Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1954, Page Four, Image 4

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    Sororities Pledge 271
(Continued from our)
Wash.; Ann Stenzel, Portland,
and Shirley Swerver, Molalla.
Chi Omega: Margery Balliwe,
Charleston; Jane Butler, Mar
garet Everts, Nancy Ferguson, j
Arden Jaeger and Marilyn Lar
sen, Portland; Patricia Cushnie.
Kaumakaui, Kauai; Diane Dal
ziel, Berkeley, Calif.; Barbara
DeVoe, Helix; Jo Ann Godfrey,
Northampton, Mass.; Virginia
Jarvis. Hood River; Mary E.
Johnson, Camas, Wash.; Beverly
Landon, Sweet Home; Sharon
Master, Arcadia, Calif.; Mary
Ann Megale and Nancy Shaw,
Coos Bay; Lorraine Ray and
Diane Van Horn. Salem; Wayn
ette Slayton, Seattle, Wash.;
Elanor Vogel. Sacramento, Calif.;
and Sandra Yokum, John Day.
Delta Delta Delta: Yvonne
Anderson. Barbara Borchers.
Nancy Draper, La Rae Koon. Jan
Nevius and Laurie Whitten,
Portland: Julie Astrup, Salem;
Sylvia Birch. Waldport; Marlene
Emmitt, Roseburg: Pat Gal
lagher. Menlo Park, Calif.; Nancy
Heathe, Spokane. Wash.; Con
nie Hitte, Carmichael, Calif.;
Kathy McGregor, Grants Pass;
Jean Millholen and Mick Sim
mons, Eugene; Sue Slausen, San
Francisco, Calif.; JoAnne Smith,
Bellingham. Wash.; Paula Smith,
Long Beach, Calif.; Carolyn Tay
lor, Ontario, and Charlene Weid
eman. Dallas.
Delta Gamma: Mary Jane Al
exander, Maureen Doherty, Carol
Edminister, Dorothy Griffith,
Frances Heitkepmer, Mary
Leash, Frances Livingston, Bev
erly O’Connor. Joan Palmer and
Susan Walcott, Portland; Bev
erly Cochran, Los Altos, Calif.;
Judy Dunn, Orinda, Calif,; Mary
Lou Glass, Eugene; Sharon John
son, Salem; Connie Kennedy,
The Dalles; Dorothy Lingom. He
met, Calif.; Shannon McGee,
Boise, Idaho; Lucinda Randall,
Roseburg, and Harriet Swanson,
Eureka, Calif.
Delta Zeta: Neldra Ackerman.
Milwaukie; Anita Allen, Diane
Gassman and Ruth Orwick, Eu
gene; Bonnie Butler and Sally
Byron, Roseburg; Sally Cohn,
Heppner; Lelda Dickey, Burlin
game. Calif,; June Fulco, Grants
Pass; Nancy Hilton. Salem; Lu
cille Hughes, Leilehua, Hawaii;
Gayle Jensen, Betty Leach, Dar
lene Lorett, Portland; Lorrie
Johnson, Winchester Bay; Jan
LueUing, Madras.... Stacy Martin,
Palo Alto, Calif.; Georgia Tag
gart, Sacramento, Calif.; Nancy
Tanner, Lebanon; Becky Towler,
LaGrande, 111., and Pat Van Al
stine, Camas, Wash.
Gamma Phi Beta: Irene Amo
dei, Sacramento, Calif.; Ann
Burlingham. San Luis Obispo,
Calif.; Norma Corson, Stockton,
Calif.; Ann Curry, Oregon City;
Marjorie Davis, Medina, Wash.;
Phyllis Friedrich, Tillamook;
Claire Holm, Palo Alto, Calif.;
Ann Henderson, Klamath Falls;
Sally Hoy, Salem; Jean Meador,
Don’t let that "drowsy feel
ing” cramp your style in class
. . . or when you’re "hitting
the books”. Take a NoDoz
Awakener! In a few minutes,
you’ll be your normal best...
wide awake . . . alert! Your
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Awakeners are safe as coffee.
Keep a-pack handy!
15 TABLETS, 35c
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Prairie City: Carol Berg, Kay
Mundorff. Claudia Reich and
PeRSy Tippett, Portland; Sally
Rosencrans, San Francisco,
Calif.; Sandra Schnitger, Eu
gene; Karen Stepanek, Cedar
Rapids. Iowa; Mali Thompson,
Enterprise; Eleanore Whltsett,
King City, Calif., and Turza
Wilcox, Ontario.
Kappa Alpha Theta: Nancy
Adams. Wecoma Beach; Lynn
Adelsberger, Coos Bay; Sarah
Anderson, Mound, Minn.; Sally
Bangs and Joan Rainville, Eu
gene; Marian Baum, Pat Gordon.
Betty Boehm, Salem; Lee Blaes
ing, Susan Hawes. Martha Ire
land, Verity Kitchen, Sharon Mc
Cabe, Pattie Thompson, Judith
Wells and Jan Young, Portland;
Fay Campbell, Berkeley, Calif.;
Stephanie Jones. Seattle, Wash.;
Mary Ellen Lally, Visalia. Calif.;
Evelyn Nelson, Astoria, and
Louann Pearson, Lafayette, Calif.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Jan Ben
nett, McMinnville; Chrissie
Blakely, Bend; Jane Burton,
Marlene Harper, Pat Hudson,
Karen McDaniel and Patti Phil
lips. Portland; Sharon Ford, John
Day; Mary Jo Fourier, North
Bend; Betty Herrman, Shirley
McLean and Kathy Thurston,
Eugene; Joyce Jacobson and
MaryJo Williams, Grants Pass;
Janet Maier, The Dalles; Ann
Pettersen, Coos Bay; Lois Ral
ston, Oswego, Diane Raoul-Du
val, Burlingame, Calif.; Nadine
Woodroffe, Salem, and Carol
Wulfekuhler, Weislua, Oahu.
Pi Beta Phi: Sue Anderson and
Sue Jewett, Beaverton; Billie
Bartle and Molly Gross, Eugene;
Mary Jo Basche, Baker; Sue
Chaffee. Kathy Dahl, Kathy Dot
terer, Audrey Kelly and Nan
Pierson, Portland; Carolyn
Coutemanche, McMinnville, Jo
anne Klahre, Hood Kiver; Dar
lene Leland, Hillsboro; Nancy
Lidbeck and Judy Loucks, Sa
lem; Marilyn Lursen, Bremer
ton, Wash.; Sue Ramsby, Klam
ath Falls, and Mary Helen Wil
liams. Reedsport.
Signia Kappa: Nancy Benson,
Silverton; Ann Boetticher, Van
couver, Wash.; Carol Carver, San
Mateo, Calif.; Sandra Cooley,
Hermiston; Donna Douglas, St.
Helens; Patricia Eberhardt and
Maureen Naylor, Portland: Mar
jory Freeman, Brookings; Jan
Griffin, Port Orchard, Wash.;
Beverly Hanson, Diane Hoppe,
Beverly Laaksonen, DeVonne
Link and Maron Lyons. Eugene;
Carol Hennings, Milwaukie; Lois
Kellow, Cloverdale; Melva Les
ter, Sweet Home; Gail Monter,
Seattle, Wash.; Dell Shearer,
Gladstone; Janet Somers, Falls
Creek, and Jacqueline Thomas.
Zeta Tau Alpha: Edith Soldin,
Skagway, Alaska; Yvonne Steph
ens, Salem, and Betty Wiese, Ar
lington, Calif.
0 United Independent Stu
dents will meet today at 4 p.m.
in the Student Union.
Man's Wool Sport Coat, light blue
tweed, size 40. Almost like
new $8.00. Light welgiit
man's suit, grey, size 40, liae
new $18.00. Can be seen at
16.58 K. 13th. Apt. 3 after ft
p.m. 10-3
For Rent - Furnished Apart -
mentette for two. Minor house
keeping facilities, all utilities
furnished. MaeDowell, 45ft E.
13th, Phone 4-3548. 10-6
For Rent: Nice Study Room for
2 students, with separate sleep
ing room. Oil Heat. 750 E. 1 Oth.
For Sale: Ford, 1940 club coupe,
radio and heater. Good rubber.
Excellent condition. $495. 1869
Hilyard. Ph. 5-2049. 10-4
Room & Board: Board alone.
Phone 4-0422. Mrs. Kile, 874
E. 13th.
Child Care: Ages 2-12. Compe
tent attendants. Phone 3-2453.
For Rent: Modern 2 bedroom
house near University, grade
school. Modern heat. Lease.
Ph. ft-121*7. tf
Found: 3 new books at Endlcott's
Radio Repair Sept. 24. 871 K.
13th. Phone 5-0272.
For Sale: Used Slide Rules In
good condition. Call Richard
Za rones, Pr. 4-0514.
For Rent: Nice study room for 2
students with separate sleeping
room. Oil heat.
Night Staff
Makeup Editor: Jackie War
Night Staff: Pete Taussig.
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats
Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream
TILL 11:00
13th at High St.
Dial 4.1342
Perry Como, top TV and recording star, and
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