Blanks Available For Oxford Study Senior men interested in two or three years of study at Oxford university may file applications for Rhodes scholarships before Oet. 31. Cjuirimis Breen, professor of history, is institutional repre sentative of the scholarships on ! tlie Oregon campus and applica tions should he filed with him. Scholarships ay open to stu dents in the sciences, social sci ences and humanities. The value stipend has been raised from ap proximately $1400 to $1080 this year. r Read Emerald ( InssificdH Shulman to Author Emerald Column Newest columnist for the Km erald is Max Shulman, author of “Barefoot Boy With Cheek," “Feather Merchants,” "Zebra Der by” am! numerous short stories and articles. ' i The column, “On Campus With J Max Shulman," is an advertise ment for Philip Morris, and will j appear weekly throughout the j school year. Shulman is currently at W'ork on an “Anthology of College Hu-’ mor,” soon to be published, as well as a Broadway play, "The Tender Trap." The first Shulman column will appear in the Emerald this Fri day, Sept. 24. Welcome To The Campus Coffee Shop Whether it's a quick snack or an after* noon card session, you'll enjoy yourself in this clean, friendly atmosphere.. Campus Convenient on 13th & Kincaid Read Km<-rald <'lamdflcdw Rend Kmc raid (lashifleds Ink On Fingers . . . Ink On Clothes . . . Ink On Nose . .. Now// . . Put Your Pen In WHACK for School. GET IT C oinpftltfii OVERHAULED 85S Pen Service INCLUDING: Dim wambling, Cleaning, New Ink Sec Adjuiting j NOW OPEN . . ... New Dining and Banquet Room I) II111 11111[ For Reservations BANQUET or DINNER PARTY DIAL 5-9064 i m 1111111 n hi 11 • 4 Individual Banquet Rooms • Banquets Up to 150 Persons • Complete Restaurant Service • Plenty of Free Parking • Open Every Day NEW LYNWOOD CAFE 'A Mi. North of Overpass on 99 N. I Mr Jok ^v ~4nn 3 ^o, T/UWtCM, T)£MMm. B«A|MAR .6^ v' X