Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1954, Page Two, Image 2

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    Ormon Dailif
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published five days a week during the school year
except examination and vacation periods, by the Student Publications Board of the Univer
sity of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Sul>
scription rates: $5 j>er school year; $2 a term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are those of the writer ami do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written
by the editor; initiated editorials by the associate editors.
_DICK LEWIS. JACKIE \VARDEl.L, Associate Editors_
KKEFF., Managing Editor DONNA RUN HERO, Advertising Manager
JERRY~[1ARRELL, News EditorGORDON RICE, Sport* Editor
JEAN SANDINE, Business Manager
Sh-Boom, Sh-Boom
They must be joking; it can’t be true ! That was our reaction
to this year’s Homecoming theme—“Sh-Boom, Hello, Hello
Again.” We think it will probably be the reaction of many
other students.
Now it is not the place of the Emerald to suggest or pick
a theme for Homecoming. That is the job of the committee
which probably gives a great deal of thought to their choice.
Hearing some of the other suggestions submitted, we sym
pathize with their problem.
However, we shudder to think of the reaction of returning
alums who will be greeted with choruses of ‘Sh-Boom.” Off
hand we can’t think of a single idea for a Homecoming sign
built around this theme.
It the committee wished to use a popular song in the theme,
why not something like “Little Things Mean A Lot—Beat
WSC” or “Happy, Happy Africa—Welcome Back Alums.”
Just the Facts
We read with interest the letter, which appears elsewhere
on this page, from Toby McCarroll, an ex-drama critic of the
Emerald. If his intention was to anger us, we must disappoint
It was never the aim of the Emerald to deal lightly with
John Jensen’s reputation. We merely wished to bring out into
the open the facts in the highly controversial case of the
senate’s selection of Jensen as exchange assembly director and
Jensen’s subsequent resignation under fire.
McCarroll thinks the whole issue of minor importance.
At the time we wrote the editorial, we did not. We thought
the case had reached that stage of the rumor process where
a thorough explanation of the facts, as we knew them, could
prevent further slander and attacks both against Jensen’s
reputation and against the action of the senate in choosing
him director.
The Emerald, furthermore, did not suggest a Board of Re
view but was merely commenting on the senate’s proposal for
tjje new entertainment commission. The commission, we feel,
will serve as the same type of positive check over campus en
tertainment as does the publications board over student pub
lications. The pub board does not set Emerald policies, but the
Editor must answer to that body for his actions, if, for in
stance, he overstepped the bounds of good taste.
We do not propose to define “common standards of good
taste.” The fact that Jensen’s standards differed from that of
the senate, probably explains why he is no longer assembly
director. The fact that McCarroll’s standards differ from that
of the Emerald (and his spelling from Webster’s dictionary)
could explain why he is no longer Emerald drama critic.
Two Can Be a Crowd
Worthal! Say, I haven’t seen much of you since you got that
cute little sports car.”
The Inside
By Mr. X
Ed. Note: The Enii'rald ln
t roduce* today Its newest
column. Because of its nut lire,
the name of the writer will re
main anonymous.
While we were walking down
the sidewalk in front of the SU
the other day, we noticed some
one walking across the Seal.
This is the first time we've seen
this since we've
been here at
Oregon and we
wonder if the
offenders just
don't know
about the tra
dition or they
just don't care.
The offenders
were not fresh
* *
The athletic department
must have a terrific light bill!
That marquee In front of Mac
court blares out in full glory
until the wee small hours of
the morning. Looks more like
Radio City Music hall than a
sports arena.
* • * ' '
What was wrong with the
band at the game ? Our yell king
and yell dukes went over and
captured the San Jose State
rally girls and then the band
leader, not Robert Vagner but
his assistant, didn't want to play
any music for them. It is too bad
they weren’t in the spirit of the
day and were forced to play be
cause of student yells and boos.
• • •
We wonder how Skull and
Dagger can justify the selec
tion of one of the men they
tapped at the dance Saturday
since he only transferred to
Oregon at the beginning of the
term. He was very outstanding
at the school he previously at
tended, we understand, but
that does not qualify him for
an honorary here.
* * •
Seems a tradition has died at
Oregon. More and more fellows
are bringing dates to games
(especially in Portland), and the
crowd very rarely lets out with
the old razz ‘‘Pigger." Failure
to segregate men and women’s
sections at games is probably to
be blamed.
• * *
We don't mind the drinking
that goes on at the football
games but when students act
as a few of them did Saturday,
we disapprove. As a specific
example, we mention beer bot
tle throwing by members of
one of the Millrace houses.
Luckily, they only threw one,
and it didn’t hurt the person
it hit.
* * *
Lots of favorable reports go
ing around about Roger Middle
ton's band at the Whiskerino.
Chairman of future campus
dances might follow the Whis
kerino committees lead and hire
local talent, which in this in
stance, at least, was apparently
much better than some of the
imported groups we’ve heard in
the past.
Campus Calendar
Noon Spanish TbI
Fest of Art
Bus Adm Lunch
Pub Relations
Homecg Com Ch
Dance Com
Hde of Hses
Soph Honors
Queen Wait
110 SU
111 SU
112 SU
113 SU
313 SU
110 SU
213 SU
334 SU
Dadsrm SU
111 SU
112 SU
Queen Sel
Phi Mu Alpha
Sinf Gerl 2nd FI
Soph Honors 342 CW
Orides Gerl 3rd FI
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor—Paul Keefe.
News Desk—Anne Hill.
Copy Desk—Sally Ryan and
Bob Funk.
Night Editor—Valerie Hersh.
Read Emerald Classifieds
■ yirrii
...to the Editor
For Less Sin
Emerald Editor:
It is understandable* that a
person of little immngination
but a great deal of zeal, could
exagerate the importance of
minor things, and so the Edi
tor's position on John Jensen
and the Exchange Assembly
could perhaps be excused.
Although It will la* herltical
to these pages, I seriously
doubt thut the heavens would
full even If the University had
no Exchange Assembly. Hut,
I know that Mr. Jensen’s rep
utation, dealth with so lightly
by the Editor, will la* of con
siderable importance, at least
to Mr. Jensen.
I would also suggest that
not everyone is completely
agreed as to what constitutes
the Editor's "common stand
ards of good taste," however,
since the editor is,suggesting
a Board of Review, I'm sure
he could set down a clear un
ambiguous definition for the
guidance of the Board.
Yours for more conformity
and less sin,
Toby Mr( arroll
(Editor’s Note: This letter is
reprinted exactly as we re
ceived It. For comment, see
editorial column on this page.)
55 Men Organize
ROTC Drill Team
The University Air Force
ROTC drill team has been or
ganised with 55 members and
Maj. Lewis Tiffany in charge.
John O’Keefe, senior in business,
has been appointed cadet lieu
tenant colonel.
Cadet majors are Sam Kent,
senior in business, and Gerald
Campbell, junior in pre-dentist
ry. Cadet lieutenants are Dennis
Rapp, junior in physical educa
tion; Peter Van Berkout, junior
in business, and Joseph Davis,
junior in liberaf art*.
The drill team Includes 32
freshmen, a number of whom
have had previous military train
ing in national guard and reserve
units. All freshmen on the drill
team have been designated air
men third class.
Competition is planned with
Oregon State college, Willamette
university and Portland univer
sity. as well as with the army
ROTC drill team.
The drill team provides color
guards for various events and
has tentative plans for exhibi
tions at athletic events.
round the clock
Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m.
Weekends, 3 a. m.
West 6th, Near Blair
Phone 5-9001
Campus Briefs
• The YWCA Public. Affairs
commit ten will m<*et Monday ltt
•I p.m. In the Student Union \v.
H. Binphc*neon, acting head .,f
the hlfitory department, W1jj
apeak on "What do the ftrpubli
cau and Democratic parties aland
0 All old utul new member*
of the recorded mimic committee
of the Student Union are to meet
Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in Sir
313, according to Shirley Hardy,
chairman of the committee.
• Garry MeMurry, chairman*
of the Student Union coffee hour
forum committee, annouru e« a
meeting of that group today at
4 p.m. in SU^312.
0 Itil Theta rpsllon will m.. f
tonight at 0.30 in the Student
Union. Unifoim* are required.
0 Homecoming ro m mitten
chairmen will meet at * p.m. to
day in the Student Union, ac
cording to Betti Kackler and
Dick Re<k man, Homecoming
0 Gamma Alpha ( hi, nation
al professional advertiaing fra
temity for women, will men at
4 pm. today In 219 Allen hall
to discuss plans for the national
&u>er-Matc Per
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new Paper-Mate u/
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those extra
Betty Coed may like them plain
but Joe College says, "Give me
those fat ones covered with spicy
nuts and just oozing with tasty
frosting. They're great!"
889 E. 13th Street