Quiet! People at Work • A Ql'IET PLACE to study, read a magazine article or browse through one of the many American and foreign newspapers on file is the new journalism reading room on the second floor of Allen hall. The large, well-lighted room can accommodate 40 students. Allen Colophons The nine limestone plaques on the front of the new journalism building, Allen hall, emphasize journalism. The carved designs are replicas of old and modern print ers marks. A printer’s mark or colophon was a design adopted by a printer to identify more clearly the work of his press. The marks on the front of Allen hall include an early Italian one. from Pravia, Italy. 1453; Others are the marks of famous printers. Fust and Schoef fer, 1457; William Caxton, 1475; Englehard Schultis, 14 9 1; Oc tavianus Scotus, 1493; Manutius Aldus. 1495; Philippe Le Noir, 1514; Frederic W. Goudy and John Henry Nash, both modern print ers. ■ Amazonians Football Season Means Anti-Freeze Season Visit Sign of the Flying Horse FOR YOUR MOBIL SERVICE Kitty Korner from the Village Bonus Glassware-Gold Arrow Stamps Jim McLarrin 24th & Hilyard Newspaper Group Offers Jobs for UO Journalists By I-n Hue Kotin Emtrald Feature Writer Although it’s a state organiza tion, the Oregon Newspaper Pub lisher’s association, with offices in the new Allen hull, performs a service for the University. It | provides opportunities for quali fied journalism students to gain ; professional experience during the summer between their juniot i and senior years In college. Cail C. Webb, assistant pro ! fessor of journalism, is in charge | of placing prospective journal i ists on Oregon newspaper Jobs | which range from copy boy to re porter. These "vacation fill-in" positions have proved to tie in valuable experience, according to many Journalism students who have spent their summers gain ing professional experience. The ONPA was first located on the University campus in 1929. However, its initial estab lishment dates buck to 1887. Tt-t membership now Includes all trade association newspapers, all daily papers and 98 percent of the weekly newspaper of Ore gon. The association works closely with the school of Journalism and had its offices in the old Journalism building. Last year, the ONPA was moved into the basement of Johnson hall while th« new building was under con struction. This year it-is housed in brand new offices on the third floor of Allen hall. ONI’A officers include out standing Oregon newspapermen, such as Lucien P. A rant, pub lisher of the Baker Democrat Herald, president: Robert Pen land of the Heppner Gazette Times, vice-president; M. J. Frey of the Portland Oregonian, treas urer, and Webb, secretary-man ager. i An Autumn Campus Favorite ... Shirt Blouses 395 495 Ail Colors,^Size Ranges We^ate SHOPPE University's Fashion Center dl 7L*t Journalism Building in the United States with OUTSIDE COPPER WORK including • Decking • Coping • Parapet Wall Covering • Flashing Work • Air Intake and Exhaust Louvres Plus MISCELLANEOUS SHEET METAL ITEMS • Installation of Aluminum Window Sills • Ventilation Deck Work ••••••••••••••#••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Our Sincerest Congratulations to the Faculty and l • Students of the University of Oregon School of 2 • Journalism and Continued Success in their New 2 • Building. J All Done By CAROTHERS Sheet Metal Company 1820 West 7th Avenue Eugene, Oregon !