Handle With Care EXAMINING ANTIQUE hand press located in the second floor hallway of Allen hall are Sally Ryan, junior in journalism, and Jerry Olson, freshman In mathematics. A century old printing press out of place in a brand new build ing? Not here at the University. 'The old Washington hand-press '.used to print the first newspaper -west of the Missouri River has been placed on a spotlighted plat form in the main hall of Allen shall, new journalism building. The historic old press was brought to Oregon in 1846 and the first issue of the Oregon Spec tator was printed on it Feb. 5, 1846. Fast workers using it conld turn out 150 to 200 impressions an hour. Today’s modern rotary presses can print approximately 35,000 papers in an hour. In 1855, the hand-press was sold to W. L. Adams, who used it All New on the Inside JOURNALISM’S CAMPUS HOME for SO years, this brick structure was the first building constructed specifically for the school of journalism at the University of Oregon. C ompleted In 182» at a cost of $42,000, the building has been completely remodeled as the east wing of new Allen hall. to print the Oregon Argus. The Salem Statesman owned it in 1863 and in 1864, Harrison R. Kin caid bought it to use in printing the Oregon State Journal in Eu gene. Kincaid and his son, Webster, presented the press to the Uni versity in 1915 and it had been housed in the old journalism build ing since then. During construc tion of Alien hall last year, the press was stored by the Univer sity physical plant. Read Emerald Classifieds Patronize Emerald Advertisers 3, it, CAPISTRANO MOTEL • BEAUTYREST • RADIANT GLASS HEAT • MODERATE RATES 556 6th Avenue West Tele. 3*1439 ERIC ALLEN HALL The Only Building on the U of O Campus Completely Glazed with Pittsburgh Green Shaded Glass. The Glass That Lets In Soft, Rest ful Light... And No Glare. Installed By Springfield Glass Service WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO GLAZE YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW, MODERN BUILD ING .. . WE KNOW THAT YOUR CHOICE OF TINTED GLASS IS THE WISEST FOR ANY SCHOOL OR OFFFICE! CONGRATULATIONS AND CONTINUED SUCCESS TO THE FACULTY AND STU DENTS OF OUR U. OF O. JOURNALISM SCHOOL! FOR SUPERIOR GLASS AND GLAZING... SEE war Springfield Glass Service