Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Sigma Chi Downs Chi Psi;
Phi Kappa Psi Skunks DU's
Hlgrrm Chi downed Chi PHi in
intramural volleyball league A
action yesterday afternoon in
two at might H< tH.
The Higa jumped to a 12-2 lead
in the flret game, hut hud to
hold on at the end to gain a 15-9
win. The final game waa never
dose, with Higma Chi scoring an
cany 15-3 victory.
In what could have been one
of the season'* closest contests.
Phi Kappa Pai turned the third
chapter into a rout to skunk
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Delta Upnilon 7-0 and win the
mateh two games out, of three.
The Phi Psls crept by the DU’s
, in the first set 17-15 in ffn over
time. During the second chap
ter it appeared they would make
it two in a row as they compiled
a convincing 8-3 lead. However,
the DU’* rallied to overwhelm
jthem and win 15-12.
It could have been anybody’s
game in the last panel, but Phi
Kappa Pat suddenly came to life
to shut out stunned Delta Upsi
lin 7-0.
Delts Dealt Win
Delta Tau Delta submerged
Phi Gamma Delta into a state of
near oblivion Tuesday as they
I glided to 15-3 and 15-4 triumphs.
The Delts, sparked by Captain
! b, M. Anderson, were never in
j danger and played in top form.
Betas Beat Lambda Chi
Beta Theta Pi, with Captain
Bill Gamer arid Bill Liebmen
leading the onslaught, crushed
Lambda Chi Alpha twice 15-7
j and 15-2. Liebmen was instru
i mental in the Beta's initial vic
tory. In the second panel the
| whole team came to life with a
| daring consistency of points to
quench any lingering Lambda
j Chi hopes for a win.
SAE Wins by Forfeit
Sigma Alpha Epmion took a
j forfeit win from Pi Kappa Phi
I and Pi Kappa Alpha forfeited to
Phi Sigma Kappa yesterday aft
! ernoon in a pair of scheduled A
league volleyball games.
Sports Staff
■ I>‘k Editors: Don Lovett and
Allen Johnson.
Reporters: Jack Marsh and
l Elliott Carlson.
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Ducks Drill Hard
For Husky Contest
The freshman football team
was the defensive platoon Toes
day afternoon an the first and
second varsity dubs practised
their offensive patterns before
head coach L*n Casanova and
his crew of assistants.
In the hotir-and-a-half session,
the Webfoots rehearsed block
ing drills on punt returns, with
Tom Crabtree seeing lots of ac
tion in the safety position. Ami
laler, George Shaw practiced
conversion efforts, after hooting
two Saturday against San Jose
Regular halfback Dick Jamej
was back in action after miss
ing the Spartan fray with an in
jured leg. The speedy pass-re
ceiving ace worked with Shaw,
Jasper McGee and Lloyd Powell
in one backfiekl. John Keller,
Larry Rose, Tom Crabtree and
Ducklings Aim
For Rook Game
Oregon’s future footballers,
the 19M freshman team, con
tinued their third week of work
outs Tuesday afternoon in prep
aration for a home game with
the Oregon State Rooks on Fri
Under the watchful eyes of
Coach Bill Hammer and assist
ants Tom Wmbigler, Cece Hodges
and Bob Baiscto, the Ducklings
practiced on kickoff and punt
returns; then the freshmen with
educated toes turned to kicking
points after touchdowns, punting
and kick offs.
While half of the squad was
busy readying its offense and
defense by practice the other
half turned to a defensive scrim
mage with the varsity.
Hammer named the following
starters for the Rook contest. In
the center position Bob Reiter
or Norm Chapman will start. At
guard Vorn Scott and Steve Bige
low or Jerry Collins and Bill Al
varrado are set. Tom Hale and
John Raventos or Hal Duffy and
Jerry Kershner have nabbed
the tackle posts, while Milt Blev
ing and Mel Flohr or Ken Kiauer
and John Robinson are possible
starters in the wmg posts.
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Hank Loumcna made up another
Pointing their workouts to
ward the annua.) battle with the
Washington Huskies on Satur
day m Seattle, the Ehjch‘ w«l
attempt to move out from under
the jinx that has seen them
beaten five consecutive years.
The veteran seniors of this
year's Dock team were fresh
ener. in 1851 when the Hugh Me
elhenny-Ied Huskies smasher!
the Oregon club 63-6 in Multno
mah atedmm. It was 4&-C with
Don Heinrich directing UW m
1952 and last year the men fiom
Seattle squeezed out a 14-6
Four Teams
Record Wins
Theta Chi continued its; win
ning ttreaJt by rolling over Pi
Kappa Alpha, Tart Kappa Epsi
lon bowled over Phi Kappa Sig
ma, Delta Upsitom whipped
Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma
Chi bowed to Alpha Tau Omega
in inter-fraternity bowling action
Tuesday night.
Theta Chi scored a 3-3 triumph
over Pi Kappa Alpha. Denny 04
i sen led the victors with a high
single game of 164 and a high
triple of 467.
Tau Kappa Epsilon wrapped
up another victory by a 4-0 score
over Phi Kappa Sigma. Dick
Harrison bowled a high single
of 181 arid a high triple of 517
for the winners.
Lambda Chi dropped its thir
teenth consecutive match to the
DU’S by a 4-0 score.
Alpha Tau Omega dumped
Sigma Chi by a 3-1 score. A high
single of 201 was rolled by Scott
|Page. High triple for the losers
| was a 458 by Ron Griffith.
Taylor Sees Hope
For OSC Gridders
dissatisfied," Kip Taylor told his
Oregon State football -touad
Monday as the Beavers reviewed
their 61-0 shellacking at the
hands of UCLA last Saturday,
but he added: "We are not cha
1 couraged."
The Beavers, Taylor said in
the understatement of the week,
were playing out of their class
against the potent Bruins.
Quarterbacks Jim Withrow awl
;Ray Westfall, still nursing okt
injuries, may be ready to go
against another powerhouse,
Southern California, at Los An
geles this coming Saturday, Tay
lor said.
Husky Mentor
Sets Workouts
SEATfLE-l AP)-Still musing
; bruises received in last week's
13-7 loss at Stanford, the Wash
ington Huskies worked without
pads in opening drills Monday
for Saturday's game here with
Coach Johnny Cherberg sched
uled the hard work for later in
the week.
He told the Huskies their main
task will be stopping George
Shaw, one of the nation’s lead
ing ground gainers and Oregon's
candidate for All-America
IM Schedule
'3 :50 Theta Chi A vs' Phi Kappa
Sigma A, court 40.
Tau Kappa Epsilon A vs.
Kappa Sigma A, court 43.
4:35 Legal Eagles A vs. Phila
- cklphia House A, court 50.
Hunter Hall A vs. French
Hall A, court 43.
5:15 Sederstrom Hall A vs.
Dorm Councelors A, couit
Pi Kappa Alpha B vs. Phi
Kappa Sigma B, court 43.