Royal Entertainment Feature of Lecture A partial re-enactment of an entertainment given at Mitcham House for Queen Elizabeth dur ing one of her overnight stays was played for the browsing room audience from a recording made by Don Hunter, head of the audio-visual department of the library. Hunter made his recording during the last Shakes pearean Festival at Ashland. The original manuscript was found in England and was pub lished. The Ashland group got hold of it and presented it for one performance as part of their regular summer series. Hunter has been making re cordings of the festival since CLASSIFIEDS For Rent — Furnished A part - mentette for two. Minor house keeping facilities, all utilities furnished. Mac Dowell, 455 E. 13th, Phone 4-3548. 10-6 For Sale: Underwood portable typewriter, excellent condi tion $60. 1353 Becah St. Apt. 1, Phone 5-1245 after 6 p.m. 10-11 For Rent: Modern 2 bedroom house near University, grade school. Modern heat. Lease. Ph. 5-1297. tf Homeless Waddles (plastic topped model A pick-up), will pay cheap garage rent. Call Gary Alden 4-8381. 10-7 Lost: One textbook, author Cronback. “Essentials of Psy chological Testing.” Phone 3-2809. 10-7 For Sale: Remington portable typewriter. Like new. $45. RM 208 Science. 10-9 Lost: Sigma Kappa sorority pin on campus. Phone 5-5757. Eliz abeth Austin. 10-9 Attractive small apartment. Twin beds, hot plate. Phone 4-3548. Address 455 E. 13th. tf Room & Board: Board alone. Phone 4-0422. Mrs. Kile, 874 E. 13th. 1947, the year the Ashland group resumed their productions after the war. ‘‘I usually go down about the third week.” Hunter joked. “By then the actors are usually bet ter. During the fourth week, they are usually tired of it all.” In recording the program. Hunter placed two microphones between the front of the stage and the audience. This way, the audience actions are recorded which serve to give an authentic atmosphere to the productions. A microphone is placed in the back of the stage and one is placed in the balcony above to capture the rest of the sound. Hunter cautioned that it is well to keep the microphones not in use turned off so as not to pick up echoes. However, it makes for extra work on the controls. Women Sponsor Joint Tea Today The YWCA, WRA and AWS are sponsoring a joint tea today on the second floor of Gerlinger. The time is 3:30 to 5 p.m. and the dress is campus clothes. All duckling counselors are asked to pick up their ducklings and those new students without counselors are urged to come anyway. At this tea new students will have an opportunity to learn about the three women’s organ izations on campus and will also have a chance to join in the ac tivities. Each organization will have a special table at the tea and the first 30 minutes will be spent in getting acquainted and serving tea. An officer of each group will give a short speech on the functions of their organization after a "get-acquainted” period. The last thing on the program is a trip to the women’s pool to watch a demonstration by the Amphibians. This will give all interested girls a chance to ob serve the functions of this group which will conduct try-outs next week. KWAX Aspirants List Preferences Campus radio aspirants met in the studios of KWAX, Univer sity radio station, Tuesday night and signed up for their prefer ences in station positions. The different staff positions this year are: traffic, announc ing, news and special events, promotion and public relations, j office operation, library, techni I cal, sports, continuity, record ' and transcription library and production and program sched uling. Selections for the staff are made on the basis of * previous i experience and adaptability to radio work. A list of this year's staff members will be made pub l lie later this week. This year the three leaders of station KWAX are Dr. E. A. Kretsinger, Victor Heyden and Jon Powell. Kretsinger is the assistant professor of the speech department, who will be an ad visor on the station. Heyden is new on the campus this year. He will take over the duties of faculty advisor for the station. Jon Powell is the student station manager. Kretsinger explained that any new ideas for programs of any type should be submitted to the program director. Wengert Selected To Executive Board E. S. Wengert, head of the political science department, has been elected to the executive board of Pi Sigma Alpha, nation al political science honorary. Wengert’s selection was made at a convention of the American Folitical Science association in Chicago, Sept. 9-11. Night Staff Makeup Editor: Anne Ritchey News Desk: Bob Robinson Copy Desk: Kathleen Morrison, Marna Gehrman. Board Meeting Cancelled by Pollock rhe Student Union board meet ing, which was to be* at 4 p.m. Wednesday, was cancelled by Bob Pollock, board chairman. The reason for the cancellation was that not enough members were present to constitute a quorum. The meeting will be held at a lime sot by the chairman. Item* on the agenda for yesterday’* meeting Included discussions on the budget. Sunday evening con certs. special attractions, intro duction of SI Elllngson and re ports from the personnel chair man, board selection committee and directorate chairman. new pace-setting combination.. DUSTY STEERBUCK neatly trimmed in black $1195 Something new for campus and casual wear... smart dusty color to soft, light buck, set off in style by black trim. Here’s casual styling at its best, for the young man who appreciates the new in shoes. Try them here. Free— for all campus men 1 Pr. Argyles with each Shoe Purchase Several years ago, ! -found out Camels have ~the most delightful flavor and mildness of any cigarette .Try Camels and you'll be as enthusiastic as 11 and how it started. TERESA WRIGHT saya: “Up to 16. my knowledge of acting had been gleaned from seeing movies. When I saw my first professional play, that was it: I only wanted to act. I got into high school plays, wrestled props at Provincetown. understudied, sat for months in producers' reception rooms. One rainy night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and got it.’’’ y?m. Start smoking Camels yourself I Make the 30-day Camel Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days - see for yourself why Camels’ cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! / SUCCESS STORY: Camels—America’s most popular cujarelte.. .by far! v. • W -y&/Ui&ln£4d AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE It. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company, Wlniton Halem. N. C.