Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Spartan Gals
Nab Spotlight
By Don Wonzl
Emerald Sport* Writer
Ran Jose KtatCM gorgeous
pussier of gridiron cheerleading
nearly stole the Hhow from foot
hall Saturday afternoon at Hay
ward field.
When they appeared Oregon
rooter* apontaneoualy yelled,
"Han Jo*e girls, come over here!
Kan Jour girls, come over here!"
Yell king* from both achools
"captured" opposing cheerlead
er*. giving both Webfoots and
Spartans an impromptu treat.
Betty Klehert, the girl Whose
exuberant skirt-swinging yell*
landed her picture In but
week’* Issue of Sports Illtit*
'trated mugn/lnc, was the hetul
llner of the group of high step
ping coeds.
.Mina Itichert anid she was
stunned when an Oakland new*
photographer told her hia ahot
of her at the California game
watt one of the beat action allot*
he had ever taken and that he
wanted to send it out over the
Wire. As a reault Sport* Illus
trated picked It up. and Mia*
Richert became a momentary
"I decided to be a good sport
about it." she chuckled, "and
have been getting crazy notea
from different univeraittea, ap
pearing on radio and television in
the Bay Area, and also being
written up in local papers near
San Jose."
The girl* were organized but
year a* a group of song lead
er*.. but Ml** Richert admitted
they have yet to lead a real
"We found out that people
wanted something more than
just cheers and song*. *o we’ve
been entertaining them," Miss
Richert said. "It's a lot of fun.
We've appeared before almost
every group in San Jose, you
know. business clubs, high
schools. Chamber of Commerce,
teaching them the yells, and
getting them interested in Spar
tan spirit."
The new approach I* so suc
cessful that people are follow
ing Spartan football a lot bet
ter than they used to, she re
ported .
Webfoots got a taste of what
she meant Saturday. Although
didn't have much to cheer
about, the spirited Spartan coeds
clipped, kicked, spun and cheered
with as much precision, but a
good deal more flourish, than
many heel-clicking military
Offensive Billed
For Duck Team
"Offense all the way," said
Webfoot coach Lon Casanova in
describing Monday’s workouts,
and offensive they were, as the
Ducks ran through heavy drills
in preparation for the coming tilt
with the Washington Huskies in
Seattle. This should lead to a
much better offensive game than
was played against San Jose
State last week, according to
The Ducks began the workout
with the usual warm-up drills,
and then split up with the line
working on offensive blocking
and the backfield /allowing up
the offensive theme by concen
tration on pass patterns. After
about an hour of this work, the
whole squad teamed up again,
and ran through various passing
and running patterns, with both
the line and the backfield work
ing on blocking.
Quarterbacks George Shaw
and Johnny Keller worked the
very spirited team like clock
work, mixing the plays up, while
coaches Len Casanova, Jack
Roche, Vern Sterling and John
ny McKay checked the blocking.
In the backfield, Dick James and
Jasper McGee looked exceedingly
fine as they both ran the ball
and interference.
But fun has mime KniHinf;
work with It, .Miss lUchert said.
Thp Kiris drove up from Han
■lose 'together, and after four
teen hours on the road, pulled
off on the side to sleep some
twenty-six miles soifth of Eu
K*'ne. They arrived Saturday
Thin is Miss Richert's last year
of cheerieading Spartan style.
She’a a senior in physical edu
cation, will be doing practice i
teaching next spring. ar,d plans
to teach high school next year. I
Hot Rods Roll
To New Mark
The Hot Rods tearn of the Uni- ,
versity of Oregon faculty bowl-|
ing league set a new high for a
total team series with a scorch-j
ing total of 2654 pins in their
match with the Flying Saucers.
With that one exception, all of
the records stand as they were
last week, with the Physical
Plant still on top of the heap. |
Individual high scoring records j
are still the mme, those being
high average. Case, 175; high
net series, Wiper, 593: high gross
series, Hellie, 617; high net game, |
Safely, 214; and high gross game,
Sknlaski, 223.
Monday results;
Grenadiers . 759-817-714-2290 i
Eight Balls . 819-781-777-2377)
Markers .792-861-852-2505
Physical Plant 789-925-911-2625
Jets .836-834-871-2541
Vitamins .784-807-878-2469
Flying Saucers 840-843-875-2558 ,
Hot Rods. 887-910-857-2654
Southern Cal
Team to Beat
.Southern California continued
to look like the team to beat for
the Rose Bowl tilt an they kept
their PCC slate dean with a
29-27 victory over the University
of California.
Tied with USC for the Coast
lead in UCLA, who registered
a 61-0 rout over Oregon State.
Stanford replaced Oregon tn
third place by virtue of its 13-7
victory over Washington.
The biggest upset of the day
in PCC competition was Idaho’s
stunning 10-0 victory over Wash
ington State. This was Idaho's
first win over a Coast conference
team since it defeated OSC in
the last game of its 1952 sched
Team W L T
rt'i.A . too
t'SC . 3 0 0
Stanford 2 10
Oregon 2 2 0
l 2 0
California ...1 2 0
Idaho J 2 0
Oregon State I 3 0
Wa«h. State 1 3 0
Game* Laat Weekend;
Oregon It,, San Jew 7
t't f.A ' 1. Orrg/m S.tate 0
Idaho 10. Wa-hington State 0
Stanford 13. Washington 7
USC 29, California 27
IM Schedule
3:50 Beta Theta Pi A vs. Lamb
da Chi Alpha A, court. 40.
Phi Sigma Kappa A vs. Pi
Kappa Alpha A, court 43.
4:35 Delta Tau Delta A vs. Phi
Gamma Delta A, court 40.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs.
Pi Kappa Phi A, court 43.
5:15 Delta Upsilon A vs. Phi
Kappa Psi A, court 40.
Sigma Chi A vs. Chi Psi A,
court 43.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Bruce Tennant.
Reporters: Chuck Mitchelmore,
Neil Cellers, Gordon Rice.
Sigma Nu Wins
In First Game
Sigma Nil downed Phi Sigma
Kappa in the beat two out of
three games in tne volleyball in
trarnurals Monday afternoon.
Sigma Nu get. off to a fast
start, and held the lead in the
first, game all the way. The score
was 15-11. Phi Sigma Kappa,
came bark to take the second
game 1 5-9. Sigma Nil turned the
score around arid won the third
game 15-9 to take the match.
Frjis Edge DU's
Phi Gamma Delta edged o’it
Delta Upsilon in two fast hard
fought, volleyball games Monday
Phi Gamma won the first
game 15-12 and the second game
10-14. The lead in the second
game changed hack and forth
with Phi Gamma finally edging
out the two points needed.
Clubbers Win
Campbell Club took two game*
in a row from Philadelphia House
to win their volleyball game yes
Campbell Club had an easy
time in the first game, getting a
15-0 victory. Philadelphia House
after getting off to a shaky start
made the second game tough for
the Clubbers. Campbell club
proved to be too much as they
came from behind to win 15-12.,
Cherney Rallies
Chemcy Hall, after starting
off poorly, came on to win in
two straight games from French
Hall Monday afternoon.
French Hall took the lead only
to be overtaken and defeated
15-6 in the first game. In 1 he
second game the two teams bat- I
tied back and forth but Cherney
came through to win 15-10.
Easy Win
Hale Karie allowed a powerful
team by defeating Gamma hail
15-0 and 15-1 in Monday's IM
The Hale Kane team showed
very fine teamwork which proved
to he more than Gamma Hail
could handle.
Frosh Take Two
John Straub Freshmen had an
easy afternoon yesterday as they
downed Nestor Hall in two
games, 35-6 and 15-4.
John Straub showed fine team
work along with some outstand
ing individual play. They started
right off in the lead and wets
never overtaken or challenged
by Nestor.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor—Sally F.yan.
News Desk—Anne Hill, Bob
Copy Desk—Dorothy Griffiths.
Night Staff—Anne Burling
Read Emerald Classifieds
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