Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekend*, 3 a. m. Wett 6th, Near Blair Phone S-9001 Jon Arnett Named AP Back of Week NPJW YOKK-< API-Southern California’* Jon Arnett, who paced hi* team with 17i» yard* in rushing, and scored three touchdowns against Oregon loot I week. haH been chosen as Akso I elated Press Back of the Week. USC defeated Oregon 24-14 in a game at Portland's Multnomah ' stadium. What have VICEROYS gat that other filter tip cigarettes haven't get? THE ANSWER IS 20,000 FILTERS IN EVERY VICEROY TIP Inside every Viceroy tip is a vast network of 20,000 individual filters to filter your smoke over and over again. You get only the full, rich taste of Viceroy’s choice to baccos . . . and Viceroys draw so freely. Yes, you get Viceroy’s remarkable new tip . . . with 20,000 individual filters . . . plus king-size length for only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters. WORLD’S LARGEST-SELLING FILTER TIP CIGARETTE New \ King-Size Filter Tip yiCEROY Viceroy king SIZE |p| HI Only a Penny or Two More than Cigarettes Without Filters ATO's Nip Theta Chi In IM Volleyball Tilt Alpha Tau Omcpa nabbed it a first win of the IM volleyball season Wednesday afternoon, de feating Theta Chi in two straight aeta. A TO, under the leaderahip of Captain Mike Kilkenny, won the ;firat set by a 15-fs count. In the : aecond aet ATO gained an early lead, but Theta Chi came back to gain a lead of 10-ft ATO eet a hot pace the remainder of the net to grab the victory. Lawyers Forfeit Hale Kane opened its IM vol leyball season Wednesday with a forfeit win over the" Legal Eagles who failed to show up for the game. The Legal Eagles, a group of law students, evi dently had too many case’s in court. Hunter Tops Nestor Three men almost proved too much for Hunter hall in their first set Wednesday, but they , defeated Nestor hall in two straight sets to record their first IM Schedule Thursday 3:50 Gamma Hall A. vs. Seder strorn Hal) A, court 40. Dorm Counselors A vs. Straub Frosh A, court 43. 4:35 Phi Delta Theta A vs. Pi Kappa Alpha A, court 40. Sigma Phi Epsilon A va. Pi Kappa Phi A, court 43. 5:15 Sigma Nu A vs. Chi Psi A, court 40. Alpha Tau Omega A vs. Kappa Sigma A, court 43. I IM volleyball victory. Only three j men showed op for the Nestor learn, but they put up a good fight before falling in defeat. The first set was tight all the way with Hunter hall finally winning by a 16-14 margin. Hunter led throughout roost of the set. but the Nestor men tied the score at 14-14. The Hunter forces, led by Captain Gary Mark, then scored twice to notch the victory. Hunter hall grabbed a large early lead in the second set, but Nestor came back to pro vide a struggle before the finish. Phi Kap's Triumph Phi Kappa Sigma edged Tau Kappa Bpsilon 15-10 and 15-12 in class A. The contests were hard fought from beginning to end, with the Tekes threatening in both games up until the final point. Phillies Nab Win Philadelphia club dropped a game to Campbell club 11-16 but Kt-ormed back to whip the Camp bell clubbers 15-0 and 15-13. Two return faults played a major role for Campbell club in the first game, but the Phillies overcame their jitters and poured on the pressure to w:n. The secoml gam* forecast a rout but Camp fell club made a gallant stand in the final contest and nearly pulled the match out of the fire. French Victorious A. five-man French hall team whipped a four-man Chrrne-y hall aggregation 15-8 and 15-1. Chemey started fast, piling up an 8-0 lead in the first game. French then came to life and blasted the Chemey forces for an easy m Shaw Remains Offense Leader Oregon s Quarterback George I Shaw remained the top offensive i performer tn the nation this ! week, according to unofficial NCAA figures. Last year’s total offense lead j er, Paul Larson of California, took over as the nation’s No. 1 ! passer and was runner-up to Shaw in total offense. Shaw’s total is M5 yards gamed to Lar ' son’s 675. \ i ---^ ~9N THE CAMPUS-55*" trttV GOING HOME ON WEEKENDS? Direct Service from Campus To Mahlon Sweet Airport For • United Air Lines • West Coast Air Lines 1-5 STUDENTS, TOTAL $3.00 RADIO-DISPATCH YELLOW CAB 450 Willamette Phone 5-1313 in me pass department, La.r wir> has connected on 54 out of 86 passes, with only three inter ceptions, for 678 yards and four touchdowns. Shaw, last week s leader, has completed 53 out of 106 attempts for 748 yards, and has had s;x intercepted. Shaw also has four successful touch down tosses. Pierce in Running In tenth position in the pass ing parade is San Jose Quarter back Benny Pierce, who well di rect his team against Oregon this weekend at Eugene. Pierce has completed 33 of 59 passes for 444 yards, but has yet to score ivia the aenal route and has had | live intercepted. James Drops Halfback Dick James of Ore gon also slipped from his tep spot as pass receiver. California Wing Jim Hanifan moved out in front with 22 receptions tor 269 yards and two TDs. Jaroea is second with 19 catches for 256 yaids, and also has two touchdowns to his credit. Webfoofs Grind For San Jose If i With ah eye to the hard-run jning San Jose State baekfield, Oregon went through a rugged defensive scrimmage Wednesday I afternoon. An offensive unit ran l plays from the Spartans split-T : offence against the Oregon for ward walls in an effort to pre pare the defenders for the Sat urday clash at Hayward field. Following the defensive work, Coach Len Casanova sent his charges through a short offen sive scrimmage. Quarterbacks George Shaw, Johnny Keller, Wally Russell, and Don Holt jtook turns guiding the offense | which was confined to ground plays. May Not Tlay Still on the doubtful list for the San Jose game are Ron Pheister, Jim Potter, Fred Ja cobs and Don Jacobs. All are likely to be available if needed, however. The Sparts come north with a 3-1 season’s record. Coach Bob | Bronzan’s club has won over Idaho 38-7, Utah State 20-0, and Arizona State (Tempel 39-12, but was mauled by California 45-0. Sports Staff Desk editor: Buzz Nelson; Staff: Gordon Rice, Jack Wilson, and Jim Scarth.