Phi Delts Champs, Blank SAE's 12-0 The combination of fine pass ing by Dick Hchlosstein, and a charging defensive line totaled up yesterday to give the Phi Delta Theta eleven a 12-0 vic tory over Sigma Alpha Epsilon and I he intramural football championship. The first of the Phi Delts touchdowns was set up when an SAE punt was blocked on their own 30 yard line. After four plays, Schlossteln passed to end Carl Hastings for a touchdown. The conversion was good, but was called back by a roughing penalty, making the halftime score 0-0. The only other score of the game came in the final period, when Kchlosatein connected on u pass to end Bob Wagner for a six pointer. The 'conversion at tempt again failed. The Phi Delta scored a third touchdown, but it was called back by an offside penalty. SAE was piloted by quarter back Hex Davis, who showed a fine passing attack, but was troubled by the Phi Delts sec ondary as they Intercepted three IM Volleyball Starts Today Men's Intramural volleyball competition opens today at 3:50 pm. with six games scheduled in "A’’ team contests. Games will be held on eourts 40 and 43 in the men’s physical education building, and will be gin at 3:50, 4:35 arid 3:15 p.m. In today's games. Phi Delta Theta will meet Beta Theta Pi, and Lambda Chi Alpha plays Phi Sigma Kappa in the first two contests, (lames at 4:35 will pit Sigma Phi Epsilon Against Delta Tau Delta, and Phi Gamma Delta against Sigma Alpha Epsilon. In the two games at 5:15, Sigma Nu meets Delta Upsilon and Phi Kappa Psi encounters Sigma Chi. of hiH passes to halt SAE scor ing t hrents.-MoHt of these wnr ing threats had come approxi mately 45-50 yards, and were stopped around the Phi Delta 10 yard line. Both teams showed a sharp defense, as pointed out by the unusually low final wore. The starting lineup for the Phi Delta included Dick Schlosstein, Jim Spiekerrnan, Dermy Kyan, Bob Wagner, Carl Hastings, Glen Roberson and Jim Roberts. SAE’s starting team consisted of Stan Savage, lion Savage, Joyal Dahl, Rex Davis, Denny Rapp, Jim Tennyson and Howard Hettenger. Dorm League ToOpen Play The 1054 dorm bowling league is slated to get underway Wed nesday, Oct. 20, on the Student Union alleys. The league will be made up of six teams comprised of dormitory and off campus residents. A seven week round robin schedule will be played, with the winner receiving the perpetual dorm league trophy. I ____ Sports Staff Desk Editor: Bruce Tennant. Reporters: Neil Callers, Gor don Rice, Chuck Mitchelmore, Kathy Morrison. Physical Plant Leads Faculty Currently leading the faculty bowling league, the Physical Plant team split their Meries with the AFROTC Jets Monday eve ning at the Student Union bowl ing alleys. League records going into Monday's series were not, threatened, record holders re maining; high average, Case, Jets; high net series, Wiper, Physical Plant; high Cross Ser ies, Heilie, Physical Plant; high net game. Safely, Vitamins; and high gross game, Skolaski, Eight Balls. Monday’s Results: Physical Plant 847-901-782-2530 j AFROTC Jets 883-772-844-2499 Markers 874-857-866-2597 Vitamins 840-874-802-2516 Flying Saucers 859-854-879-2592 JCight Balls 824-767-826-2417 Hot Rods 857-841-890-2588 Grenadiers . 865-991-747-2603 0 The Young Democrat's meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN GOOD HAMBURGERS THICK SHAKES Weekday Car Service 'til 2 a. m. Weekend*, 3 a. m. West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 It Pays to Look Well! PERSONALIZED SERVICE Eric's Barber Shop Across from KAPPA SIGMA 792 EAST 11TH AVENUE Webfoots Prepare For San Jose 11 1 .cjiun lA-n ( asannva ran his ■ Wetafoot charges through stiff punting scrimmage drills Mon day as the Oregons prepped for Volleyball Opens ; WRA Activities The women’s intramural sports! program gets underway this j afternoon with the opening of the annual volleyball tournament. Teams from 18 women’s living I organizations are participating ! in the tournament, which will : last until Thanksgiving, accord- i mg to Pamela Rabens, chairman ! of the volleyball program. The intramural program is ' sponsored by the Women’s Recre- j ation Association. Houses par- j ticipating in the program will i earn points toward the WR.A par ticipation. cup. The cup is award ed each year to the house mak- ; ing the best showing in the in tramural program. a non-conference tilt with San Jose state Saturday. Duck kickers George Shaw, Tom Crabtree and Dick James booted to reserve halfbacks with the rest of the squad covering on the full-speed drills. Casanova and his assistants checked tackl ing fundamentals carefully as the Ducks attempted to cut down opposition punt returns. Offensive dummy .scrimmage took up the remainder of the afternoon with the third team defensing for first and second unit plays. The scrimmage work out concluded with short pass work with Shaw and John Keller doing the aerial work to half backs. The Ducks are at near full strength as far as injuries are concerned. Captain Ron Pheister and Jim Potter, junior guard, took light workouts with no pads. Pheister is suffering from a nto injury sustained in the South ern California contest. Save ... on Cash and Carry Dry Cleaning INSTANT PRESSING-/ 821 E. 13th Ph. 5-6321 brings flavor back to filter smoking! ■ All over America college smokers are flock ing to Winston—the new filter cigarette real smokers can enjoy! 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