Ducks Stop Sparts to Even Record By Gordon Rice Emsruld Sport* Editor The Oregon I tuck m acored a workmanlike 20-7 win over an over-rated Han Jom State foot ball team Saturday on Hayward field, and in no doing evened up their Hoaaon’s record at three Winn and three Iok.soh. For the moat part It was nn unspectacular, though convinc ing victory, with Oregon never in any mmIouh trouble. The cold, windy weather canned never al dropped passe* und a number of fumbles, eapc GBOKGK SHAH 203 More Yard* cially by Bon Jose, during the game. It was a fumble which | gave the Ducks their first score; early in the game and set the! visiting Spartans back on their1 heels for the rest of the game. San Jose, which has been af fected by fumbelitis even more than Oregon this year, fumbled eight times and lost four of ’ them. Oregon lost the ball the only time it fumbled. Oregon Win* Flip Oregon's opening score came with only 2:28 gone in the ball game. Duck Captain Ron Pheis ter won the flip of the coin for the sixth time in a row thin season and elected to defend the north goal, With the wind at his hack. San .lose cIiiish to receive, and on the first |>la.V from scrimmage Quarterback Ben ny Pierce pitched out wild to hit* halfback, who could not hold the hall. I>can Van I>'u ven fell on the Itall for Oregon on the Spartan IS. For the 10,000 family day fans In the stands, the fumble was a welcome change from the open ing day fumbles which have plagued their own Webfoots all season. The Ducks waited no time taking advantage of the break. Tom Crabtree, subbing for the injured Dick James, ripped off two yards. Jasper McGee made two more. Webfoots Score On the next play. Quarterback George Shaw made a beautiful fake to McGee going into the line, then handed off to Halfback Walt Gaffney going around left end. Gaffney outran the Spar tan defenders to the sideline and then cut downfield for the touch down. Shaw added the extra point, and Oregon led 7-0. The San Jose team seemed never to recover from the shock of this first quick TD. Oregon drove to the San Jose 19 the next time It got the ball, but couldn’t score, in sptto of Shaw’s 15-yard run on fourth down. Another Oregon drive died on the Spartan two midway in the second period, after a drive from the Oregon <6. Crabtree, Lloyd Powell and Larry Rose carried the ball to the San Jose four in ten plays. Drive Stopped With a fourth down coming up, Coach Len Casanova sent in McGee to punch the ball across. The move was obvious, how ever, and the Spartan defense was waiting for him and stopped him short of the goal. The Ducks had still another chance a minute later when San Jose Fullback Dave Fan ner fumbled on his own 17 and Phil McHugh recovered for Oregon, tuft they muffed this one too. Three passes by Shaw were Thefa Chi's Win In IM Volleyball Delta Tau Delta's B squad slipped by Theta Cni'H Bs in the first set, but the Theta Chi's used a pair of rallies and the time clock to make their first win in intramural volleyball ac tion Friday. The Delts edged out a 16-14 victory to take the advantage, but the Theta Chi forces moved in the second round to triumph, 15-13. Delta Tau Delta was trail ing, 11-6, in the final set when time ran out and the Theta Chi's were awarded the contest. SAE Quartet Wins Only four men showed up for Sigma Alpha Epsilon's class B tilt with Chi Psi, but the SAEs turned the game into a rout. The SAE Four Horsemen trim med the Chi Psi’s, winning 15-3 and 15-6. ATO’s Tip Phi Haps Phi Kappa Sigma's B volley bailers fell victim to a too tough IM Schedule Monday 3:50 Sigma Nu B vs. Sigma Kap pa B, court 40. Delta Upsilon B vs. Phi Gamma Delta B, court 43. 4:35 Hale Kane vs. Gamma llall B, court 40. Philadelphia House B vs. Campbell Club B, court 43. 5:15 French Hall B vs. Cherney Hall B, court 40. Straub Frosh B vs. Nestor Hall B. court 43. bunch from Alpha Tau Omega by identical scores Friday. The ATO B’s nabbed the first two sets by 15-5 counts. Slg Kps Quell Rally Sigma Chi's B squaders staged a desperate rally in their second game against Sigma Phi Epsilon, but the Sig Eps came out with a tight 16-14 victory to take the match. Sig Ep van quished the Sigma Chis, 15-2, in the first set. Two Take Forfeits Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta Theta accepted forfeit wins in class B volleyball when Phi Kap pa Psi and Pi Kappa Alpha failed to show up Friday. incomplete, although Em] Hal Reeve caught the third one, but out of the end zone. On fourth down, Shaw was forced to run with the ball and managed to pick up seven yards not enough for the find. down. It was obvious, however, that, if the Ducks got enough chances they were going to make use of STATISTICS Ore S,JS j \>t Yard* Kicking 225 <>2 Panoet Attempted ,i« 16 j !'»••« ( 'impletrd . ]2 16 i Mini Inlerrejited 1 0 \rt YiimU I'**»ing 167 M) | Total Offenne 112 172 1 Hint Downs. 16 13 one of them eventually, and they did juat that a few moments later. Punt Blocked Guard Keanous Cochrane smashed through to block a punt by Pierce, and Tackle Keith Tucker recovered for Oregon on the Spartan six yard line. Oregon was offside on the first play, and Shaw’s pass was. ineompiete on the second, hut on the third play Shaw found Reeve in the end zone and pitched a strike, to him for the. touchdown. Shaw again added the extra point to make the, halftime score 144. The third period was more of i the same as Oregon drove to the 1 Spartan one yard line, only to lose the ball on downs. San dose Drives San Jose did start one of their two long drives in the game dur ing that period, however. Tak ing over on downs on their own one, the Spartans moved upfield as Fanner, Fred Delgadillo and j Pierce moved the ball to the Oregon 24 as the quarter ended. Oregon held at that point as Kirsch Calls Hoop Meet All freshmen Intending to go out for basketball are asked to report to room 101 of the physi cal education building for a spe cial meeting tonight at 6:45. Frosh Coach Don Kirsch em phasized that the meeting is par ticularly important since details covering equipment issuance, practice schedules and eligibility will be discussed and the squad role is to be made up. Prospective players are asked to bring a pen to fill out Pacific Coast conference information forms. Dellinger Captures Cross-Country Run Bill Dellinger, Oregon's junior mile ace, captured first place Saturday afternoon as the Duck cross-country men defeated Port land university's harriers, 21-39. The special race began and I ended at Hayward field as a pre liminary to the Oregon-San Jose State football game. The Pilots’ Jim Senko took second place be hind Dellinger's winning time of 10:15 for the approximately two mile distance. Another TJO trackman, Ken Wayne Reiser, was third and an Estacada freshman, Stan Ruth erford, finished fourth. Fifth was George Johnson of Portland. WHY Pay a Penalty for Being Under 25? if you are married, you can now have public liability and property damage auto insurance with one of the finest com panies in the West for $15.20 per 6 months. You can also save up t® 33% on collision and comprehen sive. Don't throw your money away. Get the facts. HOME OFFICE IN SEATTLE PH. 4-9444 Jerry Brown Agent Res. Ph. • 4-2957 962 OAK, EUGENE 1 the final perior) opened, however. a nr) took over on the 28 two plays later. From there the Ducks drove to their third tourhdown after a 53-yard pass play from Shaw to Crabtree carried the hall to the Spartan seven. IHck Favlat was held for no train, hi/t I’owell carried the trait over from the one after pick ing up nix yards on the prev ious play. Shaw kicked the point, but an j illegal use of hands penalty moved the ball to the 19, from where his second, attempt was blocked by Tackle Jack Craw ' ford. Ducks Score Again Oregon scored again a few | minutes later on a nice 25-yard run by Rose, followed by a tre : mendous tight rope run along the sidelines for 18 yards by George Shaw, after he was nearly trapped trying to pass. Shaw’s conversion attempt was wide to the right, making the score 26-0. San Jose got its only score with 2:02 remaining In the game, after a punt by Pavfat went straight up in the air and came down on the Oregon 35 for a minus six yards. With Tony Teresa passing and Stan Beasley running, the Spartans moved to the Webfoot one. From there Teresa sneaked into the end zone for the seore and then kicked the extra point. Sbaw Adds Vantage Shaw, the national total of fense leader, gained 137 yards, passing and 66 rushing to bring his season's total to 1046, but he Sports Staff Desk Editor: Chuck Mitchel ; more. Staff: Gordon Rice, Allen John son, Larry Schwartz apd Rich, Urie. j had fme help from a number of Oregon backs. Powell, Crab tree, Gaffney and Rose, all turned in their best performances of the season. Both Coaches Praise Shaw Oregon Are George ?5haw was the object of post-game e.oirr 1 rnent. Saturday afternoon by both Duck Coach Len Casanova and Bob Brenzan, mentor of the los mg Spartans. The San Jose head mar. praised, the Duck quarterback and called him "the best all-around bach on the Coast.” Casanova con curred and labeled Shaw’s per formance in the 26-7 Webfcot win "wonderful ” Bronzan blamed defensive lapses and tenseness for the play of hrs club, which he termed "dis appoint mg.” Casanova sa.d his team’s play was ragged, and landed the de fensive men and their contribu tions to eight San Jose fumbles. I He singled out for individual mention End Phil McHugh, Tackle Keith Tucker, Guard Reanous Cochrane and Backs Larry Rose and Tom Crabtree. Prouty's •^hoe Service * Invisible Resoling * Refinishing * Repairing * Dyeing K. B. HIOOTV 97* Oaks*. higtM, Ora. SHULER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. I 11 AA F DAILY & SUNDAYS.. I ILL I I !UU M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 F E N N E L L'S FALL and WINTER SUITS Latest Styles Big Selection! YOUR CAMPUS STORE FOR CAMPUS STYLES! FENNELL'S ON THE CAMPUS