SAE Grabs Third Victory Sigma Alpha Epsilon became the first team to win three in-1 tramural football games Thurs-j dav afternoon as they took a j wild 14-7 victory from Delta Up silon. The DU’s scored first, midway in the last quarter, on a pass' from Bob Rogers to Brute Holt. The conversion pass from Rog ers to Milan Foster was also good. SAE bounced back as Rex Da vis completed a TD pass to Bill Hardin to make the score 7-6, and a minute later turned a re covered onside kick into a TD j as Davis hit Jim Tennyson, who lateraled to Ron Savage for the score. Beta's Win Easily Beta Theta Pi rolled to an easy 26-0 win over Lambda Chi Alpha in another game Thursday. Chuck Kay scored the first Beta TD in the second period. Intramural Game Produces Injury Freshman Joe Keller suffered a broken right wrist and a bad ly sprained left wrist while playing intramural football for Lambda Chi Alpha Wednesday afternoon. The accident occurred as Lambda Chi Alpha lost to Sigma Nu, 18-0. Keller blocked a Sig ma Nu punt and was knocked over backwards, landing on his wrists. Although both started hurting immediately, the pain didn’t bother him until later in the evening. He was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital about 9 p.m. forj X-rays, and a cast was put on his right arm immediately. The break was described as a very bad fracture, and the cast will be on approximately eight weeks. Dodge scored on a Mike Jeffries pass in the third quarter, and re peated the procedure in the last period. The other touchdown came on a pass from Dodge to Bruce Springbett in the last stanza. rrencn iiips oy French hall beat the Straub! Frosh 6-0 as Dick Koford ran 40 yards with an intercepted pass in the second quarter. The game was even most of the way, al though French moved to the j Straub two in the last quarter, but lost the ball on downs. Cherney Gets Win Bob Pheister hit Dick Lind say with a touchdown pass late! in the fourth quarter to give' Cherney hall a 6-0 win over; Hunter hall. Hunter threatened once early in the game but failed to score. The game was even most of the way. Counselors Triumph The Dorm Counselors proved too tough for Gamma Hall, shut-1 ting them out 22-0. Jim White \ was the big gun in the Counsel ors backfield as he passed for touchdowns to Tom Winbiglen and A1 Ferris. Ferris picked six more points on a blocked punt which he scooped up in the Gamma Hall end zone. Two conversions and IM Schedule Friday 3:50 Phi Delta Theta vs. Pi Kap pa Phi, IM field. Chi Psi vs. Sigma Phi Ep silon, field one. Sigma Chi vs. Phi Kappa Psi, field two. Alpha Tau Omega vs. The ta Chi, field three. 4:45 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, IM field. Delta Tau Delta vs. Pi Kap pa Alpha, field one. Nestor Hall vs. Cherney Hall, field two. Hunter Hall vs. Straub Frosh, field three. a safety rounded out the Coun celor scoring. Phi Kaps Come Back Phi Kappa Signia came from behind to edge out Delta Tau Delta 13-7. With three minutes to go, an 85 yard scoring pass, Bob Hinman to Dean Beck, spelled victory for Phi Kappa Sigma. This same pair had teamed up in the third quarter for a 60 yard touchdown play, but with Beck doing the passing and Hin man receiving. Reed King caught the conversion pass. Philly Beats Alpha Philadelphia House squeezed past Alpha Hall 6-0 in a scrap py contest Thursday afternoon. Outdistanced in yardage. Phil adelphia House made their breaks count and scored the game's only touchdown on Rich Procter’s in terception and 60-yard runback of an Alpha Hall pass. Campbell Club Wins Campbell Club notched an easy win over Pi Kappa Alpha in Thursday 1M play. With Dick Campbell and Lowry Hoyer each flipping two TD aerials and Bob Williams one, the Campbell Clubbers rolled up an impressive 31-0 score. 7 Eric Allen Hall_ Latest Color Schemes High-Quality Paints Specialized Painting Done By Eugene's Leading Paint Contractors J. O. BINNS & SON Route 4, Box 40, Eugene Phone 7-9633 BEST WISHES ON THE FORMAL OPENING OF ALLEN HALL Congratulations... ON THE FORMAL OPENING OF ERIC W. ALLEN HALL EQUIPPED WITH THE NEWEST AND FINEST • WINDOW FRAMES • COUNTERS • DOORS • CUSTOM-BUILT DESKS We re Proud to Have Had A Part in Its Construction Office 271 West 7th Ave. Phone 4-1331 J. O. Olsen Mfg. Co Eugene, Oregon For Over 25 Years Plant 41 North Danebo Phone 4-5451 Coast Passing Led by Oregon LOS ANGELES-(AP)-UCLA and Oregon hold substantial leads in rushing and passing, respec ' tively after three weekends of football in the Pacific Coast Con i ference, figures from the PCC Commissioner’s office disclosed Thursday. UCLA has a margin of more than 85 yards a game over its nearest foe, with 833 yards in j three outings for 279.3 per ! game. Washington State is next with 193.2. Oregon has aver uged 198.3 per game through the air, having hit 47 per cent of j its throws with five going for I touchdowns. Washington is sec ond with a 166 average. Oregon also leads in total offense with a 354 average to 335 for South ern California. UCLA leads in total defense, having allowed but 188 yards a game, to 202.7 for Washington, and in rushing defense w'ith-105.7 yards, with Washington again second-ranked, 110.7. Oregon State has given, up the fewest yards to enemy passing, 59.5 yards per game, while Oregon is second. 72.7. UCLA leads in team kicking with a 39.9 yard average and in punt returns, 22.8 yards. Cali fornia has a 21.2 average on kickoff returns and Southern California and UCLA have in tercepted eight passes each. Shaw Leading PCC Gainers George Shaw, Oregon quarter back, lends all Pacific Coast con ference players In total offense, according to figures released by the conference commissioner's office Thursday. Shaw has gained 495 yards to lead Washington's Sandy Leder man, who is out for the season, by 47 yards. Shaw is also third in pass completions behind Le derman and California's Paul Larson, with 29 passes com pleted. Halfback Dick James of Ore gon is the leading pass receiver in the conference, with 14 catches for 159 yards. James is also tied for second in scor ing with 24 points thus far. Jon Arnett of CSC leads in that de partment with 30 points. Bill Tarr of Stanford and Bob Daven port of UCLA also have scored 24 points apiece. "I'M LOSTED!" CRIED THE DUCK The little duck, cold, tired, hungry, had been staggering down the Glenwood Strip. The world was tough and cruel and the little duck was about to curl up his web feet and die. When! He came upon a warm friendly place called Rods and the nice man took the little duck in and gave him plenty of good things to eat and drink. Soon the little duck was able to fly onward, happy with the world. A', a home for lost ducks over 21, there's no place like Rod Taylor's On th* Cion wood Strip SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN' FROM » A M. DAILY A SIMJAYS. TILL 11:00 13th at High St. Dial 4' I*. M. 1342