READY FOR WINTER Condon Hall Improvements Rapidly Nearing Finish Inside improvements on Con don hall are rapidly being com pleted and full use of the build ing shodld be possible by winter term, I. I. Wright, physical plant superintendent, disclosed this week. Condon is one of the oldest buildings on the campus, and all three of its floors are being remodeled in order to provide more room and better facilities for the three departments which will be located there. Several classes of the geology, geogra phy, and psychological depart ments have been relocated while work has been going on. 100,000 Specimen Moved First change in the structure began when the University her barium of about 100,000 speci mens was moved into the archi tecture annex on Onyx street. Then last spring the Museum of Natural History was relocated in former physical plant shops on Onyx street. Included in this w'ere many personal geology specimens from the collection of Thomas Condon, pioneer geol ogist of Oregon and one-time University faculty member. Work was started on the base ment floor during spring term and has since been finished ex cept for a few fixtures. Work here was mostly refinishing geography and geology class rooms with new plastering, ac coustical tile, and floor tile be ing added several places, as was done on all three floors. The main floor of Condon hall SU Currents Roily AddedToday in Friday at Four Six acts and a short rally will be included in this week’s Friday at Four in the SU Fishbowl. Conrad Larsen, a sophomore in liberal arts, will entertain with a fire-eating act. Connie Becker, freshman in liberal arts, will tap dance. A ventriloquist act will be given by Larry Wood, freshman. Other performers are Wilber Prater, freshman in arch itecture, who will pantimine, and Ben Darris, freshman, who will play a selection of jazz on the piano. The Master of Ceremonies is Tom Waldrop, freshman in speech. CLASSIFIEDS For Sale: Ampro Tape Recorder, Stereo Tach Stereo device for 35 MM camera with 50 MM lenses. Portable timer switch for electric appliances. Ph. 32346. 10-21 Jack and Jill School. Nursery School training by certified teacher. Children 2-6. All day or part time. Telephone 5-0078. 10-25 For Rent: Modem 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modem heat. Lease. Ph. 5-1297. tf Costume Rentals. Reserve yours now before Halloween. I have all sizes. Grimes. Ph. 42737. 10-26 ’41 Chev Club Coupe R & H $175.00 Terms. Ph. 5-6154 or see at 512 Waite St. Fri. Sat. Sun. 10-22 Car for sale — 1940 Buick with a 1948 motor. $250. 760 Mill race Drive. 51777. 10-25 Wedding ring found in parking lot back of Rush Inn. Owner pick up at Rush Inn. 10-21 Tutoring in English — Phone 3-3509. 11-9 has undergone the greatest changes with the space former ly occpied by the museum being partitioned into classrooms and laboratory space for the three departments. Some work is still left on this floor although it is nearly completed with a few classes already holding sessions there. Work on the third floor of the building got started only re cently and will probably not be completed for two months. No extensive changes are planned on this floor, but merely some general refinishing to provide better facilities for the psy chology department, which will be located here when work is compk ted. FRITZ FRAUNFELDER JOE COLLEGE WELCOME l FOOTBALL FANS PRESS CONFERENCE GUESTS WE PREDICT An OREGON VICTORY Saturday AND WE ALSO PREDICT GOOD FOOD AT ■ E X#§D*/Vf /N 165 West Eleventh • DINNERS • FOUNTAIN • SANDWICHES FREE PARKING nine ... nineteen ... or"not telling” EA I ON S Fine Letter Papers are personality-perfect Whether choosing writing paper to brighten your own visits-by-mail, or to give as a gift, there’s an Eaton paper in our wide, wonderful selection that will do you proud! Come in soon and see. II. of 0. Co-op CHAPMAN HALL GET INTO THIS STRAIGHT JACKET, FOS D1C K f.r-'iOU' VE GONE MAD/' BUT, CHI EX IT'S ANV* FACE, IN ONE OF HIS WORST * disguises." KAfW^ffi KUE.W 'iOO WERE Ri6HT O'-D PAL-MOW'D ^OU SPOT ti -j rAr cr O THAT messy HAlRff HE SHOULD USE VVILDCOOT CPEAM OIL— KEEPS HAIR NEAT, But ^ u/oyrv f NOT-<4sh.'-GREASV" l»WKrkr. GET Wli.DROOT CAfAM* OIL, CHARLIE f.r i BCT, THAT wool DEE ILLEGAL!.' MV NAME IS ^HAtR WON'T STAY COMBEDP GET W1LDPOOT CREAM-OIL CHARLIE.AMERICAS FAVORITE * Penney’s ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY! classic splash weaves in rayon gabardine . . . RAINo,SHINE! milium lined raincoats 16 75 ■ Size* 8-18 practical in the rain time . . . fashionable in the sun time . . . what ever the forecast . . . this outfit means you're dressed beautifully with a maximum of protection . . . rayon gabardine handsomely tailored in interesting weaves . . . complete with matching hat! • OTHER FASHION-WISE RAINCOATS - $16.75^- $19.75 WOMEN'S QUALITY RAINWEAR • SECOND FLOOR I leo^PARErSee ' wg PENNIY QUALITY is yourGREATEST SAVING1 I