, president. 0 Pi Lambda Theta, women’s education honorary, will meet Thursday at 6:30 p.m., room 326, Education. A potluck dinner will precede the business meeting. 0 The Religious Evaluation week executive council will meet Thursday at noon in the Student Union. — 0 All campus clubs and or ganizations which have not al ready filed a current roster of officers with student affairs, should do so immediately. Forms may be picked up in the student affairs office. 0 There will be an important meeting of all Kiddie Karnival subchairmen in the YWCA at noon today. All chairmen are re quested to be present according to co-chairmen Mary Gerlinger and Adrienne McRae. 0 The YWCA cabinet will meet today at noon in Gerlinger hall. 0 The faculty senate will meet today at 4 p.m. in the faculty lounge of the art and architec ture building. 0 The deadline for Rhodes scholarship applications is Fri day. All faculty members are asked to encourage eligible stu dents to confer with Quirinus Breen at 213 Commonwealth be fore Friday. 0 ..Students interested in try ing out for a radio documentary show should come to studio “C” of station KWAX at 7 p.m. Recognition Service For YW Held Today The YWCA Recognition serv ice in honor of new members and for installation of officers of the freshmen commissions will be held at 4 p.m. today, in the Stu dent Union. Old members are asked to attend. The new officers and advisers of the freshmen commissions are: Monday groups: Judy Duffy, president; Karla Kuhnley, vice president; Joan Smith, secretary treasurer; Georgians Griffin, chaplain, and Bitsy Mills, ad viser. Group 2: Jane Burton, president; Jean McPherson, vice president; Nan Borquist, secre tary-treasurer; Barbara Dahl, chaplain, and Carol Gerlach. ad viser. Group 3: Kathy Thurs ton. president; Beverly Landon, vice-president; Mary Jo Four nier, secretary-treasurer, and Bobby Harris, chaplain. Beverly Braden and Jill Hutchings are advisers of this group. The Tuesday group officers are Mollie Gilbert, president; Audrey Kelley, vice-president; Evelyn Olsen, secretary-treas urer; Doris Bradum, chaplain, and Claudia Zorn, adviser. Group 2: Sue Jewett, president: Sue Anderson, vice-president; Jean Lincoln, secretary-treasurer; Pat ' White, chaplain, and Ann Hill, •adviser. Group 3: Arlene Clock, president; Cay Mundorff, vice president; Karen Hoyes, secre tary-treasurer; Mollie Monroe, chaplain, and Sue French is their adviser. Wednesday groups are Sandra Yokum, president; Carol Edmin j ster, vice-president; Beverly Lacksoren, secretary-treasurer; 1 Karen Kruse, chaplain, and Shir I ley Brown is their adviser. Group 2: Mary Heisler, president; Nan Icy Dunnington. vice-president; ; Georgia Hemnula, secretary i treasurer; Janet Somers, chap Thursday. The program will be presented over radio station KOAC Nov. 4. 0 Carol Jean Edminster and Grover C. Willis were confined to the infirmary Tuesday for ; medical attention, according to hospital records. mum mm, * lain, and Barbara Bailey, ad ! viser. Thursday group officers are Frances Heitkemper, president; I Marilyn Walker, vice-president; Patti Thompson, secretary; Nan cy Furuy&ma, treasurer; Verity Kitchen, and Sharon Lighty, | chaplains, and Sue Smyth, Rd I viser. Group 2: Lola Lorenzen, president; Joyce Jacobson, vice ; president; Kay Emery, secretary j treasurer; Sonia Lander, chap lain, with Pat Southworth ad | viser. cJLiitenina - 'n .. On KWAX Today 6:00 Dinner Hour Concert 7:00 News Till Now’ 7:15 Radio Nederland 7:30 Campus Recital 8:00 Campus Recital (cont.) 8:30 Chicago Roundtable 9:00 Kwaxw'orks U: 00 Sign Off CLASSIFIEDS Like to Return: Green Shaffer pencil loaned during Rush Week at Gerlinger Hall. Call at Hendricks Hall. Mary Lou Qualls. 10-28 For Rent: Modern 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modern heat. Lease Ph 5-1297. tf Costume Rentals. Reserve yours now before Halloween. I have all sizes. Grimes. Ph. 42737. 10-26 Lost: Sigma Chi pin with initials C.A.N. BI "56 on back. Finder please call Sigma Chi house 5-9267. 10-29 Car for sale — 1940 Buick with a 1948 motor. $250. 760 Mill race Drive. 51777. 10-26 Tutoring in English — Phone 3-3509. 11-9 For Rent clean warm room. 735 E. 14th. 4-9196. 10-29 lrrrr lr » -'— --— -"3 Social Calendar Wednesday Desserts—October 27 Phi Kappa Psi Delta Gamma Alpha Tau Omega Pi Beta Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Kappa Kappa Gamma Campbell Club Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Kappa \ Carson 3 Cherney Hall j Fireside'.—October 21) Sigma Phi Epsilon Newman Club Hendricks Hall Chi Psi Alpha Hall Yeomen Alpha Phi ] Trl Dolt Zeta Tau Alpha] Kappa Alpha Theta Dinners oZ)ij/wi cti ue and slrin9 We ll Give You e Just-Right for the campus look GOLDEN'S for Beauty 29 W. 11th . Phone 4-4243 Open Evenings by appt. Campus Calendar Noon Boy Scout Plan Meet 110 SU French Tbl 111 SU 4:00 YWCA Itoeog Dadsrai SU 1:30 Alpha Lamb Delta 110 SU 8:00 Frosh Dessert. 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