YW Recognition Service, Conference Scheduled YWCA to Honor All New Members The annual YWCA recogni tion service will be held Wed nesday at 4 p.m. in the dad's lounge in the Student Union. This program is in honor of all new members. Freshman commisston officers will be inaugurated during the program. All YW members are invited. The dress is campus clothes and refreshments will be served. House Representatives To Meet, Bring Cards YWCA house representativesJ will meet today at 4 p.m. in Ger- | linger hall. All representatives are requested to attend and to bring membership cards. The main fall YW membership drive ended last week with a Sunday Reception Observes UN Day A reception sponsored by the foreign student friendship foun dation was held Sunday to wel come the foreign students and to observe United Nations day. E. L. Johnson, dean of liberal arts and graduate school, spoke to a large group of townspeople and American and foreign stu dents. Students from Latvia. Mexico, Japan and the Philip pine islands came in their native dress. The foundation which was or ganized in 1945 holds an annual reception to welcome the foreign students. This *gives the Eugene community a chance to meet the visitors. Current officers are LeonaI Tyler, associate professor of psy chology, president; H. V. John son, vice-president; Russell Wal ker, executive secretary of the YMCA, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ross Griffeth, recording secretary and Donald S. Willis, assistant professor of Oriental \ languages, treasurer. Kenneth S. Ghent is foreign student adviser, j Attending the University this ; year are 122 students which rep resent 35 countries. Canada has the largest representation which is 23. There are 27 foreign wom en students. Foreign Students Receive Awards Five book scholarships of $60 each have been awarded to for eign students by the Co-op board, according to Kenneth Ghent, foreign student adviser. The stu dents were selected by the Uni versity scholarship committee. Those receiving these scholar ships are Inger Gustafsson, Swe den; Ki Jik Han, Korea; Vasuo Ishida, Japan; George Lo, Hong Kong, and Judith Pedersen, Den mark. FREE with every watch cleaning job YOUR NAME INITIALS Engraved on Watch Special Ronson Lighters Repaired $1_50 All work guaranteed CLOSE TO CAMPUS EUGENE WATCH EXCHANGE 1992 Franklin Blvd. Next to Irish-Swartz total of 525 new members. Any Ionian interested in joining should contact her house repre sentative or the YWCA office in Gerlinger. Study Conference Plans Made by Oregon, OSC A two-day study conference will be held Friday and Satur day by members of the Univer sity and Oregon State college YWCA's and YMCA’s. The study will be made for booklets pre pared by the national student council of the groups. Cost of the trip will be ap proximately $4. Anyone inter ested in taking part should con tact the YW office in Gerlinger hall. Wenger! Vying For Civic Post E. S. Wengert, dean of the University political science de partment, is currently running for a position on the Eugene Wa ter and Electric board. Wengert. 42, is opposed in the Ward 1 contest by Julio Silva, a Eugene businessman. Besides his duties at the Uni versity, Wengert is a member of American Political Science asso ciation, the Western Governmen tal Research association, and the Western Political Science asso ciation. He has been studying the board’s tax problems for some time and recently made a report to them on the matter. Wengert is also a member of the Oregon legislature interim committee on revision of the state constitution. oListenina - Qn ...On K WAX 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7:00 News Till Now 7:15 Sport Shots 7:30 Musical Memoirs 8:00 Wilson Inaugural Cere monies 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off J at heme • • • ' or far away this is the gift that brings you nearer !|lll!llll!llllllllllllllllllllillltlllJlllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIHIIIII!lllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllini(llllllllllll| Brings you nearer to dear ones far away, nearer to a heart close to your own. Truly, Christmas is the time for such a gift! Phone for an appointment now, to have your Portrait made for Christmas giving. Please Phone 4-3432 For an Early Appointment THE FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid On the Campus %iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintni!tni!iiiiiiiinit!iimiii!nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;!iiun!iintniiiimiiirnMii!iiiiii>!iiimi!iHii!iniiiiiii Woods to Feature Schubert in Recital William Woods. piano instruc tor at the school ot' music since 1950, will give a recital Thurs day at 8 p.m. in the music school auditorium. Woods is a graduate of the University of Southern Califor nia where he received a bachelor and masters degrees in music. His program will feature num bers of Franz Schubert and some variations for piano by Aaron Copland. This is the first in a series of piano recitals to be sponsored by the school of music this year. Others this term will be a stu dent recital next Tuesday and an individual recital by Audrey Mistretta Nov. 23. Campus Calendar Noon P. E. Grads 110 SU Theatre Exec 111 SU Bus Adm Meet 112 SU Psi Chi 113 SU 12:30 Recorded Music Com 313 SU 1:00 Music Com 313 SU 1:30 Phi Beta Tea Gerl 2nd FI 3:15 Druids 110 SU 3:30 Homeeg Hospitality Com 111 SU 4:00 Newman Cl 315 SU 6:30 Yeamen 315 SU 7:30 Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI Future Teachers Must Apply for Placement Prospective teachers who de sire placement for mid-year or next fall should attend a meet ing at the school of education Thursday, according to Earl M. Pallette, director of the Univer sity Teacher Employment serv ice. Prouty's SLe Se eruice * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B. PKOUTY 970 Oak St. Eugene, Ore. Fulbright Award Applications Due Fulbright scholarship appli cants should have their applica tions filed before Sunday, ac cording to K. S. Ghent, foreign student adviser. Kadi applicant is to appear before the international uffatrs committee for a personal inter view In connection with his ap plication. These interviews should be scheduled at the time the ap plication is filed or earlier. Applications may be filed with Ghent, EmeraJd 207 B. 0 A fishbowl mixer, sponsored by the dance committee, will be held Friday night in the Student Union. CLASSIFIEDS Like to Return: Green Shaffer pencil loaned during Rush Week at Gerlinger Hall. Call at Hendricks Hall. Mary I»u Qualls. 10-28 For Kent: Modern 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modern heat. Lease. Ph. 5-1297. tf Costume Rentals. Reserve yours now before Halloween. I have all sizes. Grimes. Ph. 42737. 10-26 Car for sale 1940 Buirk with a 1948 motor. $250. 760 Mill race Drive. 51777. 10-26 Tutoring in Knglish . Phone 3-3509. 11-9 STANDARD FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL Manerud-Huntington Fuel Co. "Keep Warm and Happy" 997 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon Phone 4-1211 or 5-6262 Just Opened * Owned end Operated by Rile and Ray Jenkint A couple old friends, Tony the Polack and Johnnie the 1 Greek, invite you out to the O. K. TAVERN to renew old acquaintances. Plenty of booths, tables and two shuffieboards for your enjoyment. O.K. TAVERN 28th AND MAIN SPRINGFIELD ? ! You’ve seen this Label many times For more than 60 years manufacturer! hava placed this label in garments to show that the cloth hat been treated with "Cravenette" water repellents to shed showers. This label is found, by tbe millions, in new raincoats for men, women and children; in new jackets, snow suits, felt hats, uniforms and other items of apparel. “Cravenette” is the trade marked name of the water repellents — known the world over as the first and finest — applied to any good cloth to make it water repellent. It identifies a process not a fabric. In our own plant, using genuine ’ Cravenette” repellents: (1) — We can restore original repellency, impaired by age and wear and unavoidably lost in drycleaning. (2) — We can add repellency to garments not originally water repellent. In both cases your garments will shed showers like new. Send or bring us today, your raincoat, topcoat, jacket or other rainwear for this world famous “Cravenette” water repellent service OPEN 7 30 A M. TO 6 P M. MON. - FRI. SAT. TILL 1 P.M.