Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 13, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    IM Playoff Action Scheduled
Intramural football playoffs
begin today, with four unbeaten
longue champions seeing action.,
Hale Kane meets Sigma Alpha
Kpsilon and Sigma Chi playn Phi i
Gamma Delta In 4:45 tilts,
Tuesday's games produced |
three league winners. Chemey
Hall, Phi Gamma Delta and Hale
Kane copped the top spots, with
Hale Kane taking advantage of
a forfeited game. Chemey
downed French Hall 21-0 and
the FIJI* walloped PI Kappa Al
pha, 26-0.
Phillies Forfeit
Hale Kane grabbed Its league
championship via the forfeit
route as Philadelphia House
failed to field a team.
C’herney Tops French
Chemey Hall clinched it«
league title with Its defeat of
French. Cal Callaway intercept
ed a French lateral and raced
42 yards to score, registering the
first Chemey TD.
Rob Phelster flr^d an eight
yard pass to John Rskildsen for
the second Cherney tally. And
Bill McCoy ran 47 yards through
the middle of the French de
fense for the third six-pointer.
FIJI* Nab Title
Phi Gamma Delta captured its
league title in Tuesday action
by blanking Pi Kappa Alpha,
Bob Faucctt and Bay Gian
sante led the Fiji squad to its
fourth win. Giansantc was a de
fensive standout, while Faucctt
IM Schedule
3:50 Alpha Tau Omega vs, Tau
Kappa Epsilon, IM field.
Delta Tau Delta vs. Camp
bell Club, field one;
Hunter Hall vs. French
Hall, field two.
Gamma Hall v». Alpha
Hall,, field three.
4:45 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs.
Hale Kane, IM field.
Phi Gamma Delta vs. Sig
ma Chi, field two.
pared the offence with 185 rush
ing yards and three, touchdowns.
Counselors I»rop Alpha
The Dorm Counselors, using
just five men, defeated Alpha
Hall 19-7. Hairy Cameron engi
neered the Counselor triumph by
firing three touchdown passes
and an extra-point aerial.
Belas Blanked
The passing and running of
Bill Bell led Sigma Nu to a 6-0
win over Beta Theta Pi Tuesday
on a chilly, rain-swept field. The
game’s only score came late in
the second period when Bell
pitched a 14-yard pass to Rusty
Kirnsey in the end zone.
First Downs Give Win
Kappa Sigma and Chi Psi put
on a rousing defensive game
Tuesday, resulting in a 0-0 tie.
Kappa Sigma was declared the
I winner on the basis of more first
! downs.
Both teams completed several
long passes, but neither was able
to maintain a consistent scoring
drive on the slippery gridiron.
Phi Kapfi Victors
Phi Kappa Sigma picked up
it* third win when Campbell Club
i dropped a -d-2 decision Tuesday,
'rhe Phi Kaps scored on a sleeper
! play when Gene Back passed to
i Reed King.
Nestor Hall Wins
Nestor Hall braved the ele
ments long enough to show up
for their game with the Straub
Frosh, and were rewarded with
a forfeit victory for their trouble.
[ Night Staff
Desk FVJftor; Don Lovett, Al
len Johnson.
Staff: Jerry Olson, Jack
0 All varsity and freshmen
swimmers and prospective swim
mers should report to the men’s
pool at 4 p.m. today.
Head Lone raid (Jasstfieds
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