Friendly Gathering Place SHOW PLACE OF ALLEN HALL In the Eric Allen seminar room, a reproduction of Drag Allen's IKing room, where many of the early journalism courses at the University were taught. Located on the third floor of the new building, the Allen room was furnished with money donated by alumni and friends of the school of journalism. Included In the furnishings are floor lamps, end table*, television set, carpets and leather furniture. The windowiess room has a corner fireplace, built-in book shelve* beamed ceilings, stained wood paneling and oak parquet floors. An oil portrait of Dean Allen, painted by David McCosh, associate professor of art, from photographs of the late dean will be on display in the room, which is to be used for graduate and senior class and as a meeting place for campus journal ism groups. Read Emerald Classified OSBA Office Located In Eric W. Allen Hall By Travis Cavens Emerald Feature Writer Situated in room 310 of A lion hall is the office o£ Robert K. Summers, assistant profeasor of journalism and secretary-man ager of the Oregon State, Broad casters association. Summers, who teaches radio arid television classes, also is paid by OSBA to conduct the joint business of its approximately 50 commer cial radio and TV stations. He aids in such projects as setting up statewide radio net- i works to broadcast the annual Shrine football games, the high school basketball tournaments and the state championship play offs. The recent live broadcast of President fcisenhower’s Mc.Nary Dam dedication spech through out Oregon, Washington and Ida ho was made possible by OSBA, At this years Oregon State Fair, OSBA sponsored the state wide talent contest which sent three teenagers from Albany, Ore., to appear on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour show in New r York. This (rvfrt was partially responsible for drawing the larg est crowd m the history of the fair. Approximately 3,0 1 Jones & Halweg-Masonry Contractors 168 Patterson Road Eugene, Oregon