University Theater To Limit Ticket Sales For the first time In Its history Ihe University theater will have to limit the sales of season tickets because of an increased demand for seats and a limited number of playing dates. Only 2500 season tickets will be sold this year, ac cording to Mrs. Gene Wiley, the ater business manager. The 1954-55 season will open with a production of Mary Chase’s recent Broadway success, “Bernardino.” The* comedy will open a seven-performance run on Oct. 29. “Bernardine” wll be di rected by Frederick J. Hunter, instructor in speech. The second show will be a clas —_ ——— Evening Classes To Start Monday Adult evening classes, spon sored by the Oregon State Sys tem of Higher Kducation general extension division, will begin Monday. Registration will be taken at the first two class meetings of each course and payment of fees must be completed before the end of the second week of the term. Kaeh class will meet once a week Credit toward college degrees may lie obtained through enroll ment in the courses. Registra tion fee for all students, regard less of academic status, is $fj per credit hour, with the minimum fee $12 per term. Classes offered in the general extension program fall term in clude courses in education, litera ture, business administration, his tory, philosophy, journalism, law, science, social science, art. lan guages, physical education and speech. sic drama in Decemlier under the direction of Horace W. Robinson, associate professor of speech. The firet allow of winter term will be an experimental drama in Janu ary. A modern drama in planned for March. The annual arena theatre production will run in April and the University theater will close its season with the tra ditional musical production. Reason tickets will be on sale through Wednesday on the sec ond floor of the SU and from Wednesday through Saturday in front of Kmerald hall. Tickets are $5 each. Ad Honorary Wins Group's Award The Oregon chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, professional adver tising fraternity, received the Advertising Association of the West's "Double A" award at that group's annual convention this summer, according to Willard Thompson, assistant professor of journalism. The award is presented each year to a junior advertising group for "outstanding achieve ment in promoting a better un derstanding of advertising by the public." The group also received the first annual award for junior clubs outstanding in the promo tion of advertising recognition week. The latter project was done in cooperation with the Dane County Ad club. John Cary, senior in speech, is president of the local chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma. Read Kmerald Classifieds SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meets Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPKX FROM » A.M. DAILY A HONDAYK 13th at High St. TILL 11:00 i: Dial 4-1342 Welcome Students We Are Here to Service You .... Our Two Complete Drug Stores Are Conveniently Located Downtown— 8th & Willamette Campus— 1950 Franklin Blvd. Tryout Scheduled For UT Production “Bernardine,” a recent Broad way comedy by Mary Chase, will be the first production of the Uni verHity theater’s 1954-55 season. Frederick Hunter, Instructor In speech, will Hold tryouts Monday at 7:30 p.m. on the main stage of the University theater In Villard. "Bernardine" deals with the problems of adolescent boys and their attempts to be “big men.” Roles are available for nine men and five women. No experience is necessary and any student may read for a part. Applications for assistant di rector may be made at the speech office on the second floor of Vil lard. Women's Rushing To Start Friday ' Women’s rushing will begin with ari assembly at 9:15 a.m. Friday at Gerlinger hall, while men will sign up for rushing Monday. Open house in all sororities will be held from 10 a m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. Friday. Women's rushing will continue Monday through Sunday, with preference night Saturday and pledge breakfasts at the sorority houses Sunday at 9 a.m. Women will pick up bids each day next week at 12 noon at Ger linger hall. Bids will be handed out Sunday morning in the dor mitories. Men will have their first rush dates Tuesday noon, and prefer ence night is scheduled for Fri day. UT Open House Set for October 3 The University theater has set Oct. 3 j) the date for their an nual open house, according to Mrs. Gene Wiley, theater business manager. Any students interested in theater activities are invited. I $1595 In the tradition of Lief Erickson comes a leather hardy and handsome enough to win praise from even that virile viking. And from the lasts of skilled Weyenberg shoemakers come style-setting shoes care fully crafted of this leather. Notice the stylish boot seamed quarters and inverted seam blucher. Leather lined throughout, with thick leather soles. Come in and try on a pair today. WELCOME STUDENTS Your friendly student supply center is ready to serve you with the best in TEXTBOOKS TRADEBOOKS STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES LAMPS BLOTTERS GYM SHOES CLOCKS PENS CAMERAS DRUG SUNDRIES LEATHER GOODS SPORTING GOODS TYPEWRITERS Shop the "Co-op" and save UNIVERSITY of OREGON CO-OP CHAPMAN HALL