Wesley Building To be Dedicated The official dedication of the new Wesley Foundation will be gin Saturday with a banquet at 6 p.m. in the new building. Dedi cation services, open to the pub lic. will follow at 8 p.m. The new structure, located at 1236 Kincaid street, provides spacious meeting rooms, a chapel and recreation facilities for the Methodist student religious or ganizations. It is one of several Methodist student centers on the campuses of state colleges and universities. The group sponsors educational, social and recrea tional activities, as well as wor ship. for students under the guidance of the Rev. Kenneth Peterson, Wesley Foundation di rector. The dedication is being held in conjunction with the fifth an nual meeting of the members of the Corporation of Wesley Foun dation at the University of Ore gon. Charles G. Howard, profes sor of law and chairman of the corporation, will preside at the Saturday banquet and dedication service. • The dedicatory address will be presented by Bishop A. Raymond Grant, head of the Oregon. Pa cific Northwest and Alaska con ferences of the Methodist church. The banquet program will in elude a talk by Bishop James C. Baker, retired founder of the Wesley Foundation movement, music by the Wesley Foundation choir and a solo by Audrey Mis- ; tretta, senior in music. Many Wesley alumni will be' present for a reunion with three ! former Wesley Foundation di rectors who plan to attend the dedication. The former directors are Doro thy Nyland, secretary of student work, women's division of Chris-; tian service of the Methodist church. New York City: Mrs. Mary Beth Hurlocker of Flor ence, and Mrs. Mary Findly Lockenour of Salem. Campus Briefs • The following students were confined to the infirmary Thurs day. according to rospital rec ords: Carol Ann Brooks. Beverly Cochran, Dennis B. Ryan, Douald Smith, Larry Beckius and Roger A. Long. • Canterbury chib, Episcopal student group, will meet Sunday at 6 p.m. in St. Mary's Episco pal church. 13th and Pearl for a prayer service followed by sup per and a discussion. Friday 6:00 Dinner Hour Serenade 7 :00 News Till Now 7:15 Musical Memoirs 8:00 University Hour 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off 'University Hour' Has Debate, Play Tonight’s “University Hour" j will, feature the University ile-1 bate squad and a half hour Bret Harte play. “Should the United States ad-1 mit Communist China to the U.N. ?" will be discussed by an inner-squad debate. This will be the first half hour of the pro- i gram. Herman Cohen, director of I forensics, will be moderator for j the debate. By Ardon Milkes Emnrald Feature Wrifar In October, 1937 on the Ore gon campus, n brick building was dedicated with these inscrip tions above the front entrances: "Ye Shull Know the Truth" and "And It Shull Make You Free.” It whs the new University li brary. Third largest library in • the stute in 1937, the Univei'slty li brary now possesses one of the largest collections for a college library in the United States. 1950 Seen Annex Built The year 1950 was one of the most important dates in the Uni versity library’s history since its beginning in 1882. A new addi tion was built onto the old struc ture and an open shelf system President Wilson to Speak At NW Educators' Banquet university ^resident u. Mere dith Wilson will be the featured speaker at the banquet of the Northwest Council of Guidance and Personnel association. His subject will be "What Price Ado Chairmen List Names Of SU Committeemen New members of nine Student Union standing committees have been released by the committee chairmen. Prior to this week, SV committees have operated as skeleton committees, staffed by returning members of last year's groups. Committees which announced new members are the publicity, music, coffee hour forum, public relations, art gallery, recorded music, dance, movie and brows ing room committees. Dick Gray, chairman of the Publicity Committee, lists Yvon ne Anderson, Gretchen Ellis,. Frances, Fay, Evelyn Nelson, Nancy Heathe, Pat Bush. Sue Slauson, Dorothy Ann West, Jo Eggleston, Lome Whitten, Chuck Cowen, Mary Jo Faurier, Mollie Monroe, Nan Borquist, Connie Hitte, Jackie Johnson, John Shea, Sally Rosecrans, LaRae Koon, '''and Mary Jo Williams as new members on his committee. The skeleton committee, those who worked on the committee last year, are Lindy Lundy, Pete Plumridge. Betty Anderson, Marcia Mauney, and Shirley Mc Lean. New Music Committee mem bers are Joan Palmer, Salleen Smith, Cindy Randall, Helen Huse, Marilyn Walker, Fay Campbell, Darlene Leland, Bev Chamberlain, Carol Mattson, Verity Kitchen, Marian Hoskins, and John Raventos, according to Lucia Knepper, chairman. Carol Aiken, Sally Jo Greig, Bob Porter, Mary Gerlinger, and Jeanne Scales are on the skele ton committee. Many New Forum Workers Those new on the Coffee Hour Forum are Lee Blaesing, Joan Bailey, Barby Barker, Dorothy Allen, Kathleen Donovan, Ann Sue Pearson, Ann Petterson. Sue Bahorich, Marilyn Moore, Bev Hall, and Mary Johnson, an nounces Gary McMurry, chair man. Skeleton Committee members are Joe Flatt, Harry Fuller .and Walt Meihoff. New on the Public Relations Committee are Judy Dunn, Caro lyn Crove, Taffy Jones, Pat Gal lagher. Nancy Marston. Shirley Parmenter, Gary Canova, Sally Hoy, Jane Beck, Gerri Sabey, Karen Johnson, Phyllis Stals berg, Caryl Vaselenko, Peggy Gathercoal, Alice Dormer, Rita Schenk, Donna Krauspe, Sue Rambsy, Marienne Muir, Joanne Donnelly, and Barbara Dahl, ac cording to Lolly Quackenbush, chairman. Marcia Cook, Mary Jo Cornell, j : Bev Bowman, Barbara Williams. | and Pat Deeney are skeleton committee members. New members of the Art Gal lery Committee include Jan Ben net, Warren Ness, Connie Ken nedy. Shelly Doggett, Anita Al len, Paula Smith, and Nancy Hill. ■ Bob Koutek is chairman. Music Committee Big Shirley Hardy, chairman of the Recorded Music Committee, lists Betty Elrod, Hohn Wells. Robert Davis, Nancy Kincheloe, Mary Heisler. Sylvia Birch, Bar bara Borchers, Carolyn Taylor. Claudia Dudley, and Bill French as new members. Craig Clark, James McKitt Advertising Topic Of Writing Session Advertising problems and pro cedures, especially as they apply to a campus daily, will be dis cussed in this week’s Saturday Special sponsored by the journal ism school and the Oregon Daily Emerald. Held each Saturday in Allen 306 at 10 a.m., the sessions are open to any interested students. Jean Sandine, Emerald busi ness manager, and members of her staff will talk about adver tising as it specifically applies to the Emerald , rick, Yvonne Stephans, Birger Brant, and Pat Ardmger are members who warked on the committee last year. Working on the Dance Com mittee for the first time this year are Bill Miller. Diane Raoul Duval, Barbara Berwick. Louann Pearson, Bob Morrell, Tom Young. Judy Loticks, Nancy Lid beck, Jill Acklen, Peter Bluett, Jerry Kirsch, Betsy Morphet, Jan Young. Sue Jewett, Sue An derson. and Mary J. Alexander, according to Don Peck, chairman of the committee. Skeleton committee members are Marlis Clausen, Karen Rice, Helen Doty, Gary Stewart, and Shirley Bier. Some Choose Movie Committee New members of the Movie Committee are Polly Crooker, Joanne Jelley, Stan Urbigkeit, Sandy Schnitger, Donna Doug las, Karla Kuhnley, Molly Gil bert, Mary McCroskey, Glenna Pearl, Nancy Tanner and Helen Johnson, announced JoAnne Rog ers, chairman. Gretchen Klomhaus, Carl Groth. Carol Bestul, Diane John ston, Shirley Bostad. and Bevel ly Spence are the skeleton commit tee. Working for the first time on the Browsing Room Committee this year are Marilyn Miller, and Ruth Martin. Judy Carlson has done previous work on the com mittee. Ann Ogle is chairman. Have Your Friends and Relatives Stay at... ""HOFFMAN HOTEL • Courteous • Clean • Comfortable * Economical Rates: 2.50 without bath — 3:50 with bath Broadway & Willamette Phone 5-4319 J. E. Hurley, Manager SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. Til I 21 !*• DAILY & SUNDAYS. I ILL I I lUU m. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 VC SHALL KNOW .. / Open Shelves, Audio-Visual Aids Serve UO in Functional Library i lescence." The conference, being held in , Portland today and Saturday, in i eludes high school and college ad ministrators from the northwest area. Representing the Univer sity of Oregon at this conference are Donald DuShane, director of j student affairs, Ray Hawk, and Golda Wickham, associate direc tors of student affairs, and Vir ginia Kempston. women's coun selor. Also representing the univer sity and taking part In the pro- j gram are J. Spencer Carlson, di rector of admismons, and Leona ■ Tyler, associate professor of psy chology. Carlson will be toast-, master of the banquet at which Wilson will speak. Miss Taylor and Carlson are also scheduled to lead some discussions on “Com mon Sense in Mental Health." was established. Before 19f>0, the book stocks were closed to stu dents. Now they are open so that students may browse and make their own selections. "I would suy the open shelf system has been quite success ful here, and there has been a growing move In that direction among libraries," Carl Htntz. University librarian, remarked. Kerordlngs Available to Students In addition to books, pamph lets and reference materials, the library mamtains an audio-visual department on the basement floor. Students may listen to records from a large collection of classical music, language rec ords and famoUM speeches. .Spe cial music booths are provided primarily for use by music and language majors. "Our baste service Is helping persons find what they need," said Hlntz. A special service added re cently is a section of shelves for all new books. The section, lo cated in the card catalogue room. Is for the benefit of students who wish to see what new volumes the library bas acquired. The books remain on these shelves for ten days before being dis tributed to their respective sec tions. Salem Attorney to Talk Steve Anderson, Salem attor ney. will be the guest speaker at the coming meeting of Chan ning club, which will be held at the Unitarian church, 11 th and Ferry, at 7 p.m.. Sunday. FRITZ FRAUNFELDER JOE COLLEGE A GOOD PLACE TO EAT PIT BARBECUE IN SPRINGFIELD 416 Main St.—Open Sundays • THE PRICE IS RIGHT • LOTS OF DELICIOUS BARBECUE MEATS C. B. Stevens ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION announces Sunday Evening Supper CAFETERIA SERVICE 5:30 - 6:15 p. m. QUICK SERVICE Reasonable Prices