Shaw Leading In Total Offense Oregon Quarterback George j Shaw leads the nation in total offense and Halfback Dick James ranks second in pass receiving, according to figures issued this week by the NCAA Service bu reau. In two games, Shaw has amass ed a total of 382 yards. Passing accounted for 339 of these and the other 43 came from rushing. University of Washington Quar terback Sandy Lederman trails by one yard in total offense. James Collects 10 The speedy James has 10 pass i receptions and 111 yards gained. The top receiver, Kentucky’s Dick Rushing, has less yards (1061, but four more catches. Arizona sophomore Art Lup pino paces the country in rush ing, having gained 345 yards fori CLASSIFIEDS SALESMEN TO CALL ON CON TRACTORS. Counties, State Highway using earth moving equipment, to introduce in this area, proven Hydraulic Track Adjusters and Road Patrol Moldboard Shock Absorbers. Must have general knowledge of heavy earth moving equip ment. Must have car. Refer ences required. Draw against commission or salary. May permit non-conflicting side line. Mr. Gerald H. Delin will interview at the Eugene Hotel from 1:30 until 9:00 p.m. on September 29th. Found: 3 new books at Endicott's Radio Repair Sept. 24. 871 E. 13th. Phone 5-6272. Board & Room: Clean Modern Rooms for Men in home con venient to Campus. 1355 Wal nut. Phone 4-3188. 9-29 For Sale: Men’s Raleigh Sports Bike. Call 5-6888. Room & Board: Board alone. Phone 4-0422. Mrs. Kile, 874 E. 13th. Wanted: Ride from Springfield 8MWF. Call 7-9922. For Sale: Used Slide Rules in good condition. Call Richard Zarones, Pr. 4-0514. Child Care: Ages 2-12. Compe tent attendants. Phone 3-2453. For Rent: Nice study room for 2 students with separate sleeping room. Oil heat. mmmm i WttMMMiBflM MMMMMMMiaMttHMi IT'S NONE TOO EARLY TO HAVE PORTRAITS | Made For CHRISTMAS I GIFTS! I iiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Please Phone 4-3432 For an Early Appointment | THE FEHLY STUDIOS 1214 Kincaid On The Campus llllll!llfllliilli!lililllllHiilllHllllilHilllllH!lllMIIIIIII!lililHilillHtllillllflllUtillllll!lll a 12.8 average. The Wildcats trounced Utah, Oregon's next op ponent, 54-20 last weekend. Two other standouts In total offense will be faced by the Ducks on successive weekends. USC’s Jim Contratto ranks sixth and California Quarterback Paul Larson is seventh. All of the first four teams in passing yardage are Pacific Coast; "JOHNNY GUITAR" Joan Crawford and Starling Hayden "SPANISH MAIN" Maureen O'Hara and Paul Henreid Wed -Sat. Sept. 20-O