Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Campus Briefs
0 Alpine dull will meet at
6:30 p.m. t«alny in the Student
Union to discusa the Diamond
peak climb.
• ('III Ilelta I*hl women's
literary honorary, will meet at 7
p.m. in the Student Union.
0 A freshmen leader*’ meet
ing will be held tonight at Car
son hall at 5:30 p.m. The group
includes all freshmen living or
ganization officers. William
Jones,, dean of administration,
will apeak.
^ .Air Command squadron will
meet today in the Student Union
at 4 p.rn., according to Darry
Takahaahi, preaident.
0 Inter-Varsity Christian Fel
lowship will conduct an infor
mal carnpua Bible study session
today at 4 p.rn. in the Student
Union. All interested persona are
invited to attend. Noon prayer
periods are held Monday through
Friday at 12:30 p.m. in Library
0 According to hospital rec
ords, Infirmary patients Wednes
day were Barbara Hogard, Caro
lee Witt, Gwendolyn Kills, Joanne
Burns. Marjorie Travillion, Bar
bara Bryan, Italcigh Meyer, El
liot Carlson. Jim Gerow, Melvin
Bankhead and William Stoner.
0 The IWCA Service rum
mission, under the direction of
Jo Zehnder, Ih xponiioring a tour
of the Pearl S. Buck school for
mentally retarded children. All
those interested are to meet at
Oerlinger hall by 3 o’clock today.
0 All typist* for the Plgger’s
Guide meet in 8U 311 today at
\ p.m.. according to Anne Ritch
ey. editor. Anyone interested in
typing please attend.
0 Infirmary patients Tuesday
were Ernestine Fisk, Gwendolyn
FHis, Mary Ellen Bally, Joanne
Burns. Marjorie Travillion, Bar
bara Bryan. Elliot Carlson and
Melvin J. Bandhead.
0 Anyone interested In usher
ing at the University Theater
should get in touch with Jean
Wiley at the theater business
office or call Jack Dugan at
0 Women's open rushing will
begin next Monday. Anyone in
terested should register at Golda
P. Wickham's office sometime
this week.
0 All dormitory residents and
Independents interested in join
ing the dormitory bowling league
may sign up at the recreation
desk in the Student Union any
afternoon. The league will bowl
Wednesday nights at 8 p.m.
Gone Are the Days...
WORTHY OF ITS N'A.WK, the old Kmcralil Shark, a quonset hut opposite the Science building, was
• hr scene of frantic activity five afternoons a week for six years. In this picture (taken two
years ago) a group of students are engrossed in thought at the old circular copy desk, now re
tired from service, whic h was used for nearly 30 years on the campus daily.
Even Has Chute to Press
Weekly Meetings
Begin for Frosh
YWCA freshman commissions
j began their weekly meetings at
t 4 p.tn Monday in Gerlinger hall.
Groups wit! meet every Monday,
I Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day at 4 p m.
Each group will at some time
in the term look into the general
areas of* public, campus and in
j temational affairs, community
, service and religion and worship.
Junior women will help the
(groups to organize and stay with
the group as resource persons: '
Freshmen will elect officers for
each group.
Freshmen are urged to come
which ever day is most conven
; ient for them but to remain with
! the same group each week. Those
; who have not signed up are urged
to either stop in at the Y office
or to come to the group meeting.
Read Emerald Classifieds
AL.wmi itn» ru nr.i.ir.t i in me new, modern r.meraid office on two third lloor or Allen
hall. Genera'llons of pmt Emerald workers will •find little reNemblanee to former Emerald head
quarters loeated In basements and qtionset Hutu. Included in the approximately 1500 square feet of
floor Npnee are the newa and advrrtlulni; departments and a semi-private editor's office (at extreme
left In this picture). Door at rear leads to adjoining wire service room. Center right is news-copy- I
desk, with reporters at typewriters in rear. Column at extreme right conceals copy chute to Lni- j
versify press In hascmertt.
Sunday Date
For Y Visits
The first in a series of visits
to Kugene churches sponsored
by the YMCA will be this Sun
day. All students are invited t6
take part in the “visits to
churches" program, according to
Don Smith, chairman.
St. Mary's Catholic church at
the corner of West 11th and
Charnelton is the first church to
be visited by the group. They
will attend 10 a.m. mass. Coffee
will be served at Carson hall be
fore the service. After the mass
there will be a discussion.
The "visits to churches" pro
gram will continue every other
Freshmen Begin YWCA Meetings
Now freshmen mombors of the
YWCA are beginning their meet
ings in different commissions
this week. Mary Wilson, presi
dent of the group, announced.
The recent membership drive for
the organization will continue un
til Friday, Oct. 13.
Reorganization of the fresh
man commissions calls for each
of the four groups to divide its
attention among the four Y in
terests: public affairs, interna
tional affairs, service, and re
ligion and worship. Previously
each commission concentrated on
only one, which limited their ac
Miss Wilson also announced
recent appointments to the
YWCA cabinet. New junior ad
visors for the freshmen com
Campus Merry-Go-Round
(Continued from pane six)
announced her engagement to Bob Stoneroad, Chi Psi; and Betty
Anderson announced her pinning to Don Smith, Sigma Chi.
* * *
At Zeta Tau Alpha
Since spring. Zeta Tau Alpha has seen three engagements and
two weddings. Rita Hughes announced her engagement to Ivan
Midlam of Gamma Hall, Nancy Cottingham to Dick Card of Med
ford, and Ardith Jones to Neil Chambers of the University.
Rita and Ivan were married on September 26 in Eugene. The
wedding of Aileen Kronquist and Jim Lee, Pi Kappa Alpha, took
place on September 10 in Juneau, Alaska.
missions include Barbara Bailey,
Bev Braden, Jill Hutchins,
Shirley Brown, Pat Southworth,
and Claudia Zorn. Joanne Gerber
was named co-chairman of con
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