Field Hockey T ryouts Open First tryouts of the women's Field Hockey club were held Thursday afternoon on Gerlinger field, with about twelve girls turning out for the opening ses sion. Regular practices will begin next week with the team working out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 4 to 5, according to Miss Janet Wood fuff. hockey coach. Any woman interested may still try out at the regular practices next week. Miss Woodruff has announced. Fraternity Bowling Entries Called for Fraternities interested in en tering a team in the Fraternity Bowling Teague have been asked to sign up as soon as possible so that final plans for the league may be drawn up. league offi cials announced Thursday. Teams wishing to enter may sign up at the Student Union recreation desk in the basement of the SU. Competition will be gin within 10 days and will be held in the SU bowling alleys. PCC Officials To Help Army LOS ANGELES-(Special)-Two Pacific Coast conference game officials have been chosen to as sist in basketball clinics for the U.S. Army Far East Command. PCC Commissioner Victor O. Schmidt disclosed today. They are Ervin Delman, San Francisco, Calif., and Erling J. Oakland, Ellensburg, Wash. They will depart October 4 from Travis Field, Calif., on their five-week tour. Present plans call for two five day clinics in Japan. They are expected to arrive back in the United States on November 8. g== ■■ u The Oregon Field Hockey club will meet with other regional hockey clubs at the Pacific Northwest Field Hockey Confer ence at Oregon State college Nov. 5, 6. and 7. A preliminary game with OSC “is planned for sometime in Oc tober. Clubs participating in the con ference are the University of Washington. Washington State college. College of Puget Sound. University of Idaho, University of Vancouver, University of British Columbia, OSC, and Uni versity of Oregon. The Field Hockey club is af filiated with the Women’s Rec reation association, the coordi nating organization for all wom en’s sports on campus. President of the club is Charlotte Martin. NoetoLeave BuchanTeam SEATTLE- (AP) —Chet Noe. former Oregon basketball star and high-scoring center for the Buchan Bakers last season, will not be with the Seattle amateur team this year, Manager Bud Howard announced Wednesday. Noe has notified him that he has joined the Ada, Tex., Oilers, Howard said. In other changes, Frank Fid ler, former Seattle high school coach, has been named to re place Washington Freshman Coach Bill Morris at the coach ing helm and Eric Roberts and Ed Tucker of the Fort Lewis Warriors, Hartley Kruger of Idaho and Gene Wiggins of Se attle Pacific have been added as players, Howard added. Buchan’s will play this winter in the newly-formed Pacific In ternational League, whose tenta tive members now include Long view, Wash., Vancouver, B.C., Portland and possibly Eugene. Indian Backfield Ace Leads PCC Rushers LOS ANGELES-(Special)-Bill Tarr, the scrappy fullback who figured in Stanford’s upset of Oregon last week, has captured the rushing lead in the Pacific Coast conference with another fullback, Duke Washington of Washington State, in hot pursuit, according to figures released this week by the PCC Commission er's office. Tarr has gained 165 yards in his first two games for an aver age of 5.9 yards per carry to 158 yards and a 4.8 average for Washington. Joe Arnett. USC sophomore, ranks third with 123 yards. Sandy Lederman of Wash ington tops the passing depart ment with S3 completions for 390 yards and one touchdown. vmmz&k DICK JAMES Top Pass-Grabber Paul I-arson, California, has 23 completions and George Shaw, Oregon, 22. All three have shown exceptional accur acy, Larson having had none intercepted and Ledemian and Shaw only one each. Shaw also picked up 43 yards to lead in total offense with 382 yards and two touchdowns. Le derman has 381 yards and Jim Contratto, 255. Arnett has run up five touchdowns in his first two games and leads the scoring department with 30 points while Ted Granger, California; Dick James, Oregon, and Primo Vil NO TIME TO WRITE? Tell your folks about 'Oregon Through the . . . OREGON DAILY EMERALD < If you have a friend from here who is now in the serv ice he'i! be glad to hear about campus events. Subscriptions on sale every afternoon at the 'Emerald' in Allen Hall. \ $5.00 one year 4.00 two terms 2.00 one term lanueva, UCLA, have three TDh each. .lumen In the lending |mnn re eelver with 10 reception* for 111 yards and one nr ore white Steve Konke, Washington, han nine reception* and John Stew art, Stanford, and Jim llunlfan and Jim Carmichael, both of California, eight each. Murv Uonx und Ellnworth Klnnlnger, both of CSC, and Bob Ivernon, Washington State, head the pans Interception column, each having nnared two opposition aerials. Top punters are Jim Withrow, Oregon State with a 50.7 yard average and Bob Heydenfeldt, UCLA, 49. Doug Bradley, UCLA, has the most yardage on punt returns, 74. followed by Aramis Dandoy, USC, 52. Bill Baxter, Idaho, leads in kickoff returns with 90 yards, while Lindon Crow. USC, has 59 Rushing TCB YG YL Net Av. Bill Tarr, St 2K 171 t, 165 5 9 I). Washington, \VS 53 15s » 15# as Jon Arortt, SC 20 12u .1 17.1 ,, j Wilboi Giav. I 11 1.15 17 IIS 5 4 John Wilson, C H 117 J 114 14 J Pasting PA PG PI Yds Pet Td S. l-edrrman. W . i»5 .IJ 1 .190 .447 I Paul Laiwn, ( 5.1 2.1 0 249 .r,9S j George Shaw. (> 4.1 22 1 .1.19 .512 2 John Hrudtc. St. 37 17 1 254 .4,0) 1 r\ Saroo, U S .20 10 1 luj .500 1 Total Offense Plays Ruth Pass Total Td George Shaw. O 60 4.1 J.I9 5S2 S. I.r-lrrman \V 72 Jim Contartto, SC 21 Paul Larson, C 47 John Brodie, St. 44 •9 15 5 ■It) 590 240 249 254 5SI 255 252 224 Scoring ion Arnett, SC *«1 Granger, I Dick James. O Prtmo ViHanueva. I * C L A I .melon Crow, SC Hob Davenport. I'CI.A Jon Decker. I’CI.A Gary McDougal, I’CI.A Td TP 50 IS IS :s 12 12 12 No. Yd«. Td 10 II! 1 V 145 H no* « 104 1 H H J I j Interceptions No Marv (»uiix, SC.2 Bob Ivenont WS 2 F.IUworth Kiwingrr. SC 2 Yd*. Td 23 Receiving Dick Jamrv. O . Steve Roark. \\ John Stewart. St. Jim Ctnwdiacl, ( Jim Kantian, < Punting No. Jim Withrow, OS » lieyilrnirMl, t'Cl.A 5 Jim Contralto. SC 5 tirurgc Knlsiti, 1 10 Yds Avg Illkl 152 50 7 1 2 » • 220 44 0 322 32 2 1 Punt Returns No. Yds. Avg Doug Mrsdley, 1 74 74,0 Arsnn* Duitaar. SC S 52 17 I Wilbur Cary. 1 • JM 12.7 Dick Jiimri. 0 2 33 In 5 Jon Arnrtt. SC 1 24 24 0 Td Kickoff Returns Mill Muster. 1 Limlori Crow, SC (»corge Shsw, O , Dick Jsinrv O Mill Tair. St No Yds. Av* Td 4 90 22.3 5y 2V ? J 5n lit 7 2 50 25.0 2 40 20.0 Sports Staff Desk Kditor: Gordon Rite. Staff: Jerry CUtumen, Kath leen Morrison. Doug May. Head Kmrrald (’lauiflnU Rod Says Fooie To Mr. Gregory Although Rod admit* that latl { Saturday'* game wa» • tad bit »ad, he say* if'* nothing thet the proper *pint» can't cure. The roMt on Mr Gregory'* de»k may have dried up. but Rod main tain, "where there'* tpinft there'* hope". So for froth rote*, optimum and a littla bit of tunlight try ROD TAYLOR On the GUnwood Strip Only at... FORD'S DRIVE IN BURGERS ■« 3 BABY BURGER With Relish, Onions, Lettuce 20c (In Basket, 35c) GIANT BURGER With Relish, Onions, Lettuce 30c (InTiasket, 45c) FORD'S DELUXE With Relish, Lettuce, Onions, Tomatoes, Pickles, Mayonnaise (Basket, Fries, & Salad, 60c) ITS . . . Fords Drive In Hiway 99 South—Right Close to Campus