WORLD NEWS BRIEFS Nixon Predicts GOP Victories In Nine Ot Ten Senate Contests Compiled by Jerry Harrell (From the wires of Associated Press) A LB AW. X. Y.—Vice President Xixon savs a look at 10 Senate races lias convinced him Republicans hold the lead in 9 while facing an uphill battle to retain control of the House Xixon told newsmen at Albany. X. Y., Wednesday lie thinks GOP candidates are in the lead in contests for Senate seats in Ohio. Illinois, Michigan. Massachusetts. Kansas, Nebraska and Xew Hampshire. Two seats are up in each of the latter two states. Xixon was not optimistic about Minne sota. Nixon came in for renewed criticism from chairman Stephen A. Mitchell of the Democratic National Committee, who accused him of “playing a dishonest game of words to give a false impression." A spokesman said Mitchell was standing behind his statement, al though it was disclosed that The Associated Press had misquoted the vice president in reporting the speech which touched off this particu lar exchange with Mitchell. The AP had quoted Nixon as saying in a Sept. 18 speech at Huron, S. D.. that the Eisenhower administration has "kicked the Commu nists out of government, not by the hundreds, but by the thousands.” A playback Wednesday of a recording of the speech made by a Huron radio station showed that Nixon had said: "We’re kicking the Communists and fellow travelers and security risks out of the govern ment, not by the hundreds but by the thousands.” It was on the basis of the AP account that Mitchell on Sunday ac cused Nixon of “an outright falsehood.” Nixon said later Mitchell was “shooting from the hip before he gets the facts.” Asked to name Democratic Senate candidates he would term “left wing." Nixon listed Richard L. Neuberger in Oregon and John Carrol in Colorado. Ohio Segregation Appeal Planned COLUMBUS, O.—A move by a group of Ohio Negroes to bring about an immediate end ot public school segregation has been block ed by the ruling of a federal judge. Negro leaders said at Columbus. Ohio, Thursday they planned to carry their fight to the U. S. Su preme Court if necessary. The immediate situation in Ohio centers at Hillsboro. The National Assn, for the Advancement of Colored People is spearheading the fight. John L. Francis, president of the Ohio conference of the NAACP branches, said he was “shocked” at U.S. Judge John H. Druffel's refusal to act now on a request to halt "enforced segregation” in Hillsboro schools. In turning down a plea for an injunction, the jurist said that any decision given at thi stime might be contrary to the pattern of integration yet to be decided on by the Supreme Court. Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat Sept. 29-Oct. 2 ELROY HIRSCH and NORM VAN BROCKLIN in CRAZY LEGS ALL-AMERICAN Also Joan Leslie Forest Tucker FLIGHT NURSE 2 Magoo Comedies Summers Named For Colley Award Oregon ASUO president Bob Summers has been named the outstanding undergraduate mem ber of Theta Chi in the United States. Summers was selected for the Reginald F. Colley award by mem bers of the fraternity at its an nual meeting Sept. 1-4 in Atlar^ta, Ga. Each of the fraternity’s 114 active chapters nominated a man for the honor. He is the second Oregon Theta |,Chi to receive the award. Phil Lowrey was the Colley award winner in 1941; he now lives in Medford. Read Emerald Classifieds Students: YOU CAN FLY L, i ■ mmm Piper Tri-Pacer "53" Model. Fred Savage, instructor IN 8 HOURS • A small down-payment and you're in the air • Small monthly payments keep you there. • Gl approved Phone 7-2366 McKenzie flying service Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street Campus Briefs 0 I’hl Theta Epsilon will hold ft sp^pial meeting In the SU Thursday noon. 0 RE Week executive coinmlt tee will meet todny at noon in 319 Student Union according to Bob Hastings, general chairman. 0 Freshman Ia>olu Eoren/.en and Rob W. Roy, both music majors. Joanne Donnelly, sopho more in liberal arts, and Denice A. Pair, sophomore in education, and Alice C. Belt, junior in archi tecture and allied arts, were in the infirmary Wednesday under medical observation. CLASSIFIEDS SALESMAN TO CALL ON CON TRACTORS, Counties, State Highway using earth moving equipment, to introduce in this area, proven Hydraulic Track Adjusters and Road Patrol Moldboard Shock Absorbers. Must have general knowledge of heavy earth moving equip ment. Must have car. Refer ences required. Draw against commission or salary. May permit non-conflicting side line. Mr. Gerald H. Delin will interview at the Eugene Hotel from 1:30 until 9:00 p.m. on September 29th. Wanted: Would you like to earn high wages by showing off your artistic and managing talents for just a few hours a week ? The Student Union needs just such a person to run their embossograph. For further in formation, or an interview ap pointment. call Sonia Edwards at 5-9523. 10-1 Found: 3 new books at Endicott's Radio Repair Sept. 24. 871 E. 13th. Phone 5-0272. Room & Board: Board alone. Phone 4-0422. Mrs. Kile. 874 E. 13th. For Sale: Used Slide Rules in good condition. Call Richard Zarones, Pr. 4-0514. For Rent: Nice study room for 2 students with separate sleeping room. Oil heat. For Sale: Men’s Raleigh Sports Bike. Call 5-6888. Child Care: Ages 2-12. Compe tent attendants. Phone 3-2453. FROM $1 UP YOU CAN DRESS UP YOUR ROOM WITH A PLANTER FROM Flowers Unlimited Phone 4-6244 193 E. Broadway Drive Out - and Make Your Favorite Request OVER GREGG'S Private Line Tuesday Through Saturday KORE 1450 KC. See 1' UI City Club deelet lot the beautiful ne«. eomfcit •ble and cr.ull City Club ihoei . , , dittinettet end styled light. While you'ie at it. get you* FPtE colo'lul 'pan-up' GAleiadin ol lo-jtHjb’. nodeh in lull coin lhey'ie ytyied light. tot,-< Oi mute Peter, '.hoe Co. Dept CN'l 1*55 Wetkington Aee. St Louis J. Mo *8”.. *15” Jor career or campus... new low...low...low heels THE SCOTTIE TWINS Nai^ _ 9.95* Red Calf, Brown Calf, Green Calf, Navy Calf, Black Calf i BIAUHFUl Fit