UCLA, Oregon Lead Statistics LOH ANUELKa (H pedal) Hugged line play ha* paid off for the undefeated UCLA Bruin* who lead the Pacific Coast conference In rushing offenac, rushing de fense and total defenae, figures from the PCX' Commissioner"* of fice ahow. UCLA has averaged 283.3 yards a game rushing, while holding op ponents to 99.H yards on the ground. Washington State has the j number two ground game with a i 218.8 yard average, while Oregon ranks second In rushing defense, 120.8 yards, and total defense, 207.8. Best pass defense is South ern California's, 04.8 yard* a game, with Oregon second, 81. Oregon dominates the other of fensive departments, leading the Conference In passing with 188.8 yards a game, to 182.8 for South Ole Miss, Buffs Boast Offenses NEW YORK AP Colorado and M.sissippl, two of the October nominees for January bowl games, have the most potent football at tacks in the country bo far this season. Colorado leads in rushing of- j fense with an average of 381.3. yards per game and in total of fense with 430.8 per game, w'hile Mississippi is tops in passing with 211 yards per game and second in total offense with 423.3. Missis sippi's attack is almost perfectly balanced between land and air, with 211 passing and 212.3 run ning. .Only other teams in the "400" set are Boston I'niverslty, with 410.7 yards per game; Denver, 410.3; Wichita, 402.3 and Texas Tech, 401. Tech ranks second to Colorado in running, having piled up 338.5 yards per game on the ground. The nation's television football fans witl see some of the best passing in the country Saturday j when Oregon, number two team passing, meet* Southern Cali fornia, number four. Oregon is av eraging 188 8 yards per game. Southern Cal 162.8, Purdue, whose passing was stymied by Duke last Saturday is third with a 163.3 mark. Colorado is averaging 7.40 yards a try on the ground, 7.61 yards a try including passes, leading the country in both re spects. Wichita leads in scoring with 177 points in four games, a 44.3 average and Colorado is second with 174 for 43.5. Dorm Bowline Starts Soon The annual dormitory bowling league will officially start Wed nesday. October 20, on the Stu dent Union alleys. The eiglit teams will bowl a total of seven weeks on a round robin schedule, begin ning at 8:00 p.m., a measure adopted to accommodate those' dorms having deserts on Wednes day nights. The teams and their captains comprising the dorm league will include, Yeomen, Warren Knud son; French hall, Stan Hodges; Nestor hall, Earl Kindall; Local Yokels (off campus men), Vern Jackson; Gamma hall, Ken Brook shire; Cherney hall, Don Jacklin; Sederstrom hall, Bob Heaves; and Hale Kane, W'il Watanabe. All of these teams will be competing for a perpetual challenge trophy. The trophy was presumed lost three years ago, when the Yeomen won it, but it has been found in time for the league. Each team will be permitted seven members, five bowling each night, and two being available for substitution. ®rn California, and in total of fense with 833.5 to 32.*>.8 for the Trojans. California has the best team punting average, 37.7 yards, with opponents returning lft punts,'a total of only *9 yards. .Southern California has averaged 37.2. Cal also leads in kickoff returns with 21.4 yards to 20.8 for UCLA, while the Hruins have the top punt re turn mark of 20.2 with California second-ranked, 16. UCLA also has intercepted the most passes, 10. 72 90 HO 77 H2 42 Kufth OfftriM l'< LA W a thing ton State Southrrti f’al Stanford California < )regon . Washing ton i i.i),-. Oregon Stair Fi»» Offenac PA Oregon 101 Washington 1|5 Ciliiornu Olegoti State Stanford Wi»h. State l?C LA Total Often** < )i eg on Southern Cal 1‘CLA Watb, State Washington ( ahfurnia Stanford Oregon State 1 dab-* Punting ( ahiornit Southern Cal - CC LA (Jtrvoii State 1 'lallO S tanfofd W a thing tftu * W'ath. State K«uh D«4en*c I'CLA (»t egon W»»h. State W athingtuii Stanford ('allforma Southern Cal 1 Oregon State Pa*« Uefentc PA PC 51 33 Ru*h 579 65 2 1053 Ko7 512 590 617 241 <90 Southern Cal Oregon.. Oregon State W'aiuimgtof! I < LA f W ath. State Stanford Idaho Total Defence UCLA W'a thing ton Southern Cal W’ath. State Stanford California Oregon State Idaho YG 514 MM 653 731 783 810 HH0 730 PC 16 Ruth 399 507 547 692 529 611 684 639 753 TCB 200 190 164 165 161 176 161 138 100 Yd* 755 651 645 560 365 464 347 262 237 Pa** 755 651 227 347 645 560 464 365 262 No. 15 21 19 14 . 17 23 15 17 17 YL 115 111 124 184 152 99 118 127 91 Yd* 259 324 28 J 386 394 458 477 486 633 Pa a* 394 324 386 259 477 4K6 4 58 283 633 Net 1053 867 652 617 590 579 512 490 241 Pet. 495 .46 5 426 .625 .500 .400 .403 .390 .442 Ttl 1334 1303 1280 1214 1157 1150 981 606 752 Yd* 566 693 482 574 768 488 531 519 Net 399 507 529 547 611 684 692 753 639 Pet. .308 .403 410 .521 .403 .572 .492 .483 .4 56 Ttl 793 831 933 931 1006 1097 1142 9 22 1386 Avg. 263.3 216.8 163.0 154.3 147.5 144.7 I2H.0 122.5 HO. 3 Avg IKS.8 162.8 161.3 140.0 121.7 116.0 86.8 65.5 56.7 Avg 333.5 325.8 320.0 303.5 289.3 287.5 245.3 202.0 188.0 Avg J7.7 37.2 36.5 34.4 33.7 33.4 32.6 31.2 30.5 Avg. 99 8 126.8 132.3 136.8 152.8 171.0 173.0 188.3 213.0 Avg 54.8 81.0 94.3 5 98 5 114 5 119.3 121.5 ! 58 3 Avg 198.3 207.8 233.3 237.8 25! 5 274.3 285.5 307.3 345.5 Bowling Leaders Continue Streak Theta Chi hung a 4-0 defeat on Sigma Chi Tuesday night to at retch its lead in the Fraternity Bowling league. Ron Griffiths of Sigma Chi bowled 188 for high single game, and tied Ron Ice land of Theta Chi for high series with 482. In other matches Delta Upsilon swept a 4-0 match from Alpha Tau Omega, in spite of Bryce Reimer's 204. game and 590 ser ies. Tau Kappa Epsilon also swept its match from Lambda Chi Al pha. Tim James of the winners took high honors with a 190 game and a 497 series. In the fourth match. Phi Kap pa Sigma took a 3-1 decision from Pi Kappa Alpha. Sam Sor enson of the winners had the high series with 502. The standings: i'iii Kappa Sigma t, llrlta l.paiiou 5 4 Alpha Tau Omega 4 4 Sigma Chi ....... 4 4 Tail Kappa Epsilon . 4 4 l.amhi!a Chi Alpha 0 8 0SC Bocks Hurt; Mason May Start CORVALLIS — AP — Oregon State quarterback Jim Withrow has injured his back and Coach Kip Taylor has moved halfback Dick Mason to the slot. Taylor said Mason will start against Nebraska at Lincoln Sat urday if Withrow does not re cover. Two other OSC quarter backs, Ray Westfall and Bob Clark, also are ailing. Taylor said all three will make the trip to'Lincoln. Webfoots Prepare Defense For Southern Cal Trojans Coach Len Casanova sent the Oregon football team through a rugged defense session Wed nesday afternoon as the Duck grtdders worked on ways and means to halt the high scoring University of Southern Califor nia Trojans. Oregon and Jess Hill’s USC team meet Saturday at Port LEN C ASANOVA defensive diet land’s Multnomah stadium in the nationally televised “Game of the Week." Originally intended as a night game, it has been moved up to a day contest. Much will be at stake as both teams are gunning for a share in the Rose Bowl pie. Oregon, up set winners over Cal last week, has a 2-2 mark on the season and 2-1 in the Pacific Coast con ference. .Southern Cal has a 3-1 overall and 1-0 in the confer ence. The Trojans opened the season against Washington State 39-0. walloped Pittsburgh 27-7, edged Northwestern 12-7 and suffered their first loss last Friday, a 20-7 defeat inflicted by Texas Christian. Shaw Still Hurt The Oregon coaching staff commented that the squad was in pretty fair physical condition, but that star quarterback George Shaw was still nursing leg in juries which have hampered him in recent contests. Coach Jess Hill of U8C has expressed his opinion that Mhaw Is the best back in the PCX' and has been working his players on pass defense. The Oregon mentors also stressed that the Ducks will have to be at their physical peaks to halt the hard-running Trojans, who are reported to have one of the fastest backfields in the nation. In Aramis Dandoy, Lindron Crow and Soph Jon Arnett, the Trojans have speed to burn. The Ducks edged USC last year by preventing Hill’s fast backs from breaking loose and are faced with the same problem this year. Jim Contratto, a senior who at last is first string Southern Cal quarterback, has done a very capable job of passing and punting so far but reports from the Trojan camp indicate that he will not be able to play against Oregon because of rib injuries. In overall season play, Ore gon leads USC In offense and defense. Oregon is first in the PCC in total offense with 333.5 yards per game while USC is second with 325.8. The Ducks trail only UCLA in defensive effectiveness, and the Trojans are but fourth in this department. Southern Cal leads Oregon in punting and pass interceptions, however. Long range weather forecast for the Saturday skirmish is for rain Friday and Friday night but with clearing skies Saturday. Medical Students To Fill Out Cards Pre-medical, pre-dental and ; pre-medical technology students are asked to fill out cards at the physics department office in Sci ence 121. Purpose of these cards is to provide the staff with informa | tion which will be used for noti ; fying the students of matters | concerning them. Booklets describing opportu ' nities at the University of Ore gon Medical school in Portland will be available to pre-medical ■ students when they fill out the cards. Tonight and every Thursday! 'Duck Feats” A TV Show Featuring Our Oregon U. Coaches and Players! Thursday at 6:45—KVAL Sponsored by Fennell's Men's Wear On the Campus Before Going to The Game at Portland! Buy 10 Gallons of Gas or More and Receive FREE 1 Lb. of Folgers Coffee FRIDAY, 15th AND SATURDAY, 16th Pride of Oregon BROADWAY AND ALDER (ACROSS FROM ICE PLANT) "GAS FOR LESS"