Puddles, Companion Homeless Orphans jruaaies m, uregon s mascoi who was introduced at the rally Thursday night, is out in the cold; and so is Piddles I, his close companion in the mas cot business. Other than the temporary Hud son-Duncan lettuce crate in which they were presented at the rally, the two little orphans, have no home. (And that lettuce crate gets awful drafty at nights.) They are looking for a back yard pen in one of the local fra ♦ ♦ ♦ Orphan I ' PUDDLES III Needs Home ternities, or, better still, a barn yard home on a close-to-the-cam pus farm. University duck adop tion authorities state that the guardians of the two things must give them all the love and devo tion that a one-year-old duck de serves. If anyone feels he can meet these qualifications, he is begged to call Sally Stadelman, rally board chairman, at 4-6814. The webfooted mascots were introduced to the student body at the rally Thursday evening by Yell King Tom Gaines.*Its cage, or home, was decorated recently by members of the rally board. The showcase1 has a green back ground. with yellow "O’s” painted on both ends and the word “Puddles” painted on a slat on one side. The bottom of the redecorated lettuce crate is fittingly painted black with an orange “O” in the center. This signifies, of course, that the Ducks plan to walk all over Oregon State this year, ac cording to Sam Vahey, rally board publicity chairman. Train to Berkeley Being Considered Tentative plans are l>eing made for a chartered car on the Southern Pacific's Shasta Daylight for the (allfornia Oregon fodthall g a me a t Berkeley, according to Jerry Beall, campus public relations chairman. The game will be Oct. J». Bound trip fan- would be about 28 dollars, Beal! said. Mon* details will lx* an nounced later If sufficient in terest Is shown. Further In formation on the proposed trip may be obtained by calling Beall at Alpha Tau Omega. SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. DAILY & SUNDAYS.. TILL 11:00 13th at High St. P. M. Dial 4-1342 The Webfoot (next to the Mayflower theatre) try Our Special PASTROMI SANDWICH the meat cooked by Infra Red lights Attention: Sororities and Fraternities You are welcome to use our meeting room 774 East 11th Street 'IJou sdre C^ortliaKij ~~3nvitetl ^Jo —Attend the FALL FASHION SHOW... IN OUR WINDOWS TONIGHT, 7:30-8:30 Featuring the Latest in Fashions For Men, Women and Children (To Be Broadcast Directly Over KERG) FASHIONS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY! Show Starts at 12:00 OREGON CLUB BENEFIT SPECIAL MIDNITE SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SEVEN MR. MAGOO CARTOONS ■ ' ■T’^^—■— wmaniMim » Comedy's Funniest Man is g Heref/ as E wrnriinMn .. ^ Fvuer Brush Man Janet Blair co-itarrinf Bm IcSiiii • HtlUff Intki - Mill liifiti • Ins Firi ■ Uiij tutUI Ml Emii SHALL PNDICrill !(IIM|!lf k| (ltd tldlM ll< Itfdl flllMI fm TOP +1 IT! t / / You'll full for her line, too! starring LUCILLE Mi BALL eodie ALBERT Carl Benton Reid • Gals Robbins Jeff Donnell • Jerome Cowan Written by Frank Tashlin • Directed by LLOYD BACON 2860 WILLAMETTE Ipltom 4.4152 DRIVE-IN THEATRE