Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    SC Troians Beat Webfoots, 24-14
By Gordon Rico
Emerald Sport* Editor
PORTLA NP-f Special >-A srwl ft -
Mock-busting sophomore half
back named Jon Arnett run the
heart out of the Oregon Due kit
here Saturday afternoon aa he
)<-d hl.s Southern California Tro
jans to a 24-14 victory.
Arnett, who took a starting
Vierth away from the much-her
alded A rands Dandoy after
IJSC's first game this year, raced
for 179 yards on the ground, and
stored all three of his team's
touchdowns. His average for the
afternoon was 9 9 yards almost
a first tlown every time he car
ried the ball.
Only 22,760 fans were on hand
at Multnomah stadium for the
nationally-televised game, but an
a d d i t 1 o n a 1 45,000,000 people
watched on their television sets
as the powerful Trojans became
the No. 1 contender for a New
Veal Hose Howl bid.
, Vrst Half Even
Oregoi. held the southerners
even for the first half, but col
lapsed late in the third period
when a combination of superior •
Trojan power and mad break, led
to two quick touchdowns and a ;
field goal. *
I SC scored first in the hall
game when it took over on its
own 85 yard line after an ex
change of fumbles. Arnett car
ried the ball four times. Half
back l,tmlon Crow once and
Fullback dim Decker once as
the Trojans drove tlown to the
Oregon 39.
At that point Quarterback
Ellsworth Kissinger hit End
Chuck Greenwood with a 15-yard
pass to the 24. On the next play
Aim-tt took a handoff from Kis
singer and roared over left
tackle, cut into the secondary,
and outflanked Dick James to
go into the end zone standing up.
Conversion Good
Sam Tsagalaksis, who does
nothing but kick extra points
and field goals, even in this day
of one-platoon football, came in
to add the extra point, and U8C
was ahead 7-0.
James almost got away on the
kick-off return, moving the hall
from his own 16 up to the 43, but
Guard Dick Enright, the last
man between James and the goal,
pulled him down.
Otegon moved on downfield as
the second period opened, moving
to the USC 11 before the Tro
jan defense held and Oregon was
forced to wield.
CSC made a first down, but
then was forced to punt, and
the Wehfoots eame roaring
hack again. With Fullback
Jasper McGee hitting like a
ten-ton truck, as he did all
afternoon, Oregon moved the
hall as far as the SC 14. How
ever, McGee lotfl throe yards
on a pltchout, and on fourth
down Quarterback George
Shaw lifted a pass to End Phil
Two Schools
Tied for Lead
The University of Southern
California Trojans and the UCLA
Bruins moved into a tie for the
commanding spot in the PCC
title race this week by virtue of
their impressive victories over
Oregon and Stanford respective
ly. The leaders both have won
two and lost none, while all
other teams in the conference
have suffered one or two defeats.
Oregon leads in scoring with
101 points, while USC has given
up the fewest number of mark
ers, limiting the opposition to 14
Oregon .
Stanford ...
wsc .
Idaho .
2 0 0 63 14
.2 0 0 93 20
.2 2 0 101 69
1 1 0 44 40
.1 1 0 18 85
.... 1 1 0 37 28
.1 2 0 26 51
.1 2 0 41 62
0 2 0 0 54
Games lust weekend:
Southern Calif. 24, Oregon 14
UCLA 72, Stanford 0
Nebr.'iska 27, Oregon State 7
Baylor 34, Washington 7
Arizona 35, Idaho 13.
McHugh, racing into the cor
ner of the end zone, caught the1
ball, but the officials ruled that
he wfiK out of bound* when he
came down, making the pass in
complete. The ruling set off a
hiorrn of protest from the crowd,
most of whom were Oregon par
Duck** Drive
By this time Oregon was mad,
and the next time they got their
hands on the ball they were not
to be denied. The Ducka took '
over on the U8C 47 after re-!
turning ft punt. Shaw hit Me-!
Catch** Three More
Hugh on passes of 24 and six
yards, and then McGee went
straight up the middle for five
more to the 12.
With a first down at that
point. Shaw went hack to pas*.
Five Trojan delenders closed
in on him, hut Shaw waited
urflil the last minute and then
passed to James standing in
the end zone fi\e yards behind
two St’ backs.
Shaw added the extra point
to tie the score at 7-7, where it
remained until late in the third
USC couldn't get going in this
second period, as the Oregon
team consistently outplayed the
visitors. Arnett was out of the
SAE's, Phi Delts
To Decide Crown
Phi Delta Theta collides with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon at 4 p.m.
today on the intramural field
to decide the intramural football
Both teams are undefeated go
ing into the game. SAE has won
six straight games, while the
Pht Delts have garneied five vic
tories. SAE is the defending
champion, winning the intra
mural football title last year.
._.i_:.. ..
game most of the period, and
none of the other Trojan back a
were going anywhere.
Oregon Threaten**
Oregon did threaten once more
before the half ended, moving
from the 80 39 clown to the 19
an Coach Len Casanova degper
ately sent in plays from the side
lines in attempt to keep the
drive going. Dandoy intercepted
a Hhaw pass, however, with only
35 seconds remaining, and the
threat was over.
'That was the last time until
after the game was gone be
yond hope that the, thicks
threatened seriously. Oregon
looked like It might tie going
somewhere early in the third
perhat after End Hal Keeve
blocked an Arndtt (Mint, but
Reeve fumbled after taking a
pass from Shaw two plays
later, and Oregon never got
out of Its own territory again
until the game was almost
With about six minutes re
maining in the period. Crow in
tercepted a Shaw pass on the
USC 42 and returned ?t 37 yards
to the Oregon 11. Three plays
later Arnett went over from the
eight yard line as Oregon tackl
ing. which had been sloppy all
afternoon, again went bad.
Tsagalaksis again converted,
and 1>SC was ahead 14-7. But the
Trojans weren’t through yet.
I SC (ills l'oints
Early in the final period Tsag
alaksis booted a 22-yard field
goal to move USC ahead 17-7
after a Trojan drive had stalled
on the Oregon 12.
Then less than two minutes
later, as Oregon fought to get
haek into the game, Arnett in
tercepted another pass by
Shaw on the Oregon 39 and
sped to the four. Crow made
two, and Arnett scored his
third touchdown on a reverse
over right taekle.
Gigantic Ed Fouch kicked the
extra point and the Trojans
soared ahead to 24-7.
That was it until late in the
game when Oregon made the
longest drive of the generally
dismal afternoon for Oregon
rooters. The Ducks took over on
their own four and proceeded to
drive 96 yards in 14 plays for
a touchdown.
Drive Begins
Shaw's passing, which was not
nearly as effective in the last
half as it was in the first, and
runs by McGee and James moved
the ball to the USC 35. Shaw
then hit James with a pass on
the 20. and James took off on a
spinning leaping run that car
ried him to the five before he
was finally brought down.
McGee carried twice over
the right side of the line, final
ly going over on the second
play. Shaw again kicked the
extra point, running the score
to 24-14, but with cjnly 1:33
left, the game was far beyond
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Jerry Olson.
Staff: Gordon Rice.
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Oregon, still numbed by the
hunting accident that took the
life of former team member Ken
Sweitzer, never got up to the
heights it attained last week
against California.
The Trojans, boasting the fast
est and hardest-hitting hacks in
the conference, time and time
again ripped holes m the Oregon
defense as the USC multiple of
fense kept Oregon off balance.
Contra tta Absent
USC played most, of the game
without the services of Quarter
back Jimmy Contratto, who was
On. UR<
Net YariU, Ricdiirtg . 7 78 263
I'joi*. Attempted . ,23 6
f'lii*'1. (Yitnplrtetl . 12
Piiivt flail Intercepted 3 0
Yanlt tiamril Pa‘-mu 168 54
Total Odense 326 317
Total Fir-t llow: - . 17 ;2
F urnlee* 4 2
Fumble«. Lot . .2 1
out with a bark injury. Contratto
was used on only a few plays i
for punting chores. Kissinger did i
a fine job in filling the gap, but
Coach Jess Hill was taking no,
chances and even had Dandoy
in at quarterback for a while, i
Orlando Ferrante, a regular
guard last year, saw action for
the first time this season after
injuring his leg before the sea
son started.
For Oregon, only End Fred !
Jacobs was r.ot in uniform - for
the game Jacobs wan out part
rrf the week with a leg injury.
Neither team sustained any ser
ious mjurif-s in the contest.
As usual, the (hicks finished
the game ahead on statistics,
racking up more total yardage,
passing yardage and first
downs than the Trojans. Shaw,
the national leader in the first
two departments going into
the game, picked up a total of
IK4 yards and completed 12
out of 23 passes for 168 yards.
James, the national leader in
pass receiving, caught three
more passes for 69 yards and
one t owe ho r wn.
The victory gave the Trojans
revenge for the 13-7 upset de
cision they lost to Oregon last
year at Multnomah stadium, and
was the Southerners’ 14th vic
tory in the 19 game series dating
back to 1915.
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