Living Organizations Phone Numbers Listed Several University extension phones have been added to the living organization phone list since the beginning of the term, accord ing to Mrs. Vera Hall, campus telephone supervisor. Most fraternity, sorority and co-op numbers are the same as lest year. Installation is not yet complete at Gamma hall. Barrister Inn, and Alpha hall. Omega and Sherry Ross halls have been changed to campus exchange numbers, but will not be in service until Mon day. Extensions are on the University exchange, 5-1511. The Emerald will print changes as they occur. The complete list follows: Sororities: Alpha Chi Omega .5-7662 5-9524 Alpha Delta Pi .5-1803 5-2615 Alpha Gamma Delta ... 4-3515 Alpha Omicron Pi .4-7834 4- 8623 Alpha Phi .5-9250 5- 6626 Alpha Xi Delta .-5-0042 Chi Omega . ..5-0536 5-0537 Delta Delta Delta .4-0513 5-9523 Delta Gamma. . .4-6814 4-7515 Delta Zeta .5-9177 4- 2742 Gamma Phi Beta .5-9024 5- 9596 Kappa Alpha Theta .4-6634 4-6538 Kappa Kappa Gamma . 5-6711 5-4641 Pi Beta Phi .5-0161 Sigma Kappa .5-0428 5-9044 Zeta Tau Alpha .5-8726 5-8727 Women's Dormitories: Carson. First floor .Ext 479 Carson, Second .Ext 482 5-9345 Carson, Third .......Ext 483 5-9130 Carson, Fourth .Ext 484 5-9354 Carson, Fifth . Ext 485 5-9090 Hendricks Hall .Ext 489 Susan Campbell Hall....Ext 388 5-9517 Vets’ Dorms: Cherney Hall ..Ext 381 French Hall .Ext 382 Hunter Hall .........Ext 383 Nestor Hall . Ext 384 Sederstrom .„.Ext 385 Fraternities: Alpha Tau Omega . Beta Theta Pi ............ Chi Psi . Delta Tau Delta . Delta Upsilon . Kappa Sigma . Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Delta Theta . Phi Gamma Delta .... Phi Kappa Psi .. Phi Kappa Sigma .... Phi Sigma Kappa ... Pi Kappa Alpha . Pi Kappa Phi . Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu . Sigma Chi . Sigma Nu . Sigma Phi Epsilon . Tau Kappa Epsilon . Theta Chi . Co-ops: Ann Judson House Campbell Club. Highland House .... Philadelphia House Rebec House . University House 4-5784 4- 5835 5- 9912 5-7801 5-5072 4- 0771 5- 1*421 5-0301 3- 3515 j 4- 4518 j 4- 4702 5- 0984 j 5-9428 j 4- 5653 j 5- 4821 5-6620 5-5741 i 5-2081 ; 5-6866 4- 8845; 5- 8667 5-8851 4- 6740 5- 9267 ! 4- 7747 5- 8443 5-8444 5-8416 5-8417 i 5-1602 5-5521 j 5-9085 4-3875 4- 8381j 5- 9537 j 5-0723 ! 4-6711 ; 4- 8742 5- 0214 John Straub hall: Alpha .3-1014 Gamma .. 5-9415 Omega ... .Ext 495 Sigma .5-9265! Sherry Ross . Ext 496 Barrister Inn .3-4012 ForeignStudy AwardsOpen Thirty foreign countries are represented by approximately 110 students on the University cam pus this year, according to K. S. Ghent, foreign student adviser. The group comprises about two percent of the student body. Most of them come from Can- j ada, China, India and the Philip pines. The largest percentage of foreign students are Chinese. Two trackmen from Australia who participated in the British Empire games are enrolled. The majority of students are financing their own education. The others have room and board scholarships given by the dormi tories, sororities and fraternities. A few foreign students have graduate assistantships. These include four from India, and one from Sweden. Two men, from Germany and Italy, and a woman from Peru are graduate assist ants in the school of architecture and allied arts. Hawaiian and Alaskan stu dents are not considered as for eign students, Ghent reports, be cause they are U.S. citizens. LAST TIME SAT. 'JOHNNY GUITAR" Joan Crawford and Sterling Hayden “SPANISH MAIN" Maureen O'Hara and Paul Henreid BEGINNING SUNDAY "Crime Wave" Gene Nelson and Sterling Hayden "Act Of Love" 2860 WlllAMETU \pltajte 4.4IS2 DRIVE-IN THEATR Tope Participates In Book Meeting Donald E. Tope, professor of education, left Tuesday for Stan ford university where he will participate in a two-day meet ing with the committee develop ing a school board handbook for California. The Oregon State School Board association appointed Tope chair man of a committee to make plans for a similar Oregon hand book. While in California, Tope will meet with the group there in charge of the Kellog project. Tope is director of the Oregon Kellog program. AROUND THE =tf / OB E French Officials Admit Espionage PARIS I APi Police said two high ranking officials of the French defease ministry con fessed Friday to leaking1 secrets from the national defense coun cil. There was no immediate in dication who got the leaked in formation. Previous announcements dur ing the investigation indicated the top secret information had been transmitted to the French Communist Party’s high com mand. The two men Rene Turpin, chief of the personal staff of the permanent secretary general in the defense department, and Roger Labrusse, chief adminis trator in the same department were ordered before the mili tary magistrate investigating the leaks. Both held top civil service posi tions and, as a result, might nor mally be entitled to be present at meetings of the defense coun cil. Floods Hit India BOMBAY, India (API- Floods caused by a freak monsoon storm that pelted the Tapti River val ley with 14 inches of rain in 40 hours have brought death and destruction to a 3.000 square mile area 150 miles north of Bombay. Rain Hampers Relief BALBOA, C. Z. at, Heart. Hop and i breakfast. During a recent eruption, lava flowed down Mauna Ia>h at' a speed of -10 milea per hour. They need copa behind the billboard* there. it The Vory Little Theater presents ARSENIC AND OLD LACE” Curtain at 8:15 p.m. Dial 4-7781 or 4-7751 For Rosorvations 2350 Hilyard Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat Sept. 29-Oct. 2 ELROY HIRSCH and NORM VAN BROCKLIN in CRAZY LEGS ALL-AMERICAN Also Joan Leslie Forest Tucker FLIGHT NURSE 2 Magoo Comedies HEILIG.;. bt^Kiiiiity JwtiUdV LKLAIEK UN WIDE SCREEN! FULL LENGTH! UNCHANGED! rnn GREATER MOTION PICTURE | EVER i u MADE! ««««« ^ DAWDO.saaiars *.<»««* *1 MARCAHT MITCHELL'S Star si OW Ws GONE WITH THE WIND .TECKMCQIOR - CLARK GABLE ■ V1YINLEIGH LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA de HAVILANO asuzmckmiumimaim beginning Sunday BIGAS ' THE SEA ITSELF! The Great Novel is Even Greater on the Screen! Mmmsr THE gabne WIUTIIW •tarring Humphrey BOGART • Van JOHNSON Fred MarM'JRRAY • Jose TERRER A COIUMMA PICTURE