Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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    1 for Religious Notes
new* has been ehnnged to 5
p.in. Wednesday. Items about
religious organizations on rum
pus should tie turned In to the
Emerald offlee, Allen SOI, be
fore till* deadline eneh week.
Inter-Varsity Christian
Krguini meeting of the Inter
Varsity Christian fellowship will
be canceled this Tuesday to al
low member* to attend the
United Staten air force band
concert. Meeting* will be re
sumed November 2.
The Inter-Varsity group con
duct* a weekly Bible study ses
*lon at 4 p.m. each Thur*day in
the Student Union. Campus
prayer meetings arc held at
12:30 p.m. Monday through Fri
day each week in 204 Library.
Any interested person may at
tend either of these meeting*.
Newman Club
Newman club will meet at 8
p.m. Sunday in the Student Un
ion for a short busine** meet
ing and a talk on "Church Laws"
by the Rev. McKennott. Refresh
ments will be sei-ved after the
All Catholic students at the
University have been invited to
attend a Halloween dance, Oc
tober 29. according to Carolyn
Uavis. co-chairman of the event.
The program will include danc
ing. a floor *how, refreshments
and game*. Admission will bo
25 cents per person.
Christian Science
Members of the Christian Sci
ence student organisation will
meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday on the
first floor of Gerlinger hall.
Wesley Foundation
Beginning this Sunday at 0:30
a.m., the Koinouia Klass will
meet in the Wesley Foundation
chapel instead of at the First
Methodist church.
■Sunday evening, following the
usual light supper at 5:30. the
second in a series of five meet
ings on "The University of Life"
will be held. Three interest
groups will meet separately to
discuss the topic.
A program about international
Students will be given Tuesday
after the potluck supper at 5:30
p.m. The meeting will be part
of Wesley Foundation's series of
in* “i national student programs
this year.
Chapel will be held at 9:30
p.m. Thursday.
Plans for a Halloween party
are underway at Westminster
Foundation. The group will meet
tonight at 7:30 to help make
decorations for next week’s
party. Games, dancing and re
freshments also will be held.
A coffee and donut hour
will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday,
followed at 9:30 by a Bible study
class on "The Brief Statement of
Reformed Faith." The class ad
journs at 10:30 a.m. so that stu
dents may attend various
The vesper service Will be held
at 6 p.m. Sunday followed by a
coffee hour at 7.
Wednesday activities begin
with a chapel service at 12:30
p.m. A fellowship supper will
be held Wednesday evening.
Guest speaker will be Ward Rice,
speech instructor at Northwest
Christian college.
The Halloween party has been
scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday,
Oct. 29. Cosmopolitan club stu
dents have been invited to join
the Halloween celebration.
Luther House
A discussion on “Sin or Neuro
sis" will be held at Luther
House’s regular Sunday evening
program at 6 p.m. The discussion
will be led by a graduate stu
dent in psychology. Refreshments
will be served.
Thursday evenings, the Luther
house volleyball team plays in
the YMCA tournaments. Stu
dents interested in joining the
team should contact Gary Peter
son, 5-8620.
Students Interested in partici
pating in discussion on the books
of the Bible should sign up with
Kitu Grisliss for a Bible study
Proposed times for the meet
ings are 0 to 10 a m. and 11 a.m.
to 12 p.m. Tuesday or 10 to 11
a.m. Thursday.
The Northwestern conference
of the Lutheran student associa
lion will be held at Camp Ma
gruder Oct. 2ft to 31. Theme for
the conference will be "Christas
Victor.” Transportation may lie
arranged by calling Luther
House, 4-7373,
Christian House
Voters' forums for new voters
will be held at the next two
Htmday evening firesides at
(Christian House. This Sunday
from 9 to 10 p.m., the subject
will he "Measures on the Ballot,”
and the October .11 topic will be
"Men on the Ballot.” Member**
of the league of Women Voters
will load the discussions.
The 0:15 a.m. donut hour Sun
day is followed by a Bible study
class taught by Victor P, Mor
! ris, dean of the school of husi
I ness, at 9:45. Cars will pick up
students at Carson hall at 9:30
' The 5:30 p.m. fellowship hour
Sunday will be another program
in a senes on "What Is Kasen
tial in Christianity?” The Hev.
John Boosinger, new counselor
to students at Northwest Chris
tian college, will be the speaker.
The first pothick dinner of fall
term will be held at 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday with Maxine Molkie
in charge. A program on* Singa
pore will be presented by Tso
Wang, graduate student in po
litical science, and bis wife, Jean.
Student Church Directory
»fll ■MTWlfK
First Congregational Church
Invites University of Oregon Students
To The
9;30 a m. Universily Class—leader Dr. Paul Trueblood
Theme: "Great Personalities of Religion"
11 ;00 a m. Morning Worship
Dr. Wesley G. Nicholson will preach
SUNDAY SERVICES—8:45 a m. & 11 a.m.
• Sermon: "God's Wondrous Works"
Bible Class: 10 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader .
Gamma Delians meet at 1343 Mill Street at 6 p-.m.
Grace Lutheran Church
Eleventh and Ferry Streets
W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant
First Christian Church
1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425
Dr. Caroll Roberts, Minister
Week of Ministry
10:50 a.m.. Morning Worship
Guest Speaker — Dr. Titus Feazee
Visit Christian House—Our Student Center
736 E. 16th Avenue.
9:30 a.m. Donut Hour & Sunday School
Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher
5:30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
166 13th East Phone: 5-7452
8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00
Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
The Holy Communion, 7:00 a.m. Gerlinger Hall
Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith
Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis
Emerald Baptist Church
(American Baptist Affiliate)
Rev. Charles W. Moore
1992 Potter Street
Tel. 3-3198
Sunday School — 9:45 A. M.
(University Class for Students)
Morning Worship — 11:00 A. M.
Evening Worship — 7:30 P. M.
Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School
24th and Hilyard Streets
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Sermon: "Probation After Death"
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
* Hear Dr. David Laurie of Scotland
* Commissioning Service for Waren and Shirley Webster
Sunday, 7:30 p. m.—They leave Monday for Pakistan.
* Sunday School at 9:45 Goal 1500.
* Hear Merv Roseli, Dr. A. Guruswamy of Ceylon and
Dr. J. Elwin Wright in NAE Rally Monday, Oct. 25 at
7:30 p. m.
First Baptist Church
Broadway at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette — Phone 5-8764
Worship Services—9.30 and 11:00 a.m.
9:30 — Dr. Johnson
"Opportunity For The Living Church"
11 00 — Bishop James C. Baker
Wesley Foundation — Student Center — 1236 Kincaid
Rev. J. J. Clement from Tokyo brings a positive answer to this pertinent
question Sunday, 7:45 P.M., concluding the
Eugene’s First Assembly of God
West 13th and Madison In Eugene
11 A. M. — REV. PERRY DYMOND, from Honduras,
Guest Speaker
9:45 A.M. — Sunday School. A Special Welcome for Uni
versity Students in our Mariner's Class. We invite those
needing transportation to phone 5-0422.
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor
Fairmont Presbyterian Church
15th & Villard Sts.
Reverend John E. Cantelon, Minister
Church School 9:45
Morning Worship 11:00
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Washington School — 616 Harlow Road
Reverend David B. White, Minister
Church School 9:45
Morning Worship 9:45 & 11:00
Central Presbyterian Church
10th & Pearl St.
Reverend Paul S. Millish and Reverend Don S. Ryder,
Church School 9:30 & 11:00
Morning Worship 9:30 & 11:00
Springfield Presbyterian Church
7th & A St.
Reverend Alfred J. Stenner
Church School 9:45
Morning Worship 11:00
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