wC&r“SUPER SALE! $1-BOOKS-$1 1. George Washington—THE GREAT MAN, by H. Swiggett. Ab sorbing, life-size portrait of Washington as a human being, re vealing the man, tne husband, the leader. 491 pages. Pub. at $5.00_l_1_i_Sale—$1 2. ALBERT EINSTEIN S ESSAYS IN SCIENCE. Einstein s collected articles and speeches on Kepler ,Newton, Bohr, Origin of the Theory of Relativity, etc. Pub. at $2.75_ _Sale—$1 3. THE STRANGE CASE OF ALGER HISS, by The Earl Jowitt -Pene trating study of the most celebrated and controversial trial of our cetury. Pub at S3.95_«_Sale—$1 4. SHolem Asch's MOSES. Dramatic, deeply-inspiring portrait of the great Lawgiver—a monumental work. Pub. at $3.75—Sale—$1 6- Crime & Criminals—WHO ARE THE GUILTY, by D. Abrahamsen, M.D. Shocking analysis of ti fe underlying causes of crimes cf violence, sex crimes, etc. Pub. at $5.00_Sale—$1 7. Abner Dean's AND ON THE EIGHTH DAY. Wonderfully wacky drawings by the satiric genius. OfTg. $2.95_^_Sale—$1 9. Duelling in America-GENTLEMEN, SWORDS AND PISTOLS, by H. Kane,. The early South, when a "gentleman" fought and d*ed on the field of honor. Stories of famous duels, etc Pub. at S4.00_Sale—$1 11. Children's Package: ALICE IN WONDERLAND, by Walt Disney. Ulus, in coior. THE WARDROBE BOOK, by Leo Manso. Doll cut outs story. (For girls 4 to 8 years)_Both Books—$1 14. ARE YOU TELLING THEM? by B. Sonde!. Better speech and conversation for ail occasions. Pub. at $2*95 a_Sale—$1 15. Mika Waltari's THE WANDERER. Action-packed story of ad venture and intrique by the author of "The Egyptian." Pub. at $3.75_Sale—$1 18. Humcr Package: SCHNOZZOLA: The Story of Jimmy Durante, by Gene Fowler. Biog. of the beioved entertainer Earl Wilson's LOOK WHO'S ABOARD NOW. From the Foiies Bergere lo the Land of the Geishas. Pub at $5.95*_both Books for $1 22. Peter Arno's SIZZLING PLATTER. Howlingly funny cartoons of guys, dolls and sugar daddys. Orig. $2.95. _Sale—$1 23. Las Vegas & Reno—SAGEBRUSH CASINOS, by O. Lewis. The fabulous story of legal gambling in Nevada and how it operates. Pub. at $3.50_Sale—$1 24. MICHELANGELO'S SCULPTURE-The Tomb of the Medici. 40 magnificent reproductions of his noble works, each measuring the full 9V^"xl3Vi" page. Imoprted. Pub at $3.50_Sale—$1 25. Those GiRLS FROM "ESQUIRE." Dozens of cartoons, stories and articles cuiled from the famous men's magazine that special izes in—WOMEN! Pub. at $3.95 .1_Sale—$1 26. JOURNALISM—A New Survey, by G. F. Mott. Every practical facet of the exciting newspaper business, described in detail. Pub. at $3.50_Sale—$1 27. JOHN KEATS and the Demon King, by W. W. Beyer. Sources and background of Keats' beautifully imaginative poetry. Pub. at $4.00-=_Sale—$1 29. Sholem Asch's EAST RIVER. New York's colorful melting pot, vividly brought to life in a sensitive novel of intermarriage. Pub. at $3.75-Sal*—$1 30. THE HISTORY OF THE CORONATION, by E. 1. Tanner. The pageantry, tradition and symbols that surround the British throne, recreated in a lavishly illustrated volume. Pub. at $4.50_Sal*—$1 34. PATTERN FOR LIBERTY—Colonial America in Paintings t Story. A magnificent pictorial history of the cradle of American Independence. 32 large full-color pictures of famous events, per sonalities of Old Philadelphia, text by G. W. Johnson. Pub. at $7.50-Safe—$1 35. GOOD ENGLISH AND HOW TO WRITE IT, by G. H. Vallins A clear and authoritative guide to the principles of forceful and direct writing. Pub. at $2.50_Sale—$V 37. THE MAN WHISTLER, by H. Pearson. Sparkling, shocking biography of James McNeil Whisflier, portrait painter and uncon ventional Victorian. Pub. at $3.75._Safe—$1 40. THE ADVENTURES OR KAJJI BABA, by J. J. Morier. Witty, exotic classic of roguery and intrigue, noed for its remarkable delineation of Oriental thought and character. Pub. at $2.50.-Safe—$1 43. Honor* d* Balzac-A BACHELOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Rich unforgettable novel of Paris—its dissolute actresses, artists and gamblers. Ulus. Pub. at $3.50_Safe—$1 48. Henry McUmore's ONE OF US IS WRONG! The zany adven tures of the popular newspaper columnist and his friends—Run yon, Pegler, H. Allen Smith, Gene Fowler, etc. Pub. at $3.00-._Safe—$1 49. The ERRORS OF PSYCHOLOTHERAPY, by S. de Grazia. Lively analysis of modern psychiatry and religion, with fascinating case histories. Pub. at $3.00_*_Sale—$1 51. THE ATOM SPIES, by O. Pilat. The true story behind the Rosenbergs, Klaus, Fuchs and others who betrayed America. Pub. at $3.50---Safe—$1 52. Mark Sullivan's OUR TIMES: The U S —1900-1908. Teddy Roosevelt, transatlantic radio, Harry Thaw, the Floradora Girls— all the memorable events and personalities recaptured. Pub. at $6.00.-Safe—$1 53. The Beautiful GEORGICS OR VIRGIL, translated into con temporary verse by C. Day Lewis. Pub. at $2.50.._Sale—$1 58. Stephen Longstreet's THE WORLD REVISITED. The well-known novelist-artist's impressions of Paris, Mexico City, Bangkok, Hong Kong, etc. Illus. Pub. at $3-75__Sale—$1 66. THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY in Action-1789, by James Hart. Washington's turbulent administration how our fin! President set many important precedents. Pub. at >4 00 — Sale—$1 72. Children's Package: CHRISTMAS TREASURE BOOK Stor es, songs, poems, iilus lH«i WILD WEST, by Leo Manso Pop ups n color, action story. (5 to 8 yrs.)__ Both Books for $1 77. THE AGE OF PARADOX, by J. W. Dodds. V.ctonan England at the climax of the Industrial Revolution the sensational im pact of new inventions and discoveries, etc. 192 illus. Pub. at $6.00___Sale—$1 83. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT AT HYDE PARK, by O-.n Dows Beau tifully written and illustrated volume of reminiscenscs F D.R at his ancestral home through the years. 174 .llustrations. . Pub. at $5 00 __— Sale—$1 89 THE CARTOONS OF COBcAN, fwd by Charles AHdam$ Over 180 ribcracking cartoons and cartoon stories Conta-ns h.j best work from "The New Yorker." Pub. at $3 95. Sale-$1 49 COLOR PRINTS PI. PARIS STREET SCENES. Cafes, ki-iks s*rol'-r' etc. a gay and flavorsome se'ection 10'x!4". Set of 6 pr.nu Pub. al S3 00 All 6 prints for $1 PI5. CATS AND KITTENS. Persians, Siamese and lo.-ame domes'c cats in irresistible, exquisite color portraits by Gladys Emers-.n Cook. 12’xl6". Set of 8 orinis Puo al S7 50. Salt—SI 93 P3. AMERICAN LANDSCAPES Our picturesque country*.c; liantly recreated. 12"xl0". Set of 3 prints. Pub. at S4.00 All 4 prints for SI F3. EARLY AMERICAN CUPPER SH'PS. VO.-.* olor reorods.ct.o-i of nid-!9;h century schooners, yachts and c rpers t0"x8’’ Sat of 6 prints. Pub. al $2 00. All 6 prints for SI P21. JAPANESE PRINTS. Indescribably beaut.f.'l Exqus.'e land scape pius two per?ect!y-m*tched Ge-sna portraits Reproduced with matchless fidelity to the rare Hokusa1 and H.rosnige or g inais. I3"xl8". Sc-f of 8 pr.n's. Puo. al $10 09 Sale—S2 93 P22. .DEGAS DANCERS & BALLET SCENES. Cc.or ha non.es of unsurpassable loveliness. Il"xl4". Set of 6 prints. Pub. at $3.50_. Sale—$1 98 P23 WINSLOW HOMER WATERCOLOPS. Trop e sea, sky, sun and storm come vividly to life Fine, Mc-t- Museum of Arts reprodut Hons. 18Vi"xi5". Set of 6 prints. Pub. at $5 00 Sale—S3 98 P25. TOULOUSE-LAUTREC "MOULIN ROUGr" POSTERS The most famous and briliant. 9',fj"x13". Set of 6 prints. Pub. at $5 00__Sale—52-98 P26 DECORATIVE OLD MAPS. Large, magnificent facs-mi'es or rare, hand-colored maps of the 16th and 17th Century. 20"xl6". Set of 6 maps. Pub. at $18 00_Sale—S3 98 P27. DOG PAINTINGS, by Gladys Cook. Strikingly handsome portraits of prize purebreds, by an artist unrivalled in her field. ~ 12"xl6 '• Set of 8 prints. Pub. at $7.50_Sale-Sl 98 P28. UTRILLO'S MONTMARTRE SCENES Large, exceptionally fine color prints of his most celebrated Parisian paintings, full of sunlit warmth and beauty. 17"xl4". Set of 4 prints. Pub. at $12.00_Sale—$2 93 P29. CHINESE WATERCOLORS. The famous Tung Lai-Chen paint ^ings of Oriental fruits, flowers and birds, vividly reproduced against silk-textured backgrounds. U"xl5". Set of 6 prints. Pub. at $15-00._ _Sale—52 98 90. SA^T-WATER FISHING, by R. A. Dahne. Everything you need to know about catching 115 different species of fish in Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf waters. 80 plates. Pub. at SS.OO_Sale—$1.98 91. THE PADEREWSKI MEMOIRS, by Paderewski and Mary Law ton. Eloquent, anecdote-filled autobiography of the great Polish pianist-diplomat. Illustrated. Pub. at $6.00_Sale—$1.98 103. PORTRAIT OF THE OLD WEST, by H. McCracken. Pioneer and cowboy life—magnificently depicted in eye-witness paintings by Remington, Russell, Catlin, many others. 40 large plates in breathtaking full color, 100 in halftone. Thrilling text. 8'/2"xH". Pub. at $10.00-Sale-$3.98 112. MARRIAGE, MORALS 8 SEX IN AMERICA, by S. Ditzion. Fascinating history of official and sub rcsa sex attitudes, customs and mores in America from Colonial times to the Kinsey Report. Pub. at $4.50----- .Sale—$2.98 121. A LITTLE TREASURY OF LOVE POEMS, ed. by J. Holmes. Over 500 pages of the world's poetic masterpieces, from Chaucer to Dylan Thomas. Handsomely boxed. Pub. at $5.04_Sale—$1.98 122. Wonderboek of the Ancients—THE HISTORY OR HERODO TUS. Endless fascination for readers of all ages—folklore, travels, wars of the storied Greeks, Romans, Persians. 544 pp. Now—$1.98 123. Gift Edition—THE HOME BIBLE. King James text, 34 full page drawings by William Blake, marginal decorations and maps. 7,/2''x10'/2", rich binding stamped in gold. Pub. at $6.00-*-_Sale—$1 98 125. PRINTING TYPES AND HOW TO.USE THEM, by S. Hlasta. How to recognize, use and combine the 126 type faces most commonly employed in advertising, magazine and book work. Scores of full-page type charts. Pub. at $7.50_-Sale—$2.98 127 NEW DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY, by M Martin. Over 700 pages, 4,000 entries-concise factual and biographical information covering politics, the military, science, invention, art, industry etc. Pub. at $10,00.__Sale—$3 98 129. Dictionary of MYSTICISM, ed. by F. Gaynor. Explains all the essential terms necessary for an understanding of Religious mysticism, Occultism, Spiritualism, Esoteric Philosophy Budd hism, etc. Pub. at $5.00---- Sa.' or Now $1.00 to $3.98 Original Prices to $18 131, CARTOONING. by R Taylor Practical mttruction hendliook by noted "Now Yorker" arim Technique*, bade type* of c«< loon humor, marketing your work 130 illui. Or.9 $5 00 Sale—II 96 139 SEXUAL ADJUSTMENT IN MARRIAOE. by H OUen, M D The newo*t. moil complete guide to Ihe phydo'ogical anTJ p», ecological «»p*ct» of intimate liv ng Clear, Trank, helpful nfor marlon Mlu» Rub at S6 C3 Sala~|! 94 142 IMPRESSIONISTS AND SYMBOLISTS From Manet to Too loute-lautrec, by l Venturi 217 reproduction* of the work* of ten grest art.st* we t', a brli.ant onalyti* of tf e.r live* anrj an • Pub at 15 00 --Sale -Sr 13 144 Treasury of Medical Autobiography- 400 YEARS OF A DOCTOR'S LIFE. ed h, G ftoten, Intimate, rove* ng telfprr trait* by Freud, So we.tear, Holmr* C29 page* Pub at S3 00 Sale SI 1*4) Ihttoty of lh* IASIY RUSSIAN THIATtl, i y 3 .. Gusty comeche* and powerful dramas, famous actresses, m * •» and playwright* in a brilliant reverent,on of Russian life and rt c Pub at S4S0 .. . , Sale—S2.9I T;o PSYCHOANALYSE and the SOCIAL SCIENCES, ed by G Roheim. leading authorities brtlhenliy illuminate aspects of try d V duel and mess behavior hitherto unexplained or,, *< hgion. pol l cs. etc Pub at S7 SO Sc*e S2 V# 175 JONATHAN SWIFT-Selerted Prose Unnxpuigat. n of "Guilvor't Travels," With ptr er 6cample* of die hr -.ant utir t/t best vM'ng Pub at ST 98- Sale—SI 177 WINNING BASKETBALL, by Nat Homan Sy.tem* ; feme, spec a I pis/*, dr.llt, etc , clearly srpUirtcd for a ‘amc,„* coach, il;-,*tratecJ Pub at 53-00 Sate - SI 187 ELEMENTS Of CHEMISTRY, by W Foster Profutei,- „Jt trated, 706 page covaragc of t' C bat.c principle* end t.-,« r appi a'-on Pub at $125 Safa—$1 188 THE OPIUM EATER—Seltct.on* ,'rom the Autobojraphy, by Thoma* Do Qumrey Crime and vice € 19th -century Lon den a* seen by a ten*.t,re and impa&aioned participant. Pub at S3 25 Sat. SI 191 Alatken Advoniura-THE FIRST SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION OF RUSilAN AMER.CA, by . A m Iti nc' .j il -yc! ,« iearly explorer* of the Yukon, told in their own word* Pub at $2 SO __ S.l* l 193 Turg.nev't A SPORTSMAN S NOTEBOOK L„*ly r-.w nan* lation of the literary masteq «r*. r.ch in etteue touch, s and t art with penetrating chaarcter eketene* Pur at $2 SO S»U-.$t 194 THE STORY OF ARCHITECTURE, by P l Waterhoute A ■ piete and profutcly illu*trated iurvey, from the budding cf the pyram.d* to ihe modern t.ysCTaper Pub at Sl-SO Sale—J1 . 199 THF SHOOTER'S and THE ANGLER'S BIBLE. Most con-.,..etc manual of standard tpO't* equipment and acce**or>et ever pub l.*hed by Stoeger Arm* Include* *pecilicetion* and pr.ee* of gun*, fishing tacne, and all outdoor gear Spec.al—SI 203 Threa Talented Wemen-THE PEABODY SISTERS OF SALEM, by L. H. Tharp. One became Mr*, Nathaniel Hawthorne, another Mr* Horace Manr an enchanting *tory mirrored again*! the "flowering" period of New England Pub at S3 50 Sale—SI-49 206 MODERN PAINTERS, by L- Venturi Detailed *t>,-ily of n.ne gtejt art.»t* who were ttenderd bearer* of moden. painting, with 157 exqumte reproduction* of their work* Goya, Daum er, other* Rub at 55 00 Sale—S2 98 208 ILLUSTRATED TECHNICAL DICTIONARY, ed by M New mark. Functional defmit.on* of term* current in Ihe applied *Ci ence* and mechanical trade* lllu*tralion*, chert*, diagram*, inter convertlon table* and *hop data Pub. a« S3 00 Sale-12 98 210 SALT WATER FISHERMAN'S FAVORITE FOUR, by O Rod man. How lo catch channel batt, tlriped bet*, weakfrth and blue fi»h. Illuitreted Pub at S4*0-__Sale-SI 98 211 Short DICTIONARY OF MYTHOLOGY, by P G Woodcock. Thoutandt of name* end term* arranged alphabetically and crott indexed for eaty reference. Pub. at S3-7S__Sale-SI 98 217 Dictionary of FOREIGN WORDS k PHRASES. Enginh def.n. lion* of the mo»l frequently uted word*, phratet. proverb*, etc Invaluable reference work. Pub. at $6.00_Sale-SI.98 218 LOGIC FOR THE MILLIONS, by A. E. Mender. Clearly and expertly ahowi you how you can train yourtelf to think more accurately and effectively Pub. at43.00_Sale-SI 98 222 DICTIONARY OF WORD ORIGINS, by J. T. Shipley. Hi.lory and background of thoutandt of word* in the Englith language, with their ptychological a* well a* factual meaning and correct u*ege Pub. at $3.00, __Sale—$1.98 223 20th CENTURY POLITICAL THOUGHT, by J. S. Roueek. 65G page turvey of contemporary political ideologic*, movement* and i**ue* both here and abroad by leading authoritie*. Pub. at $6.00__ Sale—$2.98 Unadvertised Specials Tremendous Values at 28c 39c 59c This Sale Starts Monday Morning