Lederman Paces Ground Gainers Washington’s Sandy Lederm&n. the third ranking passer in the nation last year, is off to an early lead in both passing and total offense, according to figures re leased this week by the Pacific Coast conference commissioner's office. Lederman completed 17 of 33 passes for 217 yards against Utah Saturday, one more pass than Paul Larson of California com pleted. George Shaw of Oregon ranked fourth among Coast pass ers. completing eight passes last week. Shaw is also fourth in to tal offense, with 152 yards from running and passing to his credit. Primo Villanueva, the UCLA tailback who scored three touch downs against San Diego last High Poll Ratings Given Web foots Oregon’s Ducks enjoyed high standings in two rating polls re leased this week. The first As sociated Press poll of the season listed the Webfoots as the 16th team in the nation. Paul B. Williamson, another rating authority, has given the Green and Yellow squad a 10th position among nation football powers. Oklahoma was named the number one team by the AP, while Williamson had Texas as the top squad in the country. week, leads in that department. Oregon's Dick Janies, Joe Ar nett of USC. and Bill Tarr of Stanford have each scored twice. Sam Brown of UCLA leads in rushing yardage after piling up 108 yards on only eight carries against San Diego Navy. Bill Tarr of Stanford is second with 84 yards. Three receivers, Jim Roake of Washington. Jim Hanifan of Cali fornia, and Jim Carmichael of California, have each caught six passes. James of Oregon and Jim Houston of Washington are close behind with five catches. PCC statistics: Rushing TCB YG YL Net Avg. ! Sam Brown UCLA. .. 9 108 0 108 12.0 ! Bill Tarr, St . 16 84 0 84 4.3 Will Gary, 1 11 71 5 66 6.0 ; Duke Washington, WS 17 66 0 66 3.8 Bruce Ballard. UCLA 3 61 0 61 20.3 } Passing PA PC PI Yds Pet. Td S. Lederman, W 33 17 0 217 .513 1 Paul Larson, C 23 16 0 167 .696 1 John Brodie, St 21 9 0 83 .429 George Shaw, O 15 8 1 157 .533 1 Jim Contratto, SC 13 5 1 195 .385 3 Total Offense Plays Rush Pass Ttl Td Sandy Lederman, W 38 -10 217 207 1 Jim Contratto, SC 13 195 195 3 Paul Larson, C 34 -1 167 166 2 George Shaw, O 10 -5 157 152 1 Sam Brown, UCLA 11 108 0 108 1 Scoring Td Att Pat Tp j Prima Villanueva, UCLA 3 13 Jon Arnett, SC 2 12 Dick James, O 2 12 j Bill Tarr, St 2 12 : | Sam Brown, UC1-A 14 2 8 Receiving ; Steve Roake, W I Jim Hanifan, C Jim Carmichael, C ! Jim Houston, W Dick James, O No. Yds Td 6 85 6 64 1 j 6 62 5 84 1 1 5 50 1 - r; - V. , -- . When you pause...make it count...have a Coke BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Eugene 2000 Franklin Blvd. "Coke" is a registered trade mark. © 1954, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Coast Conference Teams All in Action This Weekend All nine Pacific Coast confer ence teams will go into action this weekend, with two confer ence games and five intersection als scheduled Friday and Satur day. In addition to the Oregon Stanford game ut Multnomah stadium in Portland Saturday night, Idaho will go to Corvallis to meet the Oregon State Bea vers Saturday afternoon. The Idaho game will be the seuson opener for the Beavers, the only conference team which did not play last week. Two other conference teams will sleep outside the conference to meet Western Independents. California, which lost to Okla homa In its opener last week, meets San Jose State at Berke ley Saturday afternoon. tr San Jose beat Utah State last week, but It may have been a disastrous victory. Joe Ulm, who scored 11 touchdowns In four Karnes last year before being ruled ineligible on a technicality, was injured and may be out for the season. Washington State, which ab sorbed a sound beating by USC last week, will meet College of Pacific at Stockton Saturday night. COP also lost its opener, to Stanford. In major Intersections! clashes, the Washington Husk ies, narrow winners over Utah Sports Stall Deslt Editor: Gordon Rice. Staff: Buzz Nelson. Chuck Mitchelmore, Sam Vahey. Iasi week, will play Michigan In Seattle Saturday afternoon. Thi> game will In- thr first of llw season for Michigan. UCLA, which pulverised San Diego Navy last week, la expect ed to get tougher competition thin week from the University of Kansas at Lawrence, Kan*., Saturday afternoon. Kalman lout to Texas Christian In the opener for both teams last week. In the other game this week, USC, which thumped Washington State last week, will meet Pitts burgh Friday night In the Los Angeles Coliseum. 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