Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Phi Delts Take
Fourth Straight
The panning of Dick Schlos
steln led the Phi Delta Theta
team to a 7-0 victory in a hard
fought bailie with Sigma Phi
Kpttilon Monday afternoon.
Both tearriH were scoreless
Ihroogh tiie first half before the
passes of Sehlosstein started to
click. The Phi Delta traveled 60
yards to a touchdown i>n a ser
ies of 4 pass plays, including the
pane that resulted m the touch
down, from Sehlosstein to Jim
Hobei ts. Sehlosstein then passed
for the conversion.
The Sig Kps looked good on
both defense and offense, with
the panning of quarterback Don
Spinas being very accurate. Pass
interceptions halted several Sig
Sig Kp drives.
Both teams were undefeated
going into Monday's game.
Pi Kaps Forfeit
Pi Kappa Phi did not show up
for its game with Kappa Sigma,
giving Kappa Sigma a victory
by forfeit.
Tekes Massacred
Phi Kappa Psi ran up only
three first downs, but long passes
gave them a whopping 60-0 tri
umph over Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Kv Stiles threw fifty yards to
Gary Newton to start the «or- j
ing parade in the first quarter.
Jim Plngree und Fred Ik-11 both
crossed the goal line three times
for the Phi Psi's.
Sigma Chi Wins Again
Bob Walbcrg tossed three end
zone strikes as Sigma Chi
blanked Theta Chi 24-0 to re
main unbeaten in intramural
Walbcrg hit Doug Ruhlman
twice and Bill Sherman once
IM Schedule
3 M Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Camp
bell Club. IM field.
Phi Gamma Delta vs. Pi
Kappa Alpha, field one.
Che me y Hall vs, French
Hall, field two.
Nestor Hall vs. Straub
Froah, field three.
4 45 Dorm Counselors vs. Alpha
Hall. IM field.
Hale Kane vs. Philadelphia
House, field one.
Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma
Nu, field two.
Chi Psi vs. Kappa Sigma,
field three.
with perfect pitches, and Gene
Jones came out of nowhere to
Knare a hobbled pans In the last
minutes of the game. Theta Chi
defender* broke up all of Wal
berg's conversion attempt*.
The Higs racked up nine first
down* to Theta Chi’* five a*
they extended their winning
streak to four in a row.
DU's Win on Downs
Delta UpHilon and Sigma Nu
battled to a scoreless tie, but the
DC* took the game on first
downs, 3-2. The win brought DU
up to a 2-1 record and dropped
the Sigrna Nu’s to a 1-2.
SAE Takes Forfeit
Sigma Alpha Epsilon added a
win to their record bh Dambda
Chi Alpha failed to field a team
and forfeited its contest. Thei
SAK’s now have a record of 4-0
in intramural standings.
Hale Kane Wins Fourth
Hale Kane scored in the third
and fourth periods to beat the
Dorm Counselors 14-0 and main
tain its unblemished record.
Art Fugita hit Charles Oyama
in the end zone for the first
touchdown and then pitched to
Wilfred Watanabe for the extra
point. Fugita ran 45 yards for
Ih<- second touchdown in the final
period and then threw to Bob
Kanada for the extra point.
Gamma Beats Philly
Gamma hall beat Philadelphia
House on first downs 5-0 after
the two battled to a scoreless fie.
Neither team could put on a sus
tained drive.
University Station
Commences Year
KWAX, the University radio
station, has begun its broadcast
ing year, according to Jon Pow
ell. station manager.
Tryouts for broadcasting and
other staff positions have end
ed. except for auditions for "The
Reward," a radio drama, which
will be broadcast on the Univer
sity hour over radio station
Auditions for "The Reward"
begin this afternoon at 4 in the
main studios of KWAX. E. A.
Kretsinger. assistant professor
of speech, has announced that no
previous experience is necessary.
Varsity Holds
Light Workout
Oregon'* Webfoot* ran through
a light but spirited workout yrs
terday as a follow up to the 33-27
win over the favored California
Bear* last Saturday. Sweat
elothen, minus pads, were the
order of the day a* the Ducks
rested aome while preparing for
the tussle with U8C next week
in Portland.
After the usual warming-up
calisthenics, the team split up,
with the hacks and ends prac
ticing apart from the linemen.
The hacks worked mainly on pass
patterns with a few running
plays scattered in, while the Ore
gon line concentrated mainly on
offensive blocking and defensive
reactions. Teaming up again, the
whole squad ran through light
drills with the emphasis again
on offensive blocking and de
fensive reactions.
According to Duck Coach Len
Casanova, Oregon should be at
close to full strength physically
for the tusale with USC, with
all of the injuries being minor.
The entire squad, including
George Shaw, Hon Pheister and
Don Jacobs, who had been in
jured, worked out.
Coach Casanova stated that
the Trojans should be tougher
than ever this Saturday as a re
sult of the riding they took from
the sportswnters following their j
loss to Oregon last year.
Frosh Football
Season Starts
Sixty-eight freshmen football
hopefuls reported Monday after
noon to Coach Bill Hammer and
three assistants for opening j
workouts and what Hammer|
termed an “indoctrination” aes- \
Conditioning exercises and!
sprints, mixed with some ball |
handling and work on play for
mations, keynoted the first re
hearsals for the Ducklings' three
allowed games. Prospects of a j
fairly heavy line with good I
backfield speed, were apparent j
in the workout.
Hammer, in his second year
as freshman coach, was assisted ;
in first day sessions by Ray Win-1
bigler, Cecil Hodges and Bob,
Basic h.
The Ducklings will open their j
short schedule by hosting the |
Oregon State college Rooks Oct. j
29. They will travel to Grays j
Harbor, Wash, to meet Grays
Harbor Junior college Nov. 5.
ear. . .
Sen. William F. Knowland
U. S. Senate Majority Leader
Speak On The
Record of the 83d Congress
Sen. Guy Cordon
U. S. Senator from Oregon
Speak On The
Power Policies of the
Eisenhower Administration
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High
17th and Charnelton 8:00 P.M.
Pd. Political Adv. lane County Republican Central Committee, Roland K. Rodman, Chairman
Sports Stoff
D*sik K*!itr r: Brurc Tennant.
RejXjrter*: B«iln Rogers, ChliCk
Mitch den ore, Jack Wilson, Ned
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