Deadline for Religious Notes J is 10 a.m. eiach Thursday. Items should be turned In at the timer aid office, Allen hall SOI . Channing Club Roland K. Rodman, chairman of the Lane County Republican central committee, will be the guest speaker at Channing Club's meeting. Sunday. The talk, on the Republican campaign for 1954, will be at 7 p.m. at the Uni tarian church, 11th and Perry streets. Christian House Tonight an informal open house has been planned at Chris tian House, 736 E. 16th. Table games, music and other activi ties will be featured. Students will leave Christian House at 8 a.m. Saturday for their annual fall retreat at Kit son Springs resort. Guest speak er will be Rev. Donald Hel seth. minister of the Corvallis Christian church, who will use the theme "What Is Really Es sential in Christianity?” Work shops will be led by the follow ing students: Joan Wilson, John Ihle, Phyllis Bates, Roger Weaver, Rosalind Lowranee, June Fulco, Jack Hal t and Tim Kribs. General chairman of the retreat is Don Smith. Students planning to attend the retreat should take a sack lunch and wear casual clothes. The usual Sunday' program at Christian House will begin with the 9:15 a.m. Donut Hour, fol lowed b>' Bible study, taught by Victor P. Morris, dean of the business addministration school. Sunday' evening, students will open a series of discussions on "Breaking Down the Walls.” The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. A fireside is scheduled for 9 p.m. Sunday. The executive council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Wesley Foundation A one-day retreat at Moose Park on Fern Ridge lake will be held by Wesley foundation Saturday. Cars leave the Wesley building, 1236 Kincaid, at 8:30 a.m. Saturday The retreat will Plan Your ( CHRISTMAS I ! GIFT I j PORTRAITS | NOW/ Please Phone 4-3432 For an Early Appointment • • • See Portraits by Fehly in the Eric Allen Seminar Room, in new Allen Hall! j THE | FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid On The Campus follow the theme, “Steering To wards the Bulls-eye," and will Include recreation, discussions, singing, fellowship and worship, followed by a “Spanish Holiday” dance in the evening. On Sunday morning the Koin onia Klass will continue its dis cussion of the fourth gospel, led by the Rev. Ken Peterson, Wes ley director. Cars will leave Wes ley at 9:20 a m. for the class at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel of the First Methodist church. The Rev. S. Raynor Smith, pas tor of the First Methodist church • and former minister to India, i '■vill speak at the Sunday even ing program, following a light supper at 5:30. His topic, "Safari to India." will he an illustrated discussion of religion, the caste system, social conditions, and missionary work in India. He also will display various relics and costumes which he gathered during his nine years in India. The first in a series of dtscus I sions led by international stu I dents will be held at the usual ! Tuesday potluck supper, begin |ning at 5:30 p.m. Language, cus ! torn*, social conditions and poli tical and religious beliefs of Sev ern! foreign countries will be dis cussed In the series. Newman Club Newman Club students will | meet at Sacred Heart hospital at j 7 p.m. Sunday. A short business meeting will begin with Benc ; diction of the Blessed Sacrament | in the chapel and will be followed by a social hour in the recrea tion room. Dancing, refresh ments and other entertainment | have been planned. Plan* for dances, parlies, pic nics and meet Inga h»* v«*» a I Mon day evenlnga during fall term arc being made. Services at St Mary's Catho lic church include Sunday masses at 6, 7 a m.. R a m.. 9 a.m.. 10 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Confessions are held Satur day from 4 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Christian Science Christian Science students will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday on the first floor of Gerlinger hull. Were a Part of ALLEN HALL - too! • Johns Mansville "FLEXSTONE" Asbestos Roofing • Johns Mansville "THERMAL" Rock-Wool Insulation • Weather Stripping of Doors and Windows ALL INSTALLED BY .... Builders' Insulation & Roofing Co. 6th and Charnelton Eugene, Oregon CONGRATULATIONS TO THE U of O J-SCHOOL! I PROPORTIONED I LENGTH SKIRT! Sanforlan Treated, Washable ^ Wool & Nylon Flannel terrific is the word for this handsome Penney's skirt . . . Tailored to fit YOU, whatever your height (small, medium, tall) . . . it's in menswear flannel blended of 85% wool, 15% nylon and washes beautifully in your machine ... so prac tical, so perfect for campus in charcoal or bankers grey, brown or navy, sizes 22-32. SECOND FLOOR - SPORTSWEAR