Rush Display Explodes Injuring Girl at Linfield MCMINNVILLE-(AHi-A home made flare at a Linfield college fraternity house exploded Fri day night, putting a girl in a hospital with serious injuries and hurting three other persons in cluding the head of the chemistry department. Delores Reeder, 21, freshman from Springfield, was taken to a Portland hospital which re ported that full extent of her injuries had not been deter mined at noon Saturday. Pieces of a shattered pipe pierced her back. The flare, in the rear lawn of the Delta Psi Delta house, was made of a weed killing chem ical and sugar, in an iron pipe. Students reported testing it twice earlier in the day for safety. Lighted as part of a pre-rush ing party display, it began to burn, then suddenly exploded, hurling pieces of the pipe through the group watching nearby. Hurt, but not enough to be hos pitalized, were Luther Taylor, college chemistry department head who is adviser to the fra ternity; Lorraine Anderson, freshman from West Seattle; and Cordon to Meet With UO Students University students will have an opportunity to meet and ques tion Senator Guy Cordon this afternoon, according to an an nouncement issued by Doug Spencer, head of the Lane Coun ty Young Republican club. Senator Cordon, presently seeking re-election to his third term in Congress, will be the guest of honor at a reception in downtown Eugene between 2:30 and 4:30 this afternoon. The re ception will be held at the Re publican Headquarters at 40 W. 10th Ave. Several members of the cam pus Young Republican club will be assisting the Lane county group on the project. Campus clothes are in order, as informal ity is the keynote of the affair. This reception is one of the many projects on which the cam pus Young Republicans have been working. Anyone interested in helping the groun is ureed to call Gerald Jones at 5-2070. Genuine Paper-Mate Per Silvered-Tip REFILLS in Red • Green • Blue , • Block llllliiP m wr W Exclusive m ite us : new Paper-Mate Silvered-Tip Refill means smoother, faster writing! Just 10 seconds to insert... never blots... dries instantly. Get Paper Mate Refills wherever j pens are sold. s' v, / If I m m. ■m. Robert Morton, sophomore from Coos Bay. The hospital at Portland re- i ported that until it was deter mined just what internal damage had been caused by the pipe fragments, extent of Miss Reed er’s injuries would be uncertain. In general her condition was said to be fair. Reunion Petitions Deadline Tuesday Petitions for 16 chairmanships of Homecoming committees must i be turned in today by 5 p.m. in the petition box on the third floor of the Student Union. Up perclassmen are especially urged to petition. Committee chairmanships open are for dance, finance, noise pa rade, promotion, publicity, half time entertainment, luncheon barbecue, traditions, bonfire ral ly, queen selection, variety show, hospitality, theme selection, sign contest, committee banquet and general secretary. Campus Calendar Noon Theatre Exec 110-SU Soc Dept. Ill SU Wesley* 112 SU PE Grad Stu 113 SU WRA Gerl Snprch j 4:00 Scholarship Meet 334 SU Asbly Comm 337 SU 6:30 Yng Demos 110 SU Joe College Int 111 SU Betty Co-ed Int 112 SU Football Movie Ballrm SU 7:00 Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI IVCF Gerl 2nd FI 7:30 Yeomen 315 SU ICEC 334 SU rJlisten On .. On KWAX 6:00 Dinner hour music 7:00 News 7:15 Sport shorts 7:30 Musical memoirs (classi cal) 8:00 Transcription of Dougins McKay's campus speech 9:00 Kwaxworks (popular mu sic) 11:00 Sign-off. 0 The Student Union record library is now open for students. Hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. Mon day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing TROPHIES AND ALL TYPES OF ENGRAVING Special RONSON LIGHTERS REPAIRED $1.50 EUGENE WATCH EXCHANGE 1922 Franklin Blvd. Next to Irish Swartz CLASSIFIEDS j For Rent: Modern 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modern heat. Lease. Ph. 5-1297. tf | Lost: In or near Gerlinger Mall, Oct. 5th, Green Parker 51 fountain pen. Call ext. 482. Carson Hall. 10-7-tf i Will give board, room, and wages to girl in exchange for house hold help. Phone 4-8215. 10-12 Attractive small apartment. Twin beds, hot plate. Phone 4-3548. Address 455 E. 13th. tf For Sale: Italelgh bicycle. Kx cellent condition. Fully equip ped $50. Phone 5-6209. K. Wil banks. 10-lltf Applicants for the managership of the Webfoot Co-op Stoic will be interviewed at 8 p.m. 2100-4 Patterson Drive. 10-1:1 Found: 2 diamond rings, 1 wrist watch, ami 1 reflex camera. Owners claim at the main desk in HU. 10-14 For sale: '38 Chevrolet 2 door $65. Huns well. Phone 4-9530. 10-14 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! FENNELL'S BUY YOUR OREGON JACKETS J By H. L. Whiting From FENNELL'S MEN'S WEAR On The Campus |-Fyou drive -for -the sheer zest of it you owe yourself this hour! If your hands rejoice in the pre cise balance of a fine gun or the sweet response of a racing sloop then you owe yourself an hour with the Chevrolet Corvette. You’ll find it is, quite literally, like no other car in the world—a heart-lifting blend of the true sports car with all that is best in American engineering. There is the velvet smoothness of a Powerglide automatic transmission (but with the classic floor selector-lever). The trouble-free durability of a Chev rolet “Blue-Flame” engine (but with three side draft carburetors to unleash its flash ing 150 horsepower). The ruggedness of an X-braced box girder frame (but with the astonishing im pact resistance of a glass-fiber-and-plastic body). Luxurious seating for driver and passen ger in deep foam rubber (but cradled in the traditional security of bucket seats). Generous luggage room, the panoramic sweep of a deeply curved windshield, the flair of tomorrow’s styling (but within the polo-pony compactness of a real road car). The Corvette blends all this and more. For it is a driver's car ... a low-slung torpedo with a center of gravity only 18 inches above the concrete . . . with outrig ger rear springs that make it hold to the road like a stripe of paint . . . with a 16 to Make a date to drive the 1 steering ratio that puts needle-threading accuracy at your finger tips. frankly, the Corvette is a "limited edi tion,” made only in small numbers. It is intended only lor the man or woman to whom driving is not just transportation but an exhilarating adventure, a sparkling chal lenge to skill and judgment. If you arc one of these, then you owe yourself an hour with a Chevrolet Corvette. Call us now and let us set up a demon stration run . . . for in a short 60 minutes you can discover that motoring has a whole new dimension of delight. 150-h.p. overhead-valve engine with three side draft carburetors • hour-leal outrigger springs in rear • Powerglide automatic transmission • Center-Point steering, lf> to I ratio • l orm fttting individual seats • hull instrumentation, with tachometer, oil pressure gauge, and ammeter. YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER